
Is There Any One Out There Who Has Not Been Hurt Sky Diving?

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Does cutting my pinky on the risers during deployment count? I bled on my slider afer landing while trying to gather up my canopy. LOL So far this is the worst. Trying to avoid serious mishaps with awareness and constant learning and continual skills enhancement, but also knowing that there are risks and I skydive because I am hooked, I love it, and I choose to live life adventurously and wide awake. Don't forget to pull or flare and a whole bunch of other stuff before and in between.

Blue skies and safe, exciting jumps.
One of the surest signs that intelligent life exists in outer space is that none of it has tried to contact us.

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Broke my arm once, doing something very stupid.
(It was not a low-turn!!)

I will never make that mistake again.

Not be able to jump for 2 months in the middle of the summer is what really hurts. (The broken arm itself did not really hurt)

Using your droque to gain stability is a bad habit,
Especially when you are jumping a sport rig

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let's see jump 65 i landed on a hidden brick it was hidden by tall grass and tore all the ligaments on my right ankle :o, next week I did jump 66 and landed on my left leg couldn't hurt my right leg anymore doc wouldn't sign the letter saying i could jump so I signed it for him :) I’m innocent I promise :)

SO many places to jump so little time !

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Been jumping for over thirty years with no injuries. I look at the stats and see that hot shot landings gone wrong is the main cause of injuries and fatalities these days. What is really sobering is that many of the accidents involve highly experienced jumpers with canopy piloting skills far beyond my own. I figured if I consistently flew boring airliner type landing approaches, I could theoretically cut my injury risks by about 66%. Sure, its far less impressive and exciting than a hook turn landing, but so far no titanium has been attached to my bones by orthopedic surgeons.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I have been jumping, and test jumping, for over 35 years now...starting with flat circular canopies, Para Commanders, Delta wings, Volplanes, Para Planes, Para Sleds, and nearly every other type of ram air since, with no doctor treatable injuries, at least not yet. The old ram airs, before the slider, used to knock me out with opening shock quite often, but I was young and tough, and usually regained consciousness before landing. Seriously, I don't know if I've been careful or just lucky...probably a little of both... Or maybe it was simply the realization that if I hurt myself, I couldn't jump any more.

Anyway, if I have one wish for this sport, it is that people would stop killing themselves swooping tiny canopies. What a useless waste of life.

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What do you mean by that reaction?

Sorry, I was not clear enough with my poor English:

I just wanted to show that as I am one of the poor fools, as presently recovering from breaking my right lower leg begin of June ! >:(

Personally, I only know very few skydivers which never had any incident in their skydiving career. And my reaction should show: I do not belong to this privileged club! [:/]

Christel [:/]

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Anyway, if I have one wish for this sport, it is that people would stop killing themselves swooping tiny canopies. What a useless waste of life.

Amen brother! Do you mind if I quote you on this one?
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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I've been lucky too no injuries yet. But isn't why most of us do this. Its a high risk sport and if breaking your big toe is the worst that happens, your golden... Life is a risk, just manage it. not trying to tell you not to be safe or anything like that. If your thinking about it that much you might want to try golf.

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I have just seen, read and though about some stuff lately and am wondering if there are any folks out there who has not been smited by the sport. If so how have you stayed safe. Just wondering if braking something is just something you have to go through in this sport. I had enough of that in snow boarding, moto-cross and skate boarding. Just want to progress without the duress.


Hmm, my most serious injury (a torn tendon) happend when I was jumping already injured. Other than that, boo boo and bandade stuff.


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I have just seen, read and though about some stuff lately and am wondering if there are any folks out there who has not been smited by the sport. If so how have you stayed safe. Just wondering if braking something is just something you have to go through in this sport. I had enough of that in snow boarding, moto-cross and skate boarding. Just want to progress without the duress.


350 Round jumps
650 Square jumps
No injuries... well, I guess I strained an ankle once on a flat footed landing between two cars in an asphalt lot, but it didn't keep me grounded.

One thing different then vs. now, low hook turns/swooping hadn't been invented yet and the highest performance canopies were the Strato Star or Para-Plane.

I jumped a C-9 28' round until I had a line-over. Stood up my 26' Navy Conical. Jumped about every square available at the time, Para-Plane, Cloud, Sled (the original), new Sled, 7-Cell, and Strato Star. Even took a ride up on a 360' cargo square behind a truck at Z-hills. Landing that was more of "how to get it down" than landing soft.

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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I've got over 1,500 jumps and have been very lucky so far.

As an accuracy jumper my first few years I had a few twisted ankles and the occasional sore tailbone (from acc jumps into peas instead of a tuffet).

I think that you can do everything right and still get hurt (freak hole that your foot finds on landing breaking your lef), but I have always tried to keep my desire to do new and cool stuff down to a dull roar. I jumped a Cobalt 120 at a wingloading of 2.0 but never got "wild and crazy" and always tried new "tricks" slowly and after talking to other jumpers to get their coaching.

Blue Skies (it's always blue skies here in Baghdad, too bad we can't jump)


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never in skydiving (yet): but I am sure it will happen (ugh): just an ankle though!

i HAVE broken 2 shoulders and separated 1 snowboarding (I compete and instruct it: you'd never guess haha), torn apart my shoulder and broken my hand mt. biking, and a wrist skateboarding.

no more of that sh1t though. I am too old to do anything but fall out of planes... ;)

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Technically never, except hurting my back in an opening under a canopy form a certain infamous manufacturer I will never be touching anything from again.

Did lots of reading, asked lots of questions, thought about the answers, practiced all the survival skills and tried not to overestimate myself. That's kept me safe and sound while landing. Luck, awareness and sometimes a fast reaction has kept me safe from other people's f**k ups.


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