
wierd dream..

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I was reluctant to post this on here...but it had been on my mind all day at work.

I've just recently got my license and as most new skydivers probably experience, every now and then I get dream about freefall. Well this one was pretty much routine until pull time. Exit was a solo dive out one from an Otter, stable, good, practiced turns, backloops, pretty much enjoyed finally getting to jump by myself. At pull time, I reached and there was no pilot chute, okay...instantly I left down and pull the reserve handle, nothing. I reach behind and feel open flaps and pretty much an EMPTY CONTAINER. Well...to sum up the rest I remember being alarmed and perceiving what looked like an authentic ground rush up until impact. Then I woke up.

Naturally I dismissed it being that dreams rarely make sense, and that prior to exit I would have had a gear check but, nonetheless the dream felt pretty real at the time, and that in of itself was disturbing.

....anyone ever had that kinda dream? [:/]

I hope I aint alone here..lol
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I have skydiving dreams every night... I seem to have bounce dreams once a week. I also have dreams where I watch other people bounce, and when I go to investigate they are busy packing!!! LOL :P
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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A lot of people have the "I was in freefall, impacted, stood up and walked away unharmed" dream.

Yeah I have that one and usually say "damnit that sucked" or "wow I am stupid" or something... lol

What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you?
Throw your pilot chute in defense!

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I have had similar dreams. Generally when something else is bothering me and it comes out as a skydiving dream.

The couple who got me into skydiving haven't finished their AFF because the wife had a dream that she went in and doesn't want to jump anymore. The husband is supposed to join me this spring in finishing his AFF. I dunno. Dreams are fucked up.
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Well I feel reassured now. :P I do admit this was the first bounce dream that I can recall.

The main thing about the dream that kinda got to me was that I percieved it to be real at the time. I've had skydiving dreams before but these had all the elements: percpeption through the goggles I usually wear, feel of the wind on my face and hands, the sound of the wind, the altimeter checks, and past 6K the sight of the horizon, then ground, coming up at me.

I'm probably reading into it far more than I should, although most of the skydive dreams I usually lack alot of the above elements, particularly the wind. AH well, I posted this thread on a whim. I do appreciate the responses, lol. :S
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It was a dream that got me to skydive initially. The cool thing about it was that despite having never done it, my brain replicated the experience with amazing accuracy. By the time I was actually standing with my feet at the edge of the door... I had no sense of nervousness because I felt as if I had already jumped before :)

And just last night I had a dream that I was about to learn to pack. My brain new better than to let me go through with that though. The hell if I actually know how to pack. (Dream kept getting side-tracked everytime I was about to learn something) Falling is the "easy" part!

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I had dreams that consisted of falling and being unable to stop it since my childhood. Other people have told me they felt the same kind of feeling, sometimes with slightly different themes. I think in the end it is about a confrontation with your imminent death and the feelings associated with it (helplessness, ...)

But only skydivers are stupid enough to actually try it in real life.:o

But "the empty container" would be a bit very stupid, wouldn't it? :P

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I think lots of skydivers have those.
I've had quite a few bounce/close call dreams.
The ones I can remember the best are those where I skydive and pull really low, as soon as the canopy opens, I impact the ground, live, and start screaming like hell. Then there's another dream that keeps coming back regularly where I keep doing basejump after basejump after basejump from a certain building, every time pulling lower and lower, until eventually I pull to low and snivvel into the ground
that's usually my wakeup call
i actually like those dreams
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Not weird. You've just got skydiving on the brain. Sometimes I bounce, sometimes not. But they are always very real. I did a post not long ago called do you hit or wake up. There are some pretty interesting replies there.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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A friend of mine had a dream that i was going in but i hit a palm tree and then tumbled to the ground , he runs towards me but all he found was my rig , When he opened it he found me inside.
Weird huh !

I'm sorry, dont mean to make fun of you but I tend to visualise stuff i read and..... ROFL!!!!

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i've had a lot of skydiving dreams where i bounce or have a double malfunction i'm freaking out thru to fix. i like the dreams though because i'm always fighting until the very end and it makes me feel good about not ever giving up until i hit if a situation like that ever arises. i'm always fine in my dreams though and i'm kicking myself for being so stupid and causing myself to bounce.

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