
Skydiving Dangerous?

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OK I am opening up a BIG can of worms here but here goes:

When properly executed, skydiving is safer than driving your car.

Wheee! Troll on a roll!
I just don't buy it. Give me numbers and maybe I'll change my mind.

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You guys are funny, well some of you anyway. Others have trouble with reading and comprehension. If you have a collision in freefall - someone didn't execute properly - hard opening - same thing - canopy collision - ditto - collision with the ground - duh. I don't have figures but it stands to reason - there are less idiots in the air than there are on the road. Edit to add: And more room to aviod them.

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He's right. Skydiving isn't dangerous at all. Why, you're less safe in your own home than you are at the drop zone.

All those incident reports? Made up. The videos of people getting injured or even killed? Faked. The stories other jumpers tell of seeing people get injured or killed? Tall tales. That injury or fatality you thought you saw? Special effects.

It's a conspiracy, see? A big marketing ploy. In an ultra-secret program the USPA, in conjunction with the PIA, CSPA, APF, BPA, DZ's around the world, Sky Trash, the Canopy Nazis and certain members of the Freak, Muff and Rodriguez Brothers, is performing mind control on jumpers all over the world in an attempt to make skydiving seem to be a dangerous and "extreme" sport.

Don't tell anybody though. It's not supposed to be common knowledge.

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Everything is dangerous. You can wake up in the morning, roll out of bed, twist you foot, fall and break your neck, so, sleeping in beds is dangerous?

If your number is up, no matter what you're doing or where, you can just die.

Besides, like I always say, Death is part of life.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Bwahaha! Everyone read Lisa's explanation before higher powers remove it from the forum!
But seriously, here's a different question; given the nature of most skydiving accidents, as compared to car accidents, wouldn't you say that the "you can do everything right and still die" argument holds more for the latter than it does for the former?

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I knew it. I thought I was the only one that could see past there thin veil.>:(:S USPA, NSA, Illuminati, they are all in it together. Just when you think you can get into an activity and get away from the NWO and the World Bank.:S:S>:(:S:S They are just trying to weed out the free thinkers. The ones that question authority. Damnit hahahaha damnit damnit fuzzy hahahaha damnit!!!!!

Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

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How about if the driving is properly "executed" too?

I know way more drivers than skydivers, but the skydiving fatalities among my acquaintances are in the lead by 300%.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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All those incident reports? Made up. The videos of people getting injured or even killed? Faked. The stories other jumpers tell of seeing people get injured or killed? Tall tales. That injury or fatality you thought you saw? Special effects.

It's a conspiracy, see? A big marketing ploy. In an ultra-secret program the USPA, in conjunction with the PIA, CSPA, APF, BPA, DZ's around the world, Sky Trash, the Canopy Nazis and certain members of the Freak, Muff and Rodriguez Brothers, is performing mind control on jumpers all over the world in an attempt to make skydiving seem to be a dangerous and "extreme" sport.

You sound like the Iraqi Information Minister.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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>When properly executed, skydiving is safer than driving your car.

From a project I did a few years ago, skydiving is safer than having two beers (i.e. still legal but have alcohol in you) and then driving, per skydive/drive. So your statement is true under _some_ conditions. It also depends on how you define "one event." Is one drive (start to finish) equal to one skydive? Is it minutes in the air vs minutes behind the wheel? If that's the case, skydiving is way more dangerous than driving. I've only been in the air for 220 hours so far (skydiving) but have driven in excess of 10,000 hours.

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Well..huh..huh..uh....driving sucks...skydiving is like the bomb ya know... its all statistics folks...bottom line seems there are less crazy skydivers in the air than behind the wheels of crazed whuffos... :D

The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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Can't you do everything right in a car and still die?

DWI, Sleepy drivers, etc

That's what I was saying. Most skydiving accidents happen because you make a mistake. In a car, you can get hurt or killed just because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Paying for someone else's mistake is probably less likely in skydiving.

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You can do EVERYTHING right in the sport of skydiving and still DIE. Not just from another careless person. I read here on the forums about a guy who when he tossed, a line caught somehow on a grommet, caused a horseshou, he cutaway and pulled reserve and they entangled. He died. He did everything right, he had a perfect position on opening, he followed the proper emergency procedured and he still died. About the only way this could have been avoided is by doing a complete comprehensive inspection of your gear before each and every jump...and that isn't going to happen. And even then, I don't know if that would have helped.

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Yeah, I knew I should have used italics again. I said most skydiving accidents, by which I definitely did not mean all. I meant that when you get hurt in skydiving, it's probably more likely to be because of your own mistake than when you get hurt in car accident.

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>About the only way this could have been avoided is by doing a
> complete comprehensive inspection of your gear before each and
> every jump...and that isn't going to happen.

If he had done that inspection _once_ it would have caught the issue. I know a great many skydivers who have _never_ done a comprehensive inspection on their gear, and I know riggers who have missed reserve and harness damage when repacking reserves. Inspect that gear!

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My SOP is to always do a gear check for people getting in the plane and I get one myself. One good one for sure at the beginning of the day.

As far as Skydiving being safer than driving a car, I believe it. I often tell new jumpers or people I am talking to about Skydiving that the most dangerous thing is the ride to the airport. Of course this is not always true, but think of the number of people you know who have been in a car accident compared to the number of people in a skydiving accident. I know people who have died in both, but it is just something to think about.

You can make Skydiving as safe or as dangerous as you want!!!!!

John D-24352

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