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DB Cooper

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Where the Trail ends I do not know, but my information comes from family and my first hand knowledge and my life with Duane L. Weber.

If Duane was NOT Cooper he spent 17 yrs grooming me for a showing. I do not know exactly how to explain what I am feeling right now and where my thoughts are.

I meet this man in 1977 in Atlanta. I think it started on my birthday that yr at the Hilton. Because my married name sounded so phony and guys would say Yea Sure! I started using my maiden name. Strangely my maiden name is the same as Duane's alias and why the Highway Patrol thought he was my father and not my husband when they knocked on the door in 1990 when Duane had tried to get a drivers license with the name of John Collins - that was also my grandfathers - Duane was VERY interest in my family that night and asked me what my father's and grandfather's name was.

On a flight home from Co to a wedding in Ga. Hides behind a magazine - claiming the girl was an old girlfriend of his and he didn't want to deal with her. It was Florence and we were flying to Atl by Frontier.

We go to the mountains and he goes to this Golf Shop to see an old friend before we go to WA in Sept. The man GIVE him a set of Persimmon Woods.
Duane didn't play golf at that time.

Then in 1979 we make a trip to Seattle WA. A State managers meeting. Duane wants to take an extra day going up...and wants to make Salt Lake by noon and The Dalles for the night.

I had been to Salt Lake and he had many times. He wants to go to the Visitors center - there was a small collection of things in a rear chapel he took me to and tells me to stay there and he would be back in about 10 minutes. Well you guys know that story.

Then He makes a trip to see Paperlegs Petersen in Landon Wy and leave him a package so he said.
I was in a motel in Rock Springs making appts and he drive ALL the way to Landon with some bad weather coming in. At that time I knew nothing about Paperlegs or that Paperlegs lived in Landon, Wy. I would find that out only thru his obit a few yrs ago. We do NOT drive that far without an appt. I was unaware of everything and out trip to Wa a few months behind us.

Then the money is sound in Feb of 1980. Duane did NOT let me read the paper - he took it with him. He does not allow me to see a special and makes arrangements for us to go with another couple to the Holiday Inn where they have a piano bar on a wk day. I remembered because I explained to the woman why I was not very good company. I do NOT know who Duane met this couple.,,they had a dry cleaner there.

Duane suddenly resigns his job and take a position in the South - actually he had NO job when he left other than some people to talk to. I had no contact information for him. He calls me and I never knew were he was calling from. Said he had room in Mobile AL and was going to work there.

Before he goes to AL he wants me to make a day trip with him to Omaha, Nbk. Said he had some business with the man in the bank - actually he had a safe deposit box there and he is only gone 20 minutes - must have paide it forward for 10 yrs.

My daughter is graduating and he comes back to CO. Asked my daugh strange question about her coach and his wife - he was not interested in the past. Had a name same as Tina's, husband.

On his way to AL he claimed he had car problems and bought the Marquis - the Old was just a few months old.
It was brand new.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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***I'm going to post up some short responses to your comments below..........

Lol...that short response thing worked out real well. My eyes are glazing.....Maybe you should hire an editor :) *JOKE*

Like I said before -- though I might as well be talking to the wall -- all anecdotal, no proof -- nothing in your responses changes that fact or the fact that KC has physical hurdles to overcome that you gloss over. You can have the last word if you want cause I'm done. We've beat this dead horse way too many times.

It is now officially the RobertMBlevins-Jo Weber EDITORIAL thread, run by Paul Quade! No resemblance to a Cooper discussion group!

I will open an alternative website in the future where Cooper can once again be discussed - with NEW info.

Blevins and Weber will be denied access.

simple as that.

Geoff Gray was right! I will let Geoff know a new site has been opened ... when the time comes. Geoff may join us.

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In Mobile, Al I learn Duane has a colored past. We meet Tommy Gunn and he called Duane "John". I won't bore you or repeat it - it is in this thread.

On our first trip to New Orleans Duane takes me to a party -I meet some VERY strange people...some VERY high end people - this is were I meet Baby face - a man much younger than Duane who had known him from before....I have always thought I remember his name being Dale. Someone who admired Duane and I also met the man I now know to be Bernie and over heard a strange conversation. The host was a tall light headed man who looked like a man I later learned was connected to Bernie. I am not comfortable talking about this. It makes me nervous.

