
Wing owners – how do you pack your d-bag?

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I have had my new wings for a few weeks and though I have not had a chance to jump it yet I have been playing around with packing it. At first I was just putting the bag in and rotating the grommet to the top and line to the bottom as I do with my Javelin container. I noticed when doing this that the bag is so tight I can pick it up about a foot off the ground before it comes out. I then noticed in the manual that this packing method is not even mentioned. So I tried packing lines to the back pad and grommet up, and while it does not give quite the resistance that the other method does, the bag just doesn’t seam to fit into the container as neatly. There is lots of loose fabric between the reserve and the main and the side flaps do not make nice neat corners like they did packing the d-bag grommet up lines down. How do you pack yours?

Thanks neilp

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I don't rotate my bag. When i pack it i just leave the grommet straight up. I have the bird man mods done to my rig so closing my rig can be a little tricky. With the corners cut leaving the bag in this orientation gives me an easier chance of keeping the lines straight. Just my way...call or email Ankie. She is always willing to help a customer.


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It's useful to note that at P49 of the manual the pictures actually show the bag in the orientation you list third in your poll!! (grommet to reserve tray)

So apparently all three are fine... I think??

Reminds me of the Javelin packing manual which says close the flaps left-right then shows a picture of them closed right-left (or vice-versa, I forget).

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Grommet up for me. Brian Germain turned me on to that a while back. I was having a different issue with my new wings about a year ago, and had Ankie give me some tips, and when I was packing grommet up, she didn't say a thing to me.
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Grommet down – lines to the bottom of the reserve tray, as noted in the manual.

This is a misprint in the Wings owners manual. I asked Ankie about it when I got my rig. No one should pack like this. It's just asking for nasty shit to happen. The lines should be at the bottom of the container or against the backpad, never against the reserve tray.

I rotate mine so the grommet is on the bottom of the reserve tray. It's just a matter of how it fits best. Some Wings containers fit better either one way or the other.

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I'D also like to get a clarification on the right-left closing grommet order. The drawings show both orders if memory serves me right.

I pack mine right-left and I'm pretty sure all the other Wings I've seen have been packed like that too.


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I'D also like to get a clarification on the right-left closing grommet order. The drawings show both orders if memory serves me right.

I pack mine right-left and I'm pretty sure all the other Wings I've seen have been packed like that too.


A guy at my dropzone packs his left-right. He doesn't seem to have any problems with it.

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I believe that the right flap is cloesd first as this gives a more snug fit to the bridle as it is routed to the mouth of the PC pouch... Again, I spotted the difference between the words and the picture in the owners manual and Ankie kept me right... right then left.. :)

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I'D also like to get a clarification on the right-left closing grommet order. The drawings show both orders if memory serves me right.

Ankie PM'd me last week that Right-Left is the 'proper' method. Until then I had done all of mine (?? 15?) as left-right.

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Ankie must get that question a zillion time a week - I also called her when I got my new container -

Grommit against the reserve tray for this kid. Otherwise, it just don't fit too good!

Hey Ryan! - Congrats to you and Kristy!!!!

I thought I heard a whole bunch of hearts breaking while I was jumping out at Oz - - !!!!

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I always do (and my packers do, before anyone who knows me makes a smart-ass comment Laugh) left-right. Can anyone explain why right-left is "preferred"?

You want the side where you tuck in the bridle to be the tighter one, so pack Right left!

Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
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