
How do you define a stand up landing?

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My question is fairly simple and might sound dumb. How do you define a stand up landing?
Does it mean the mere fact of landing on your feet regardless of form and not eating it?
Or is a stand up landing a gracefull tip toe landing that doesn't need to be walked off...

"We see the world just the way we are...

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If I roll to my feet at the end of the PLF, that counts, right? ;)

Seriously, stand up means standing...you may have to take a few steps, you may have to run like hell, but you end up on your feet. The graceful, tippy-toe landings are pretty rare, depending on your preferred mode of transportation...
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if you are able to walk away without a noticeable limp, able to hide any pain, able to crack a joke, not scare EVERYone watching and do not need to replace the divot you probably can count it as a standup, of sorts.

ps if you're not wearing any part of the planet it was probably a standup.

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That is what I thought...
The reason I am asking is because I have landed on my feet on 65 out of 66 jumps I have made so far ( the one miss was jump number 3 where my instructor told me to land in a specific direction that also happened to be downwind B|)
Sure some of my landing were not super gracious but never ended on my ass nonetheless.

Reading that so many people try to stand up there landings I tought the standards were higher.

"We see the world just the way we are...

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I hear you about not getting too cocky/confident.
I know that letting your ego run away in this sport is a bad deal!

There is a fine line between self confidence and letting your balls get in the way of staying safe.
I think if more people were aware of this, injuries would be reduced...

"We see the world just the way we are...

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Eh, I survived being better in freefall than I was at landing a canopy. And the side benefit was I got real good at PLF's

Unfortunately i'm a master of the butt slide. Damn near 800 jumps and i still have trouble landing on my feet. The good news is i have a "coach" lined up in January to help me work on my landings.


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No not really!!!
I still can't freefall for shit :P, but at least it seems I can land somewhat decently and safely.
I think I like it like that.
It's better than the other way around.B|

I dunno about that. A friend of mine has a Nationals RW medal and was on the womens' RW world record, and she PLFs about 20% of the time. I don't think she'd swap her world record for a 100% stand up performance.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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My question is fairly simple and might sound dumb. How do you define a stand up landing?
Does it mean the mere fact of landing on your feet regardless of form and not eating it?
Or is a stand up landing a gracefull tip toe landing that doesn't need to be walked off...

As long as no one see's you eat dirt...its a stand up.
Get up fast before they look.;)

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seek formal canopy coaching if you're having problems with your landings. Hell, get canopy coaching even if your landings are fine!

Theres a lot a canopy coach can help you with that just the experienced guys at your DZ might not be able to notice in your landings.

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Stand up = Any landing that doesn't involve reaching and spiriling into the ground. B|

Thankfully I'm over that. The technique I used for my first few good landings was half brake it in and flare. Then as you get better a few times and gain better judgement, let it all the way out like you are supposed to and then flare. I've got 14 jumps now and the last 8 have been perfect.

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I have done this really cool as slide landing where just before I come to a complete stop I lift up my left foot and plant my heel and the momentum lifts me back up and I am standing. Kind of like a baseball slide but on my ass not my hip. The first time I did it was because I goofed up the landing, but then I did it cause it was just downright fun. Of course every thought I looked like a goober but hey I was enjoying it and since I ended up ON my feet I call it a stand up landing.:PB|

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