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1 hour ago, Slim King said:

I CONDEM IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save the kids ... Stop the War!!!!!!

Would you say the terrorist Russian state should abandon their war against Ukraine, stop killing children and leave Ukraine so there can be peace?

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1 hour ago, Slim King said:

I CONDEM IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save the kids ... Stop the War!!!!!!

WO! Finally something that Slim King and I can agree upon.

Mind you, Western supporters of Ukraine will only be happy after Russian soldiers retreat behind pre-2014 borders.

In a slightly later post, me mentions WALLIES funding 300,000 Afghan police an soldiers, but only - perhaps - a third actually in uniform/service. This is typical of poor, corrupt, third World countries.

It reminds me of a memoire written by a Brit sent to oversee a tea plantation in Ceylon/Sri Lanka during the 1930s. He was reminded to always count the number of farm laborers because the foreman would traditionally try to claim an extra two ro three laborers and pocket their wages.

As for Russian destroying 90 percent of Ukrainian bridges during the first day of fighting. That would have required more precision guided munitions. It appears that Russia fired off most of their PGMs during the first week - without destroying all the bridges in Ukraine. Soon shortages of PGMs forced the Russian Army to resort to carpet-bombing or inaccurate artillery dropping hundreds of shells on farmers' fields. Meanwhile, Ukrainian propaganda shows a single missile destroying a Russina tank trying to hide in shrubbery alongside that same farmers' field. Mr. Poutine would have been wiser to accumulate another two or three years of PGM production before invading Ukraine.

As the USAF demonstrated towards the end of the Vietnam War, you need PGMs to reliably destroy bridges.

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38 minutes ago, jakee said:

Would you say the terrorist Russian state should abandon their war against Ukraine, stop killing children and leave Ukraine so there can be peace?


His hero Putin is destroying NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!

And replacing the corrupt Ukraine government with a MORE corrupt Russian puppet government!!!

We really need a 'sarcasm' font.

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52 minutes ago, ryoder said:

So if we believe there are some Nazis in the Canadian armed forces, this is Biden's problem, not Trudeau's problem?  Asking for a friend.

It's not Biden's problem, it's just Biden's fault.  Or maybe it's Hunter Biden's fault.  Or Pelosi's.  Or AOC's.  Or her emails.  So much blame, so little time.

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1 hour ago, ryoder said:

So if we believe there are some Nazis in the Canadian armed forces, this is Biden's problem, not Trudeau's problem?  Asking for a friend.


33 minutes ago, billvon said:

It's not Biden's problem, it's just Biden's fault.  Or maybe it's Hunter Biden's fault.  Or Pelosi's.  Or AOC's.  Or her emails.  So much blame, so little time.

Riggerrob probably knows. But I think there was a scandal a decade or so ago. I think they gave two the boot that had Nazi sympathies. Could have been right wing sympathies.

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4 hours ago, Slim King said:

So you all seem to support nazi's as long as they are with Zelenski? And maybe others?

Thinking that an entire country didn’t deserve to be invaded just because you might have found a picture of one soldier with a Hitler tattoo isn’t the same as supporting Nazis.

You, on the other hand, most definitely do support warmongering Stalinist terrorists. 

Hell, Russians have been stealing gold teeth from the mouths of Ukrainians they’re torturing and killing in the occupied areas. What does that remind you of?

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3 minutes ago, Slim King said:

End the war or admit you are a warmonger.

Much as I would like it I don’t have the power to end the war in Ukraine. Who do you think I am?

Your post to Wendy justifying Putin’s invasion proves you are a warmonger.

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9 minutes ago, olofscience said:

You already know Slim King's answer. Just give Putin everything he wants...

I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to do that, though. It's nice that Slim has such a high opinion of me but honestly I don't have that kinda juice.

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15 hours ago, Phil1111 said:


Riggerrob probably knows. But I think there was a scandal a decade or so ago. I think they gave two the boot that had Nazi sympathies. Could have been right wing sympathies.

There have always been a handful of neo-nazis in the Canadian Armed Forces. Most are impressionable teenagers and young men who are searching for their "tribe." Young men sometimes do stupid things (e.g. Adolf Hitler tattoos) but Senior NCOS rein in the worst of their foolishness. Since neo-nazis tend to be bullies, they do not get promoted very high or very fast in the Canadian Army. Most of these rebels-without-a-clue are bright enough to keep their mouths shut while on base. They also keep their sleeves rolled down to hide their more obnoxious tattoos.

Loud political statements are frowned upon while in uniform. The majority of Canadian soldiers tend to be slightly conservative ... er ... slightly right-wing, but no where as hard-core right-wing as KKK, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, neo-nazis, etc.

