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Jay, i don't think the boogie is USPA affiliated. Maybe wrong..So, just hold off giving them extra money.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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making a second step and being inefficient,

i.e. having to fax confirmations to members who delay sending in their renewal forms.

So what do they do - go to the web site, pay the money, print out a sheet that can be presented to the race director. 15 minutes.

Exactly, rather than calling the USPA, adding to the already under-staffed work load, why don't we use the tools that they have given us. :)
Again, I'm not saying that they are doing a great job, however I am saying I don't believe as members we always do those things that will help improve the situation. :)

Flame on!!!:P

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I dont think that one phone call in 5 years is much of a burden.

They could have suggested exactly what you said. They didnt. They could have told me what Mike Mullins Posted about other means of comformation. They didnt.

Just "You want comformation in two to three weeks.. $5, You want comformation sooner.. $20". This is what I get from a member supported organazation?? for sending a receipt??


Again, I'm not saying that they are doing a great job, however I am saying I don't believe as members we always do those things that will help improve the situation.

And they could help themselves by informing their members of the options.

To Skinny:

Too late. I already did.

My complaint is not about the Money. It is about being told that it takes two to three weeks to process a Renewal to an existing Membership. She had the screen up with my info. Mark it paid, Hit print. How does this take Two to Three weeks??

Another complaint is that I wasn’t told that by the USPA that none of this was necessary as Mike Mullins suggested.

It seems that the USPA has picked up a thing or two from Skyride.:P Whats next.. a Big Card Fee?? Extra Attitude Fee?:D:D

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>It seems that the USPA has picked up a thing or two from Skyride.

If you really feel this way, put your money where your mouth is and cancel your USPA membership. Why would you support an organization that you think is intentionally causing you such grief?

If not, then pay on time next time.

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My wife and I mailed in our renewals a few months back, along with her name change after we were married. We had our new USPA cards in our hands less than a week later. And I did mine on the website. The online renewal form was easy to find.

There's a reason they offer expedited service...;) BooHoo it wasn't an application, but it's still a form and it's still something that someone is going to possibly have to verify (especially if one is renewing ratings) / enter into a computer.

Sorry, but I've got no sympathy. USPA sends out reminders about renewing up to 2 months in advance. Quit bitching and plan better next time.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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While I'm no fan of USPA, my experience with renewing (which I've done on-line for the past several years) is that membership status on the Group Member website is updated as soon as they charge your credit card. Any USPA GM DZ with access to the internet can look up your membership status.

I haven't shown up to a new DZ with an in-date card in years. I just tell them to look me up on the GM website to confirm my membership. Never had any problems.

Why pay for expedited service when it's already there for free?

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I'm curious... does the USPA make its annual budget available for review to its members?

To a person that is not fully informed, it does seem curious that the organization has invested heavily in building new facilities for its employees while service to its supporting member base sometimes comes across as very lacking.

What information is available for members that wish to see how their dollars are being used but yet are not able to travel to attend the regional/national meetings?

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If you really feel this way, put your money where your mouth is and cancel your USPA membership. Why would you support an organization that you think is intentionally causing you such grief?

If not, then pay on time next time.

Simple, you have to have it to jump at most DZ's in the US.

He has a vaild question. He already admitted he screwed up, but that does not change the fact that it makes little sense to do things the way they do.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>It seems that the USPA has picked up a thing or two from Skyride.

If you really feel this way, put your money where your mouth is and cancel your USPA membership. Why would you support an organization that you think is intentionally causing you such grief?

If not, then pay on time next time.

If you read his post instead of becoming righteous. He is not complaining about the lateness. Explain to us bill why someone should encounter a 20 dollar fee for giving their credit card over the phone. I have re-newed with USPA over the phone with my credit card. Not encountered a fee!

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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>I have re-newed with USPA over the phone with my credit card. Not
>encountered a fee!

Nor have I. But I never needed them to fax me anything or update anything within X days. If I did, and they said it would cost extra, I would either pay it or go without the fax.

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The issue that you want choose to ignore is that I was told it would take two to three weeks to process my application.

Why would it take that much time to process a renewal??

This is what I do not under stand.

What is there to Process? She pulled up my information.. Took my credit card info..

Mark it paid and fax me a receipt...

