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Shipping Migrants

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Hi folks,

Looking like some people in Florida disagree with DeSantis:  One Spanish radio host loudly denounced the move and even compared DeSantis’ actions to that of deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro

‘Huge mistake’: DeSantis’ migrant transports could undercut support in South Florida - POLITICO

We can only hope.

Jerry Baumchen

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2 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks,

Looking like some people in Florida disagree with DeSantis:  One Spanish radio host loudly denounced the move and even compared DeSantis’ actions to that of deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro

‘Huge mistake’: DeSantis’ migrant transports could undercut support in South Florida - POLITICO

We can only hope.

Jerry Baumchen

We can only hope that right wingers across Florida reflect on what DeSantis did: causing harm to people, or any life, for enjoyment is what sociopaths do. It was that wrong.

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2 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

We can only hope that right wingers across Florida reflect on what DeSantis did: causing harm to people, or any life, for enjoyment is what sociopaths do. It was that wrong.

Unfortunately, most Trumpettes and hardcore Right wingers seem to be sociopaths. Or at least display strong sociopathic tendencies.

They enjoy seeing other people get hurt. Especially when it's 'them' getting hurt (minorities, immigrants, Muslims, 'liberals').

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3 minutes ago, airdvr said:

I don't understand why you all seem to have a problem with this.  Don't you want to open your homes to them?

Yeah why would anybody have a problem with lying to the poorest and weakest amongst us just so they can be used in a political stunt.

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2 hours ago, airdvr said:

Hmmm...you have a cite for that?  Or are you parroting left wing talking points?


45 minutes ago, airdvr said:

The part where you said they were lied to.


36 minutes ago, ryoder said:


16 minutes ago, airdvr said:

The horror!  

Is there any wonder DeSantis enjoys the support of his base. "Trump Fumes: DeSantis Stole My Plan for Shipping Migrants"  The idea that immigrants may want to settle with other family members. Settle in communities with other immigrants from the same country to make the transition to America easier.

No, using them as pawns in a political game is necessary because midterms are upcoming. Playing to the GOP base is necessary because a perverse satisfaction and votes may arise from their misfortune.

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52 minutes ago, airdvr said:

The horror!  

Several of us dudes once flew a tight friend, who was soon to be our boss, in a private plane to Reno and ditched him there the day before his wedding to the daughter of the owner of the company. That was funny, even she agreed.

What DeSantis did was not funny; what he did was an act of cruelty to fellow humans by the highest elected official in his state. Sorry that escapes you.

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57 minutes ago, airdvr said:

The horror!  

Maybe you will get it if it was a little different.

Imagine 50 single mothers with babies were lied to and bussed to your town, who has a pro-abortion mayor. They are dropped off, unannounced at the mayor's front door, cause hey the people of the town said they love babies. But of course, Biden made sure he had a videographer meet them there, just so they could film the reaction.

Oh the horror of lying to single mothers to send them to pro-life areas....right

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2 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

The Democrat Mayor of El Paso just sent 55+ buses of illegal immigrants to New York City

And your point is? And how did he get "his hands" on 55 buses full of illegal immigrants? How did he get them on the buses?

What if veterans who are suffering and looking for care are shipped to El Paso? Told that they have all the facilities to look after them?

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1 hour ago, Phil1111 said:

No, using them as pawns in a political game is necessary because midterms are upcoming. Playing to the GOP base is necessary because a perverse satisfaction and votes may arise from their misfortune.

They need the support of Airdivr and friends. Not just support but motivation to actually go and vote. One more vote for cruelty. These are the same people that would support camps for Japanese Americans during the war. It's easy to forget that they are real people and not just refugees.

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34 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

The Democrat Mayor of El Paso just sent 55+ buses of illegal immigrants to New York City

The mayor of El Paso communicated with the leadership at the destinations he was bussing the immigrants to. Unlike Abbot & De Santis.

And they ARE NOT ILLEGAL!!!!


They are applying for asylum.

Do you not understand the difference?



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5 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

The mayor of El Paso communicated with the leadership at the destinations he was bussing the immigrants to. Unlike Abbot & De Santis.

And they ARE NOT ILLEGAL!!!!


They are applying for asylum.

Do you not understand the difference?



Exactly! Shows how pervasive that narrative is. I don't see Bigun as an ideologue, so it shows how easy it is to just refer to them as illegal, dehumanize them a bit more...

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20 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

The mayor of El Paso communicated with the leadership at the destinations he was bussing the immigrants to. Unlike Abbot & De Santis.

And they ARE NOT ILLEGAL!!!!


They are applying for asylum.

Do you not understand the difference?



You might want to check the numbers of asylum seekers vs. illegal entry.

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1 minute ago, airdvr said:

You might want to check the numbers of asylum seekers vs. illegal entry.

So what? 

There are illegals attempting to cross all the time.

Many get caught and sent back. Those that get caught don't get sent to other places in the US, regardless of what Fox 'news' and the other idiots tell you.

The people being transported to other places (both legally from El Paso and illegally from Texas by DeSantis) are asylum seekers.

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18 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Exactly! Shows how pervasive that narrative is. I don't see Bigun as an ideologue, so it shows how easy it is to just refer to them as illegal, dehumanize them a bit more...

I've said before that I welcome all immigrants.  We need them to do the grunt work no one else will do.  Whether they go to Boston or MV is of little difference.  They are here.  Most came with no idea where they would end up.

I laugh at how some of you got your panties all in a bunch when I suggested it was no big deal. 

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