
What to do for a bruised tailbone?

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Any suggestions on how to help heal a bruised tailbone? Been about two weeks - still a dull pain. Really want to jump again, but want to make sure I'm healed first. Any suggestions?

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I had a jump about 4 months ago and had a hard landing after flareing to late and hit hard on my tail bone, it still bothers me today depending on how I sit and wether it is a hard chair or not. I have talked to others around the dropzone that had simular landings before when they were jumping for the first time and some of them said they still have problems with theirs, so all I can say is that it could be a very long time before you can sit straight without discomfort.

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Taking any over the counter NSAID (non steroidal anti inflamatory) will help with the healing and pain as well. ie. motrin, voltaren

Any over the counter medication questions you have PM me.

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Any suggestions on how to help heal a bruised tailbone?

Stand up your Landings;)

Sorry couldn't resist. I did the same thing early on. I had to sit on my side of my ass then the other all day at work it hurt so bad. People kept telling me to get a DONUT that pregnant women sit on. I was to proud for that! It takes awhile to get better but don't let that keep you from Jumping. It gave me all the incentive in the world to stand my landings up!

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A chiropractor is good at making the adjustments you might need after slamming your tailbone into the ground. I know mine was invaluable after my tailbone landing...which took about 3 months or so before I was comfortable sitting...

Sorry you're hurting. Tailbone injuries suck.


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I've both bruised and broken my tailbone skydiving. Not much you can do - immediately after a minor injury I usually take Aleve to keep it from swelling up - then I usually take it every 12 hours after to keep the swelling down. Usually after a few months the pain will get tolerable, and it will probably bother you periodically (twinges) for a year or more.

I can tell you from experience that it's NOT a good idea to bruise your tailbone, then a few days later get on a 30-hour flight to Singapore :S
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I'd take a possible leg fracture over a possible spinal fracture leading to permanent paraplegia and pissing in a plastic bag for the rest of my life.

Regardless of what you call it, a Parachure Landing Fall or a Parachute Landing Fuck-up - landing on your feet rather than your ass almost always a good idea.

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PLF means "possible leg fracture"

Stay away from that

This has to be an example of the worst advice ever.[:/]

A properly done PLF will mitigate severe injury by distributing that impact force instead of concentrating it on one area.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
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But I got a real kick out of you telling Bill Cole that he just gave the worst advise ever.

Oh, I don't know. If, in the early 70s, some silly Canadian told me it's OK to jump from 32,916 ft, or that it's possible to make a jump WITHOUT a parachute, I might be tempted to tell him that's the worst advice ever :ph34r:
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LOLOLOL, you should be able to tell when someone is joking. ;)

But I got a real kick out of you telling Bill Cole that he just gave the worst advise ever. :o

I don't care "who" he is. This is a topical forum. The way I read his response indicated that he was against PLF's.

As an instructor, that's the last advice I would give one of my students.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Leave sarcasm out of a forum of this nature. The guy is asking for advice not sarcastic comments.

A "donut" is a good idea as it relieves pressure. You can also try sitting on a block of ice for at least 30 minutes 2 or 3 X a day. It takes away swelling and speeds up the healing process by increasing the blood supply to the area. In fact its the easiest , most efficient treatment for most injuries. It may sound a little weird for a injury of this nature but give it a try. As for a chiroprac I would stay way for an acute injury of this nature. The last thing you need is to irritate the injured area and have to start all over again. My opinion anyway.

Hope it heals quickly.
Doc Rich
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Leave sarcasm out of a forum of this nature. The guy is asking for advice not sarcastic comments.

Doc, point taken. My sister made the joke when it happened to me. I have a bit of a warped sense of humor and sometimes a bit of humor (even poorly timed) takes some of the pain away. I'll keep my "humor" in the bonfire.

I also bruised my tell bone pretty bad about 10 years ago and it took over two months before I no longer noticed it. Didn't have access to a donut, really wish I did. Traveled a lot by bus over rough roads. Ouch. Relied on rest, a bag of frozen peas (fits the shape without causing pressure) and pain pills.

Peter, hope you feel better soon.
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As for a chiroprac I would stay way for an acute injury of this nature.

I have to respectfully disagree ;)

After my runway crash I saw a chiropractor that was able to manipulate the muscles surrounding the tailbone and made the pain DISAPPEAR. I went from not being able to sit in the car to drive to his office to being able to walk up stairs with ease.

He also helped immensely after my bounce - tore many of the muscles in both hips (landed on my knees). I saw him the day after the incident and within 3 weeks I had no pain.

He uses active release therapy - I'm a very strong advocate in it. The problem is finding someone who practices it.


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Any suggestions?


Intead of trying to butt slide in your landings, do a good PLF. There's a reason why instructors teach it and teach it and teach it. This time it was just a bruised tail bone, I'm very glad it wasn't something perminantly changing like compressed disks in your back (which can happen from a hard butt landing).

Beyond that, for the bruise, you're just really gonna have to wait it out, take some Advil (or your favorite legal flavor) and go on with life.
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