Why two to three weeks to do that??

They charge $5 to Fax you a Conformation.. Why do they need Two to Three weeks to do so after they have your credit card info unless you pay an extra $20? This is what I dont understand.

They want to charge a late Fee.. Fine. Charge a Late fee but don’t say it will take two to three weeks to process my application before you can fax a receipt unless I pay an extra $20.

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They charge $5 to Fax you a Conformation.. Why do they need Two to Three weeks to do so after they have your credit card info unless you pay an extra $20? This is what I dont understand.

having read all the posts, it seems to me like this may be just ANOTHER business ploy to scam more $ out of the customers.

is this $5 for 2-3 weeks/$20 for 1 week rate new?

if it is a rather new policy, i'd say it's crappy. it seems like USPA may have realized, instead of doing what we've always done for a slight fee (which in this case is 'processing' immediately) let's ease up/drop that price, & charge more $ for the same service we WERE doing. or it could be a greater demand with less staff, but it seems money drives every business these days....


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I'm curious... does the USPA make its annual budget available for review to its members?

I do believe I read something recently - I imagine it was in Parachutist. I don't believe releasing that information is optional, either. But it seemed very upfront.

I think Thanatos's problem could be made to go away with simple training improvements for people answering the phone. We don't have to dwell on whether he or the USPA is the idiot. Solving the problem works so much better.

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The issue that you want choose to ignore is that I was told it would take two to three weeks to process my application.

OK, I'll take a shot at it:

My guess is the personnel at USPA HQ is using a term that they have not defined to you. In a way that is their problem for not explaining it better, but if they voluntarily explain to everyone they have on the phone it could take up a lot of their time.

My guess is that "process" means do absolutely everything, including gettting your letter/card printed and in the mail.

I would further guess that the cards are printed as a batch. I doubt they go over to the very special printer that prints the cards and chuck up a card right after they get off the phone with a member.

I bet in the past that HQ personnel has made the mistake of telling someone that they can "process" a renewal while you wait, only to have members mad that they don't get their letter/card for a week.

What seems simple to the average person knowledgable in computer/printer use, etc. may be a lengthy ordeal when done in the membership services environment of an organization.

Unfortunately it is sometimes better to think in the organizational mindset of "politically correct" and "follow the procedure", and then just shake your head and *sigh*, rather than get mad.

I think about how some government agencies do things and it makes USPA seem quite friendly.

Hope that helps.

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I would further guess that the cards are printed as a batch. I doubt they go over to the very special printer that prints the cards and chuck up a card right after they get off the phone with a member.

OK, so as I previously stated, I e-renewed in Oct, my card was charged the next day, and I haven't seen a card or magazine since. This thread, with the upcoming warm weekend prompted me to call and see what was up.

After explaining the problem, the lady on the phone said my membership was current, and she couldn't tell why I never got a card.

Then, during a moment of silence, I could swear I heard a printer spool up and print something. When I asked what they were going to do about the card, she said that shr just printed one, and would mail it out that day.

So maybe they do print them all the time.

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Before the Keys Boogie which requires a C license, I needed to renew my membership as well as send in my C test results at the same time. I explained that if they could atleast assign me the C license # over the phone, then I could write it on the fax that I sent to them. Proof that I paid, took the C test and faxed it over and the date in which I did it was acceptable for me to go to the Keys, however USPA came through for me and it arrived in the mail 3 days before the boogie. Perhaps certain times of the year or before really big boogies, they might get inundated with those requests to expedite and get a little cranky.


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The issue that you want choose to ignore is that I was told it would take two to three weeks to process my application.

OK, I'll take a shot at it:

My guess is the personnel at USPA HQ is using a term that they have not defined to you. In a way that is their problem for not explaining it better, but if they voluntarily explain to everyone they have on the phone it could take up a lot of their time.

My guess is that "process" means do absolutely everything, including gettting your letter/card printed and in the mail.

I would further guess that the cards are printed as a batch. I doubt they go over to the very special printer that prints the cards and chuck up a card right after they get off the phone with a member.

Printing the cards once a day, or better yet, as soon as a page of cards is full, would be both efficient, and should not slow down the renewal process.


