
10 things that make a great dz

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They don't have to be in order, but name 10 things that make a dz great.

1. Turbine aircraft
2. A staff that really thinks the jumpers are customers
3. A good end of the day atmosphere
4. Reasonable prices (not cheapest value added)
5. Beer sales
6. RW, FF, CRW ect all disciplines
7. Large landing area, lot's of outs
8. Not on a public airport
9. Local Hotels
10. Showers, Bunkhouse
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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free wireless internet
open during the week, winterseason
good food and drinks/bar
good/cheap camping facilities
landing close to hangar
good mix of tandems, students, sport jumpers
good coaching available
good plane
good and friendly staff
rigger, shop at dz

ciel bleu,

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1. Safe aircraft
2. Experienced pilot
3. Spacious landing area w/safe outs
4. Safe and fun people at all skill levels
5. Friendly family oriented vibe
6. Air conditioned packing area
7. Cafe
8. Clean facilities
9. Allows dogs
10. Professional and courteous staff
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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"Hot, Naked, Women" ...should have been at the top of the list.

I like the way you're thinking, but could you perhaps direct the rest of us to these dropzones that feature hot naked women?



Unfortunately, I'm still in search of such a DZ myself.

Usually these days when one sees a bare boob at a DZ there's an infant suckin' on it... :S

Its not like it was in the "good ol' days"


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People seem to look at this in a different way then I do.

1. Aircraft that get you there safely.

2. A club where everyone is your friend or wants to be.

3. At the end of the day, it's a race to see who gets the beer to the pilot first. This goes on as we all head down to push the airplanes in.

4. The price of a jump is cheaper then anywhere in the US.

5 Check the Beer fridge thread. I haven't payed for a beer in years, unless I bring in a case for all.

6. We are kinda weak here, we are very flat at my home. we have world teamers and gold medalists everywhere, but I am the only real CReW dog (I have 4 CReW rigs though, so if ya want we can do some even if you didn't bring a rig.. Almost every weekend we have the current silver medalists in freestyle. and a hand full of very good freeflyers. If ya want to BASE I'm ready and know some great places.

7. We own several thousand acres and are surrounded by farm fields.

8. We own the Airport.

9. Every couch in the place is a role out bed.

10 Shower, always stocked with fine hair care products.

All this at no charge.

Hmmm maybe I am just a little spoiled.

You should come and visit, we can show ya how it's done.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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1. It never snows.
2. Nobody minds if you smoke a fatty at night.
3. Night jumps whenever there's interest. (See # two.)
4. Student program staffed with people who aren't "students" themselves.
5. A DZO who’s one of us.
6. Lot's of international visitors.
7. No townies
8. Jumpers and their families you've known for 30 years.
9. Balloon jumps.
10. A local Ghetto - with cheap rent and easy living.

NickD :)

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1) Lost Abbey Angel's Share
2) McMenamin's Ruby
3) Lang Brewery Skydiver Blonde
4) New Belgium Fat Tire
5) Millstream Windmill Wheat
6) Victory Weissbier
7) Alesmith Speedway Stout
8) Firehouse Pale
9) Lightning Kolsch
10) airplanes, people, landing areas and stuff like that.

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2. A staff that really thinks the jumpers are customers
3. A good end of the day atmosphere
4. Reasonable prices (not cheapest value added)
7. Large landing area, lot's of outs

#1. Great staff with a smiling face and a good attitude.
#2. Great people, who are willing to land their expertise, jump with people of all experience levels and become a part of the DZ in a way that they are not just there to jump, but participate and help out in some way if needed.
#2. Large landing areas are definitely a factor. I'm lucky enough to have a DZ with a very large field.
#3. Prices are a factor. I'm not sure if it's one of the most important ones, because theres probably not a large price difference between most drop zones and since driving distances are so large between drop zones, it isn't like you have many choices to choose from, but a few bucks off every now and then is nice. B|
#4. Riggers! I didn't realize how lucky I was having a good rigger right there every weekend to talk to, get equipment from and leave my rig with for a repack. We have riggers now, but they aren't there specifically as a rigger every weekend. They all do tandems and such. It's just nice having someone that's always there and isn't busy to talk to if you need anything.

Gus is the man. *cough*www.riggingsolutions.us*cough* :D

#5. A packing mat. How does anyone pack anywhere else?
#6. Indoor packing area with heating and A/C. Damn, I wish we had that. :P Brrrrrrrr....
#7. Good instructors. They make the first impressions and keep things fun and exciting at times.
#8. Someone to pick you up when you're accuracy skills are lacking.
#9. Boogies and events.
#10. Hot whuffos. Just kidding. :)
Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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2. A staff that really thinks the jumpers are customers friends

This might upset a few people BUT..........

Many dz fail because of the "customers" become "friends". Customers get to treat the dzo worse than a friend. Like it or not it is a double adge. The dzo needs his "friends" to bump off a load so that he can put a tandum on, the "friends" expect to be on the load because hell we are "friends".

The bottom line is that the dz is a business that is very very social. I do not envy dzo's that have to run that balancing act.

PS- I know I know that YOUR dzo is different and that you are all one big happy family. Thats good I hope it last forever. But chances are IF you are part of the family there are others at the dz that aren't.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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They don't have to be in order, but name 10 things that make a dz great.

1. Turbine aircraft
2. A staff that really thinks the jumpers are customers
3. A good end of the day atmosphere
4. Reasonable prices (not cheapest value added)
5. Beer sales
6. RW, FF, CRW ect all disciplines
7. Large landing area, lot's of outs
8. Not on a public airport
9. Local Hotels
10. Showers, Bunkhouse

sounds like Skydive the Farm to me. Especially the dog friendly part.

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