Another trip passing thru N.Orleans he delivers a package for an old friend who played the trumpet there at a place on the corner.
He tell me the man is not there and we spend the night in N.Orleans and bought a painting and he goes to see a shoe shine man he knew (went alone while I went to a shop). The first thing we did when we walked in to the lobby was he asked if this man was still there and he was told yes, but he was elsewhere in the building. We were on our way to Ms for a Managers meeting. The man is there, but I do not meet him - and now I know it is because the man only knew him a Johnnie Collins or perhaps Dusty.

The bar Duane went to see the trumpet player we go by the next day before we leave - he wasn't in that day but Duane left package for the Trumpet player he knew. The Trumpet player was black man he looked like Duane from pictures I would see many yrs later when the man turned 100 yrs old.
That was in the newspapers about 3 yrs ago.

We make a trip to Atlanta for a meeting for a company we did NOT work for (we only had dinner with them that night). This is when I took the picture of Ed Horan - the blue eyed man I think was one of the brother who went missing in 1962 from Alcatraz. The next day Duane delivers a package for this wealthy man out of Tx to another man in Atlanta...a man who looked like a million dollar - and lots of diamonds and a beautiful wife and a stately condo. They did NOT transact their business in front of me. I saw No PACKAGE unless it was in Duane's vest pocket.

We end up back in Atl in 1983 and my daughter went with us. Nothing eventful about that time then we go to Virginia Beach, Va. While living in Atlanta Duane take me to a jeweler there - but, I had stayed in the car and then he comes and gets me and tells me the man wanted to meet me - he was an old friend. He compliments me and tell Duane he has done a great job. I do not remember the name of the jewelry story or the man's name. Expect Duane was peddling HOT jewelry with all that I know about him now.

Sorry guys! Am I doing a Blevins thing. I was ready to hang this up the other day and here come those criminal records and now I think I should TRY to do a chronological thing before it is time to go. Let me know later if you want me to continue and where I left off. Very tired right now - and guess what there are no letters left on my key board. I am tired and I hurt.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I was trying to wind down and lots of criminal records were presented by Mrshutter - it has been a shocking and eye opening experience learning about the past of Weber.

I am totally surprised by your obvious disconcern for the well being of anyone. but yourself. I felt what they were doing was trying to help me thur this. All I am doing now is a summary of my life with Weber or whoever the hell he was! You are the only JERK on here - perhaps it is YOUR eyes which need to be opened or are they CLOSED by the high ranking with which you were associated. Look at your hands - there is dirt beneath your finger nails.

Someday before I go - I will expose you and you know that!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hey Jo,

When I was retrieving that St Pete article earlier, I noticed a Circuit Court blurb that said "Case # 2811 - Duane Weber, Plaintiff vs Degussa Corp, defendant; seeks no specified damages in connection with personal injury suit" -
It was in 1988 - was that your Duane? Do you know the outcome?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The real McCoy's story is strange enough without the added BK interjections and Rambo pictures

At this point McCoys real story... is one long ass hallucination in someones mind... and one long smorgasbord for the little critters in the ground.

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I wouldn't JOIN a forum where you were the admin. Maybe Shutter. Maybe Bruce Smith. Maybe even Robert99. These are even-tempered, impartial people who would make good admins.

Blevins, I don't think you have any qualifications to make a statement like that.


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Hey Jo,

When I was retrieving that St Pete article earlier, I noticed a Circuit Court blurb that said "Case # 2811 - Duane Weber, Plaintiff vs Degussa Corp, defendant; seeks no specified damages in connection with personal injury suit" -
It was in 1988 - was that your Duane? Do you know the outcome?

In 1988 is when we moved to Florida, but I don't know about any lawsuit. He did fall, but that was yrs later at a convenience store. Do you know the area of this Degussa Corp and what kind of company they are. We were married but, he never mentioned anything about filing a lawsuit. If he did that might explain money that appeared in 1990. Curious? How do I find out about this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I know quite a bit about all of you, except you Robert. Heard you were a pilot, and have flown the large-scale stuff from time to time. ;)

Blevins, You heard wrong. My personal piloting time has been in general aviation and sports aircraft. About 1/3 to 1/2 of my time has been in single seat aircraft.

