
Which is the best DZ you ever visited?

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Of course, there's no place like my favorite, Skydive Houston, which is home (listed as Waller in the link)

I did a unique index from my logbook of every different place I landed a parachute and put it HERE. Some of these places were demos and such. My favorites are Moss Point, Skydive Dallas, West TN during the good old days of $99, Bishop Ranch (RIP), Eloy during the Holiday Boogie, and Gladewater, Texas. :)
Quincy, Couch Freaks (Ft. Dodge) and Rantoul, of course.

The very best places for beer light activity were.

1.Decatur, Texas in the 80s. Here's to the DUKE!
2.Aggies over Texas
3.Forney, Texas
4.Skydive San Antoinio
5.Skydive Texas

Currently one is hard pressed to find the kind of post jump stuff we engaged in at some of those places.

Aggies over Texas used to get their students all relaxed (read BEER) sitting in a circle telling "No shit, there I was... stories" THEN the JM would tell the REST of the story.

At old Decatur there was nude beacon tower climbing.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Best building and Grounds: Chicago.
Best Vibe: Z-hills
Best for training: DeLand and Eloy after the tunnel
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I have only ever jumped at 3 DZ's and they were all awesome. Perris is my home DZ and I love it, I've been also jumping at Elsinore cuz they have female LO's and coaches and lots of free instruction for newbies, and I just attended the Eloy boogie and it was a great DZ, Airspeed for coaching and video on jumps, but it was a boogie, don't know if you get airspeed LOing and Mike McGowen on video all the time. Anyway, I'd have to say Perris cuz it's my home DZ and has a lot to offer, wind tunnel, RW camps, great coaches, etc.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Well I cant give my opinion to only one of the DZ's Ive been too

Astmosphere, luxuries, and hospitality: Skydive Chicago; we arrived late at night, found our room (which was nicer than any hotel Ive been too, might I had) and had a nice welcoming note on the door. Next day, unfortunately it rained all day, so Missy gave us a complete tour of the facilites (took about 2 hrs). She and Rook are two of the most hospitable people I have ever met!!!! They both went out of their way to treat us like they had known us forever!

Skydive City in Z-hills is my home DZ, and is by far my favorite. There are so many reasons why that it would take forever to list them all, but in short, it is a well-rounded DZ offering nearly everthing for any jumper, old to new....

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I've jumped in 33 states and in Rio De Janeiro onto Ipanema Beach (outstanding view). Most of the DZ's I hit were great, some were not so great. But they all offer different scenery from the sky. But the best DZ on the ground would have to be the place I started. United Parachute Club in Pa.(no longer there unfortunately). The nicest people and the most KICK ASS PARTIES I've ever seen.

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well skydive virginia in louisa is my fav - since that is my home. :ph34r:

of the dzs i've visited (css, orange, moss point, west point, cross keys, atlanta, zhills, and deland.... well... and rantoul) i'd have to say it's a toss up between skydive atlanta and cross keys.

both dzs have a great atmosphere, really friendly people, nice facilities, and are well run. i'm going to have to visit both dzs more this year to make a more informed decision. B|

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AFF-I with 5000 jumps you're talking about wasn't out of his slot.

Now Dave......I've seen Tim try to fly the advanced frogman position from 1985 and he can't do it!! Oh, wait.....that's right that went out of style 20 years ago...evolution is a scary thing for some people. I remember watching people backslide way away from me some time ago...wait, maybe that was me!

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The "old" Skydive Amerika in Pahokee, before it was Skydive SoBe.. This place really kicked some asses.. There was a vibe you can't describe easily with words. I hope this place opens up again sometime.

I would have to agree and add to your statement. The "new" SoBe was just as amazing. Vibe, visuals, aircraft........all gone again. That airport is DZ cursed. Hopefully, when I make it back down to FL, it will be again.

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Xenia rocks, for sure. Still like my home DZ best--Jerry's skydiving circus, Franklin, IN
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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Best DZ by far is Skydive Green County at Xenia, Ohio. Worst by far is in Northern Ohio, Aerohio.

Bill Cole D-41

WOW!!! That's not what you said last year......here's your post... do you remember?


Yesterday I got my first jump since July 2000, at a fabulous drop zone, AerOhio.

We went out at 14500 ft, with videographer Alan and the DZO Tim, Did a three way, some 360s and another 3 way.

Talk about a shot of adrenalin...this was an overdose.

So beautiful....

My heartfelt thanks to the two guys mentioned and others who got me back onto the rails in the sky.

Bill Cole D-41

Don't take a grudge against somebody because they have an interest in your safety. And publicly bashing a dropzone because they were concerned with your safety is just dumb. Say what you want to about Tim, but you can't knock his skills. Maybe you would be getting around a little better if you were willing to listen to other people. If you think that you have it all figured out with 900 jumps......well, i'll just say that I have three times that and realize I STILL have tons to learn about jumping and still learn everyday.
..sorry to everybody else on this tread for getting OT.. I just can't stand people bashing a dz who was using good judgment.

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I dont know about Toledo Oregon but Toledo Washington just an hour north of the border just off I-5 is listed here. GREAT VIEWS into the crater of Mt St Helens from altitude.

Good people and they have a TURBINE now.. called GONZO. Its a C-207 with a turbine added for a REALLLLY long nose.

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ive been to perris, elsinore, eloy, kapowsin, toledo and my home dz skydive oregonh. by far my favorite dz is my home. my home base. SKYDIVE OREGON !!!!!!
its breath taking views of 5 10,000ft plus snow capped mountains, newest twin otters in the skydiving world and great people. 200 foot man made swoop pond is like a swimming pool.
p.s. its also the safest dz ive jumped at.

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