
Most jumps in a year - who?

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Who did most jumps in a single calendar year (OR during 365 consecutive days). I heard about Airspeed making 1,200/year. Adrian Nicholas made 2,500 jumps in a single year:

"How many jumps did you make last year Adrian?

I was lucky, it was a good year. More than two and a half thousand, in 14 countries."


Anyone beats that :)

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Well, if the question is who made the most, regardless of whether they paid for them or got paid, then yeah, it's most likely Airspeed or the Golden Knights competition teams... or any full-time staff member (AFF/Tandem/Video) of any major DZ like Perris, Eloy, or Z-Hills, for example, who usually jump through the week as well as on the weekends.

If there's a category for most jumps by a fun jumper who is not any of the above, and the fun jumper had to pay for every single jump, then how about my 350 jumps in 1997? Anybody top that? ;) 'course, it did take me a few years to pay off my credit cards, hehehe
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If there's a category for most jumps by a fun jumper who is not any of the above, and the fun jumper had to pay for every single jump, then how about my 350 jumps in 1997? Anybody top that?

Over 500 in 98.;)
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If there's a category for most jumps by a fun jumper who is not any of the above, and the fun jumper had to pay for every single jump, then how about my 350 jumps in 1997? Anybody top that?

Over 500 in 98.;)

Over 700 in 2002. It was a very good year. :)

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I look at some of the posted numbers of skydives associated with the years in spot in these postings. I saw one fella declares 1002 jumps w/2yrs in the sport. That is pretty good. I did the math, it is something like a 1.32 jump/day ratio. This has to be some kind of record consideriing you usually take time to learn to pack, find jump buddies, work your way through some different equipment and so on in your first two years. I did notice a huge trend to go over a thousand jumps when the D ticket went from 200 to 500. All of the sudden everyone had 500 jumps. As a recreation jumper with plenty of fluid cash the best I can muster is about ten a week and that is weather dependant. My hat is off to the miracle workers who get 1000 in two years!
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That's impossible.

24hrs * 60 minutes = 1440 minutes, leaving you with 2.8 minutes per jump. You can't freefall from 12k and be back up in that timespan, even if you have a packed rig with an f16 on standby waiting for you on the ground.

The record is true. He jumped from 2K, not 12K. He had like 20 chutes being packed all the time. One or few planes, I don't remember. Your other calculatioans are correct.

Read this other thread from THIS post down (the guy had the exact same doubts like you): http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1503590#1503590

That link has also a reference to that record in Guinness Book of Records.

We already converted one non-believer like you in the thread linked above :).

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Every time someone refers to this record, someone else immediately claims that its impossible and displays the same 2.8 minutes per jump figure.


Its totally possible because it it true. He had people packing constantly on the ground that slipped him out of his rig and into the new one while running to the plane for the next hop. A turbine porter that just kept going up and down all day and night.

Its quite amazing and I think he was a little nutty ;)

My mighty steed

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I have made 103 so far this year. Not bad for winter in the Northeast.;)
My personal best year was 901. Would love to do 1000 in a year, but I follow the philosophy - concentrate on one safe jump at a time, don't worry about the long run. If you get hurt, you will make many less jumps that year.

Don Kellner's best year to date was 2534 jumps in 1991:)

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534 jumps in 24 hours.


That's impossible.

Not only is it possible, and been done, but I recently talked to Jay about his record. I asked did he think it was at the saturation point. (Obviously no one will ever make 10,000 jumps in a day, so somewhere between 534 & 10,000 would be the saturation point.)

He said no. He thought 600 was possible and that he was putting together an attempt for the fall of '06. Break it or not, he said this would be his last go at it... he turns 50 the same year and said he couldn't put his wife through the headaches of it again! Go JAY!!!

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