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We actually could give Putin a small token of what he wants.  I'd be willing to chip in towards a one-way plane ticket so our resident troll could go to Russia and volunteer to help rid the world of that Ukranian Nazi.  Anyone else?  Putin would get another iota of cannon fodder, maybe that one Ukranian Nazi will be found and eliminated and then Putin could end his warmongering, and our troll could enjoy a non-democracy that is apparently more to his liking.  So much winning!

To be honest, though, I have thought on multiple occasions that our troll is actually in Russia, or at least on Putin's payroll.

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46 minutes ago, Slim King said:

He can shoot as many missiles as he want's into Ukraine's capital. But you are all loving death just a little too much.

You are the only person here who has justified Putin's actions. You are the only person here who wants to give him free reign over more of Ukraine, which would lead to the deaths of anyone the FSB deems an undesireable dissident or Ukrainian nationalist. 

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2 minutes ago, Slim King said:

I've NEVER justified any War actions. I answered a question. I hate war and Warmongers sicken me. The endless death of our children for a rich mans war is insane. I've been 100% correct about the escalation of the war and the scam that you all are playing into. I said Russia could blow up Ukraine at any time. Just fire the rockets. Now they are doing it. If you want a nuclear war then keep poking the bear. I don't have to be on the bears side to see what is going to happen.

Is one allowed to defend one's self from the bear? Or assist in defending against the bear? Or just lay down and take it?

for the children, of course

Wendy P.

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22 minutes ago, Slim King said:

I've NEVER justified any War actions. I answered a question. 

The question was "why is it OK for Russia to invade Ukraine?" and you replied with the reasons why you think it was ok for Russia to invade Ukraine - including that they were "freeing the people". You are the only person here who thinks this war is justified.


I don't have to be on the bears side to see what is going to happen.

That is true. Being on the bear's side is a completely seperate decision that you have made.

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22 minutes ago, Slim King said:

Let the people vote. 



The people in eastern Ukraine WANT to be part of Russia. 

Why did the last 'vote' need to be rigged?


That's why Putin is murdering them. About 200 a month.

There ya go. Except a lot more than that.

Edited by jakee

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31 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

Is one allowed to defend one's self from the bear? Or assist in defending against the bear? Or just lay down and take it?

for the children, of course

Wendy P.

Dateline June 29, 2020 NPR

"KING: Let me start by having you explain this bounty program and what Russia was trying to do exactly in Afghanistan.

NAKASHIMA: Well, according to intelligence reports that our sources were briefed on, Russian - the Russian military spy agency the GRU was offering bounties to Taliban-linked militants in Afghanistan to kill coalition troops. The reason is not clear. There is speculation it might have to do with wanting to disrupt some of the sporadic efforts at peace talks between the Americans and the Taliban or that it might have been some form of revenge for efforts by American troops to kill Russian mercenaries in Syria in early 2018, after they attacked a U.S. base in eastern Syria.

It's not clear how high up the bounties were authorized, whether Russian President Vladimir Putin himself was aware. But what is clear, Noel, is that for roughly the last decade, the GRU has been emboldened to carry out a series of evermore brazen attacks to destabilize and divide its opponents in the West, including the United States."

So its OK for Putin to kill US troops but for trump and his assh**e kissing lapdogs. Its all forgive and forget. Because after all if Americans got killed in Afghanistan they are "Losers and suckers".so no biggie.

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4 hours ago, Slim King said:

As I predicted .. Putin just escalated the war by striking at the heart of Ukraine (As he always could have) He can shoot as many missiles as he want's into Ukraine's capital. But you are all loving death just a little too much. It's a scam but you either can't see it or don't want to. War is a racket.

So Ukraine attacks infrastructure used by Russia to support their war effort and three people were killed. You call it a terrorist act. 
Russia (or Putin, as you rightly point out) attacks an apartment building in Zaporizhzhia, killing 17. You call it an escalation but not a terrorist act. Brilliant analysis.

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1 hour ago, Slim King said:

No need to guess. Putin told you exactly what he is doing. Warmongers don't give a shit about civilians ... The USA dropped two Nukes on two different Civilian towns killing thousands of women and children. The politicians don't care a bit for our kids. Wake up!!!! https://tv.gab.com/channel/rt/view/putin-confirms-strikes-on-key-ukrainian-6343f27ead4b3c03ddf1f17b

Who’s guessing? I’m glad you appropriately labeled Putin a warmonger though. Appeasing him to get him to stop being one is the same as handing the school bully your lunch money in hopes that he’ll stop bullying.

The US killed far more with conventional weapons firebombing Tokyo btw, but if you want to discuss WW2 you should probably start a different thread.

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