
Low Birdman Pullk Vid

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The website was posted to look at over in the photography section and I was poking around. Found one titled "Birdman Low Pull or something like that.. I cant read the reviews since I dont speak ".dk" that is, but my translation is something like


I dont think I need to describe it if you watch it but it is, welll , watch it to see.... My guess is it was a slider up base rig opening but still WOW 20meters with the open canopy maybe????

Scott C.

I wanted to add a skydiving related question and am curious as to the response you might have. He was low and Slow but still way above what I would call a landable glide. Other then the thoughts of the opening altitude, or lack there of, you might have what does it make you think about pushing the limits in the sport?? I see it being a push, push, push but then somethings gonna happen to somebody.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I saw a video in may shot from the ground - I don't know if it is the same one but it was a Birdman / Wingsuit jump and he pulled at 70ft...

You can see the canopy open and it is more or less open when he lands...:o

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Im looking at that video....and just about after I lift my jaw off the floor Im thinking really....
How long will it be before someone designs a suit/system that someone is going to attempt a landing with ( without parachute)
Maybe we will see the first one over water.....

But crikey....how long do you think?

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Maybe we will see the first one over water.....

Nope ... how about on a mountain slope with the jumper trained in ski jumping and wearing skiis with their wingsuit. Maybe have a BASE rig along for the ride if their wingsuit flight doesn't go as planned.:)

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But repeat after me ... BASE jumping is not skydiving ... do not confuse the two ... :o

I realize that this was probably not a skydiving exit on this stunt. Also after looking at the opening a few times it looks like a base rig with no D-bag but that is really out the window when it comes to Base vs. skydiving with wingsuits and in this case (IMHO). Either way the jumper is well past the time it would take to terminal and he was fully involved with his wingsuit flying as seen in his flight path. Airplane exit or cliff exit I dont think it matters in this situation. Makes no difference at all.

That said and differneces in the two sports aside the timming is amazing, looks to get full presurization, or somewhat full at touchdown. Go a second later in the pull or fumble on the pull at all the guy is at the very least hurt..... Looks like no flare at all also.

Back to the Skydiving or BASE issue and why I think it is irrelevant here. I have seen people put a base main in a skydiving rig (TSO'ed dual parachute harness system) to be legal for a jump out of a plane in the US. What difference does the exit point make if the canopy can go in a set up for either. The guy has bigger balls then me. In fact monster sized bigger balls then most people I would bet. The fact is he was frikking low and did not leave much room for error... again HOLY SHIT :o:o:o:o:o

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I have seen people put a base main in a skydiving rig (TSO'ed dual parachute harness system) to be legal for a jump out of a plane in the US. What difference does the exit point make if the canopy can go in a set up for either.

It's not the exit point that matters, it's the container system.

Even with a BASE canopy, a skydiving rig is not a BASE rig. There's a far greater potential for malfunction introduced by the container system itself.

I'm pretty sure he used a WS-Xtreme (BASE rig) for that jump.
-- Tom Aiello

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HAHA, it's funny reading all the posts an assumptions, when knowing all the answers. I was there looking at it alive.

Well it sure was awesome, you could count his fingers from the ground, cause he was flying that close to the ground. Not to mention the whistling noise he was making in the flyby over the crowd.

And no he didn't flare, he was too low to open his zippers on the arms of the wingsuit as you can see:S:D

Oh and the rig is base rig he regulary jumps, i think.
"George just lucky i guess!"

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You sure that was a cliff jump? He had alot of freefall time.

I'm pretty sure it was an airplane jump.

Porter, exit altitude usually between 1000 and 1100m. Although freefall time was comparable to what I believe good ws flyers (Robert among them) can achieve from some cliffs.

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Actually I saw that clip awhile back and I was the same way, :o . I could not believe it but after reaing some more about the stunt and the practice that went into it it seemed less crazy and well thought out, so to speak. He still has huge balls and is obviousaly very skilled for that stunt. BUT that said he did turn out and go over a valley to open. It also looked like he had a chance to make that turn at any point down the slope. I am niot taking anything away from that at all, it was badass but it seemed to be well planned.

That said the low pull is still a no out stunt. It did not seem that he could have pushed it much further before pulling and it seems the margin for error on this stunt was much less.

Sure there is a lot of speculation as to rigs and set up and exit platform and differences between BASE and Skydiving but the fact is both stunts are incredieble but to me the low pull seems slightly more crazy.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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WOW:S. Just out of curiosity whats the normal pull altitude when you guys fly the suit? I'm hooked on Good Stuff and all those bird suit flyers look like they are pulling pretty low.

Pull altitudes for many airplane wingsuit fliers is generally in the 3k-5k ranges (depending on the person's experience and willingness to be extra safe or to have a little extra time flying their wingsuit). I am nowhere near experienced enough with wingsuit jumps to say that I can go low on every jump and still be able to handle the potential malfunctions. But I have learned in the number of wingsuit jumps that I have made is that I don't eat up as much vertical altitude after I pitch my PC (a certain amount of horizontal distance is used on wingsuit openings) and my comfort levels have allowed me to pitch at 3k and still be fully unzipped and flying my canopy before I hit 2k. But we're all different with our comfort levels. Some people pitch higher and I know a few who are willing to go lower than myself.

The reason why I mentioned not to confuse BASE jumping and skydiving in an early post was because maybe some people do not understand the differences between the two and the differences between the gear. There's no way in hell you'd want to pull as low as this guy does when you are using skydiving gear. It wouldn't work, you'd bounce. But it is obviously doable with BASE gear. The person pulling low still has to have balls of steel and accepted their fate if something bad does go wrong. But it's still doable using BASE gear.

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