My experiences with bigger and faster aircraft has been as an aeronautical engineer.


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***Hey Jo,

When I was retrieving that St Pete article earlier, I noticed a Circuit Court blurb that said "Case # 2811 - Duane Weber, Plaintiff vs Degussa Corp, defendant; seeks no specified damages in connection with personal injury suit" -
It was in 1988 - was that your Duane? Do you know the outcome?

In 1988 is when we moved to Florida, but I don't know about any lawsuit. He did fall, but that was yrs later at a convenience store. Do you know the area of this Degussa Corp and what kind of company they are. We were married but, he never mentioned anything about filing a lawsuit. If he did that might explain money that appeared in 1990. Curious? How do I find out about this.

I guess just because it was filed doesn't mean it ever actually went to court, but I would imagine there would be a record of the filing and subsequent happenings.. On their website - Circuit Civil Division, they have a downloadable pdf records request form. I can pm it to you if you'd like. Here.... http://13jc.alacourt.gov/clerkCircuitCivil.html

mobile Register September 30, 1988.

[inline lawsuit_zoom.jpg]
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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RobertBlevins said:

About the company Jo was asking about: I think it's a chemical company, based out of Germany with US outlets. This is Google stuff only, and a very quick look at that. One of their former subsidiaries once manufactured Zyklon B.

They are Evonix now. Large, global organization. The company's largest Northwest HQ is based in Mobile......

Mobile hx:

Inventions page:
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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RobertBlevins said:


About the company Jo was asking about: I think it's a chemical company, based out of Germany with US outlets. This is Google stuff only, and a very quick look at that. One of their former subsidiaries once manufactured Zyklon B.

They are Evonix now. Large, global organization. The company's largest Northwest HQ is based in Mobile......

Mobile hx:

Inventions page:

lol....Check out the date..what is it about Thanksgiving in the 70s? :)"As the first excavators rolled up in 1974 to reclaim a 160 hectare site near the town of Mobile in Alabama/ USA for a new location, Degussa AG was once again heading in a new direction. Unlike many German chemical companies, Degussa had decided not to buy into the US American chemical business, but to set itself up against competition in North America and the rest of the world with its own local production facility and its own technologies. Degussa Alabama Inc. was established specifically for this purpose on November 26, 1973."
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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You can access court files on line here


Duane Weber case is on there.... cost is 9.99 for case details and 21.99 for case details and images. But it might not be your Duane -- Note There is a middle initial "R" -- so, unless you just want to roll the dice for 9.99 on the chance that the R was a typo, another alias, or just wrong, you might want to see if there is a Duane R Weber in Mobile -
eta -Actually - strike that - this Weber could have been from anywhere - they might have filed in Mobile because that's where the company was based. I think I'd save my money - wouldn't mean a lot to the DB Cooper issue anyway if it was Duane L.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I chased something about a Duane L. Weber in CO one time - and actually found the man. Forgot what it was about, but it wasn't my Duane L. Weber. Think I will pass!

Thanks anyway! :)

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I chased something about a Duane L. Weber in CO one time - and actually found the man. Forgot what it was about, but it wasn't my Duane L. Weber. Think I will pass!

Thanks anyway! :)

Jo said:

Mobile Register - 1988 - doubt it was the Duane Weber I knew. We lived in Fl but, we did live part of the yr in upper Alabama and if the Mobile Tribune is in Mobile Al - probably not. Cannot imagine what it could have been.

Like the Duane Weber I found in Co that was not my Weber. Forgot what it was I had researched, but I found out it was NOT him. Google - that is why I don't Google. It googles the mind.

I doubt that it is your Duane also. See most recent post.

It's not google's fault when people jump to conclusions. It's just information but like anything else - folks can't just jump on the first thing they see without reading it and making sure it's valid info.
You learn that real quick when researching genealogy - you can go off in the wrong direction very easily if you're not careful -- or if you blindly trust that other people have done the proper research. Wastes a lot of time.
...Plus Google's a lot less fun than hanging out in dusty old courthouse basements going through old documents. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Life is not so easy anymore maybe it is just the medication messing with my co-ordination. The last few wks, I feel so clumsy. I drop everything I pick-up and my hand writing has gotten terrible in just a few short weeks.