I bet in the past that HQ personnel has made the mistake of telling someone that they can "process" a renewal while you wait, only to have members mad that they don't get their letter/card for a week.

What seems simple to the average person knowledgable in computer/printer use, etc. may be a lengthy ordeal when done in the membership services environment of an organization.

Hiring office personnel that are not knowledgeable in computer/printer use seems like a very bad idea. These are essential skill sets in an office environment.


Unfortunately it is sometimes better to think in the organizational mindset of "politically correct" and "follow the procedure", and then just shake your head and *sigh*, rather than get mad.

I don't think it is very productive at all to encourage USPA members to accept inefficient procedures that waste member dues just because it is the status quo.

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Then, during a moment of silence, I could swear I heard a printer spool up and print something. When I asked what they were going to do about the card, she said that shr just printed one, and would mail it out that day. So maybe they do print them all the time.

Maybe they do in cases like yours, where there has been a particularly long delay. (If I were them, that's what I would do, efficient or not.) I'm glad they did that for you.

For the rest of you reading this, if there is ever a delay in receiving something from USPA HQ, contact them early and often. (800) 371-USPA

The more time elapses, the worse the problem becomes, and the more memories fade.

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What seems simple to the average person knowledgable in computer/printer use, etc. may be a lengthy ordeal when done in the membership services environment of an organization.

Hiring office personnel that are not knowledgeable in computer/printer use seems like a very bad idea. These are essential skill sets in an office environment.

Maybe I wasn't clear about that. What I meant was that any of us sitting at our computers think nothing of loading up a document, etc. and printing it. No big deal. I was suggesting that it may not be that simple in their setting.

And USPA's custom association software ain't like Microsoft Word! Maybe it should be simple, but it probably isn't.

Printing a batch of membership cards each day makes sense. Perhaps they do that.

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Just had my first experience dealing with the USPA directly. I wasnt impressed... At all.

I have been a member for 5 years. Always paid the extra to get the Magazine early.. Always contributed to the Airport Defense Fund. I needed to get my Membership renewed. Simple enough I thought.

First I tried to go to the website... Couldn’t find anywhere to renew there. So I Called and get put on hold forever. Then they finally answer, Give them my member number and credit card info.

Just a renewal. No big deal right???

WRONG!! I am informed that it will take two to three weeks to process my application..

WTF?? A Renewal?? What is there to process?

I told them I wanted to jump this weekend. Whats the deal?? Why so long to mark the computer screen that they already up right there as they took my info as Paid??

I understand them charging $5 to fax confirmation that you are up to date with them... No big deal. But then an extra $20 to "Expedite my Application"?? What application... Its a Renewal!!

This is crazy. I feel like I am being fleeced by here. Can anyone give me a rational reason why a Renewal would take two to three weeks to “Process”? I could understand two to three weeks to mail out the card.. But what is there to Process??

Wait a second here....

Based on your B 27588 number and name, your membership expired at the end of Dec 05.

You started complaining on March 9, 2006 that you don't have a valid membership for some boogie.

Let's see, first notice was probably sent 11/1/05. Second notice 12/1/05

TWO months after your membership EXPIRED, you want to 'renew'.
You are technically called an 'expired' member, not a renewing member.

HQ has told me that the internet DB file available to GM DZs gets updated everyday.

Today, March 11, 2006, the DB has your new expiration date of 03/31/2007.

It will probably take a week, maybe two, for your new card to reach you.

If you want, I can email the Boogie people directly and give them the details of your now current membership.
My email addy is here.

The 2-3 weeks stated processing time accounts for the rather slow delivery of the USPS. It does take that long for the cards to reach the more distant states.

Thank you for contributing to the Airport Defense Fund.

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I feel for ya bro, I really do, but you DID let it lapse. A great deal of memberships and other items charge a fee for lapsed membership/registration/ect. USPA does not, though I think they should. Charge an extra 5 or 10 bucks for a renew on an expired membership. I know I would have had to pay it a few times, but after that you can bet I'd be paying to renew in time or even buying a lifetime). As an example, the tags for cars here in WI charge an extra 10 bucks for renewing after they expire. The only way to avoid that is to let them remain expired for a year, and then sign a non-operation statement.

Would you have waited this/that long if it meant an extra $10 bucks?
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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