Lots of confusion about simple things I have done very day for most of my life. Nothing seems to work right and now my legs are swelling. I am on a really heavy dose of prednisone, but I have had that before and I do not remember being like this.

I knew I had been slowing down since the surgeries and thought I would get my strength back - but I just keep going down. Let me tell you guys - the GOLDEN yrs are NOT what they are cracked up to be!

I intend to try to finish my posting of my life with Weber - at least they will be there when someday someone finally decides that NO one but Weber could have been Cooper. I know he was and if he wasn't he knew who was.






The Duane I knew cared about people and helped them. All of the things he did for others he did not have to do. The way he was with young people (teenagers and young employees) was amazing.
He had a REAL soft heart - just cannot believe he spent so much time in prisons...what a hard life and why - what caused it and why did he change his life - how did he become what he became?

The young man we met in New Orleans - I thought he had a baby face and probably younger than myself. I could not understand when and where this young man and Duane could have been friends. Duane would give you the shirt off it back - but not his rings!

The way he handled the young man in the bar in Co who got out of hand - making everyone think he had a gun and when the young man walked up and apologized to Duane for his actions toward me when I tried to get thru to the ladies room.

That young man thought Duane had a gun and I think everyone in there did.,,the bar went silent when Duane came back from the car. The guy said he was going home and Duane reached up and put his hands on his shoulders and said "Young man I think that is a good idea". When the young man walked out of the bar - Duane reached inside of his leather dress jacket and laid on the bar the largest screw driver I had ever seen.

That Bar ROARED! The man who played the steel guitar and his wife who sang and played a reg guitar started playing a song...I don't remember what it was - but, it was appropriate. Like Don't Take Your Gun To Town.

Let if go with a good memory for tonight - I have told that story, before, but I love it because it was the Duane I knew - I didn't know Duane the ex-con.

I do KNOW with all of MY heart and soul he was Cooper or he was involved - perhaps he buried Cooper. Only one man or one survivor could have gotten away with this crime. If there were 2 and both survived the secret would have been out a long time ago.

Frankly I think it comes down to what he told me "I'm Dan Cooper".
Why did he say that! Why didn't he say D.B.Cooper - because he did NOT identify with DB, but he did with Dan. Why did he choose the name Dan. Note that men who use aliases often use the initials they have used before.

Duane L. Weber
John Dusty Collins
John Carson Collins
Johnnie Collins

Cooper chose a name he was comfortable with and one he associated with fire and fear and used the man's last name - the man whose teachings could have saved the men at Missoula. Why was Duane so involved with this Missoula thing. He said he knew a couple of the men that were there, but he didn't say which ones...I don't even remember when the Missoula fire was - I am forgetting dates now and forget trying to balance the check book!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins, For someone who claims they don't even know if their book is correct about KC and who claims they don't even want to talk about KC now, you continue to do an excellent job of talking about KC and pushing your book. Do you see a disconnect between your claims and actions? Of course you don't! You just claim that you are getting rich from all those book sales.



It's so blatantly obvious Blevins is using this forum to push book sales. He needs to be permanently banned from the forum. This is such a blatant breach of forum protocol. Name one other person who is here only for monetary gain. That's right, there's only one, Robert Blevins.


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NONE of you have addressed any of these allegations with anything that even RESEMBLES common sense. Let me know when you do.

This statement explains everything. You truly do not read anyone else's posts..:)LOL.....now you know your statement is simply not true. You've had numerous facts debunked, and there have been plenty of common sense AND viable alternate explanations for all of the Kenny Christiansen circumstantial speculations.
Just because you don't agree with them does not mean that they haven't been put forth or make sense.
And as we all know about second, third, and fourth hand witnesses and their forty year old memories, well let's just say the combination of memory over time plus the thrill of being associated with anything Cooper tends to poison that well just a wee bit. Lol...all those people Kenny helped out....it's just a shame that poor ol Kenny's not here to defend himself while they throw him under the bus. :D. :D

Your post is full of generalizations on Christiansen. The witnesses I interviewed were not 'second or third hand,' they were either people who knew him for decades, or actually LIVED with him.

None of these people 'threw Kenny under the bus,' either. Did you even READ the KC report? Or are you just assuming things. Helen Jones practically threw me off her front porch for even hinting Kenny could have been Cooper. Later, she gave extremely good testimony on his whereabouts over Thanksgiving 71 and told me: 'How could he have done such a thing...' Sound like under the bus to you?

Margaret Geestman tried every trick in the book for six straight interviews to protect Kenny. Why? Because they were friends and she liked him. It wasn't until her final interview that she finally admitted Kenny was the one with her husband that week. And that they were (at least initially) at the property in Oakville. And yes...they probably pulled off the hijacking. After that, she sold off her ranch and left town.

Do you think that all of these people...Marisa Kagan, Dawn Andrusko, Jones, Margie Geestman, and Carolyn Tyner are lying? What would motivate them to lie? Have you even bothered to check out their stories for yourself? Why take just MY word on it? I have already said that I would provide the full contact information for all these people to the right person or persons. For example...Bob Knoss is not the right person, which is why if anyone wants that info they have to ask me privately. I'm not putting it out on the internet either on a forum or a document. I have to keep track of who gets it, and WHY they want it. This seems sensible with all the Cooper Nuts out there. I've already provided the non-edited version to a couple of people. One is Brad Meltzer. The other is a reporter. And two of the Decoded cast I think.

You make a lot of assumptions about the interviews, the witnesses. And you are wrong on all those assumptions. There are two living people who know the truth on Kenny, but they aren't saying. One is Bernie Geestman. The other is his ex-wife. One is laying low and saying nothing. The other has traded in her ranch for a condo and left town. I wouldn't be surprised if by now they have compared notes. It's been a while since the s%$t hit the fan on them.

How to prove whether or not KC and Geestman were the perps involved in 305? I've always said the same thing, but it is beyond my power to do:

Simply put Helen Jones, Geestman's sister Dawn Andrusko, and Margie Geestman in one room, and Bernie Geestman in the adjoining room.

Present Mr Geestman with testimony from these women that he was with Kenny and missing the week of the crime.

Show him the little clip from Decoded where he says Kenny could be the hijacker.

And then ask him why he said that...when he was WITH Kenny at the time of the crime. Very simple. You could toss in the house purchase from the Grimes' couple (he was the Best Man at their wedding) and the loan to his sister Dawn (which he delivered) as frosting on the interview cake. Lay the documents on the table. He would probably come to Jesus fairly quickly about what really happened regarding he and KC. Maybe it was the hijacking. Maybe not. But that's the easy way to find out.


Well, Blevins, I see you have done your doo-doo diligence in the KC matter ..... again. MeyerLouie

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***I'm going to post up some short responses to your comments below..........

Lol...that short response thing worked out real well. My eyes are glazing.....Maybe you should hire an editor :) *JOKE*

Like I said before -- though I might as well be talking to the wall -- all anecdotal, no proof -- nothing in your responses changes that fact or the fact that KC has physical hurdles to overcome that you gloss over. You can have the last word if you want cause I'm done. We've beat this dead horse way too many times.


On December 4, 2007, CKRET wrote:

"Chistiansen was dismissed because the only part of his physical description that matches Coopers is that he is male. There were other items as well, one of them was that he was a NW fight attendant. It does not fit...that a NW stew would hijack a flight associated in his area of operation. The chance someone would recognize him immediately would be too great. On top of that the chance someone that works for NW would have said, "Cooper looks like that guy I worked with, you Kenny?" which never happened."

All of your circumstantial anecdotes about Geetsman, the woman with three horses abreast, and everything else KC gets about as much attention from the FBI as your KC report does in the bottom of a bird cage getting pooped on. The only similarity to Cooper is that they were both male?? I wouldn't count on getting any Christmas cards from the FBI this year.

Maybe it's time to give it up, move on, get permanently banned, Pilgrim. You've made your money, we've all heard your fairy tale a million times. Okay then, bye bye now.


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******I'm going to post up some short responses to your comments below..........

Lol...that short response thing worked out real well. My eyes are glazing.....Maybe you should hire an editor :) *JOKE*

Like I said before -- though I might as well be talking to the wall -- all anecdotal, no proof -- nothing in your responses changes that fact or the fact that KC has physical hurdles to overcome that you gloss over. You can have the last word if you want cause I'm done. We've beat this dead horse way too many times.

It is now officially the RobertMBlevins-Jo Weber EDITORIAL thread, run by Paul Quade! No resemblance to a Cooper discussion group!

I will open an alternative website in the future where Cooper can once again be discussed - with NEW info.

Blevins and Weber will be denied access.

simple as that.

Geoff Gray was right! I will let Geoff know a new site has been opened ... when the time comes. Geoff may join us.


No Blevins, no Jo. That opens up 53% of the air time to get real discussion on the Cooper case -- and not just fairly tales, anecdotes, circumstantial coincidences, and fuzzy memories about what may have been. That would be a better world. I could support such a cause.


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I'm all for exploring all suspects, both known and unknown. In the case of Duane Weber, this is done in two ways.

Timeline establishment in the years before the hijacking. Shutter has done a lot of work on this.

Timeline and history establishment for the years 1969-1972 or so.

With Weber, I have seen a lot of dancing around on events long BEFORE the hijacking, and for some time AFTER the hijacking.

As the lady said in the famous commercial: 'Where's the beef?'

Some information, no matter how limited, must be provided on Weber within a year or two of the crime. Names, associates, addresses, work history (this last is IMPORTANT because you can trace people the person knew and verify other things). Any SS records showing employment here or there would help. Not in 1962 or 1978, but within a narrow window of when the hijacking occurred. 70-72 would be good. Why aren't any Weber SS-based employment records available for this period? You have to put bread on the table somehow.

Let's make this easier and give it a context. Where was Weber and what was he doing when the first Moon landing happened? When the Beatles announced they were disbanding? Apollo 13? Prison riot at Attica? Lowering voting age to 18? All those things occurred between 1969-1971.

You can't just skip over the closest years to the actual crime regarding Weber's history and then try to establish a case. That's my opinion, anyway.

I'm sure Jo will speak to this and, no doubt, tell you to RTT :) In bold colors!! :)
To give credit when due- She has presented stuff (including-employment records) from those years and, if not mistaken, has talked to various co-workers employers, etc.. You can use the search function to read relevant posts if interested.

I might be wrong but I think part of what she is trying to do with earlier years is put Duane in a parachute and show he was familiar with the area. Though I agree a bit of timeline organization to the narrative would be nice.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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News is that TIGHAR is excited about a sonar image that " might" be Amelia Earhart's plane. It will be sad if it turns out she was actually on an island and died while trying to send out radio signals that were missed or disregarded as pranks.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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***I know quite a bit about all of you, except you Robert. Heard you were a pilot, and have flown the large-scale stuff from time to time. ;)

Blevins, You heard wrong. My personal piloting time has been in general aviation and sports aircraft. About 1/3 to 1/2 of my time has been in single seat aircraft.

My experiences with bigger and faster aircraft has been as an aeronautical engineer.


My experiences are jumping out of the bigger and faster aircraft...as well as the slow ones:) and having interesting "fun" once I am back on way too terra firma:ph34r:

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News is that TIGHAR is excited about a sonar image that " might" be Amelia Earhart's plane. It will be sad if it turns out she was actually on an island and died while trying to send out radio signals that were missed or disregarded as pranks.

This is just part of TIGHAR's annual fund raising campaign. There is no believable evidence that Amelia was headed anywhere but Howland Island. During her last radio transmissions, she was close to Howland and trying to find it, while saying she was low on fuel. The flight down to the TIGHAR site would have taken another three hours and she simply didn't have fuel to get there. Not to mention that there are a number of other islands closer to Howland than Gardner.

A few years ago, TIGHAR was claiming to have found a heel from Amelia's shoe. More recently, they claimed to have found a "freckle cream" jar similar to ones Amelia reportedly used. Last year, it was a "wheel" sticking up out of the water and now it is a blip on a sonar map. Next year? Who knows?


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Robert Blevins - remember I posted the employment for Duane Weber that was known during those yrs - on this thread. Duane was always on the Go and he and his wife were very unstable with employment. I have the stories she told about that period which are also here.

I cannot sit very long at a time, but you can - so READ BACK! You find them - I am not going to dig into those files AGAIN and try to type that stuff. They are faded and hard to read and since the wife is on there I cannot make them public info except for his employment.

Their personal life was fly by the seat of their pants and not something most people experience. I would NOT have wanted to have known him in those yrs.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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