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Impeachment is the only thing we can try

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It's obvious we can not beat the right with solidarity and strategy.  Or smarts, for that matter. So lacking are D leaders in the clever and spine department, so lacking are D candidates for president in the sensibility department, that there's little doubt we'll flub it. So, it seems to me that without a 2020 Presidential win in sight, we might as well roast the orange bastard a little. Who knows, maybe he can be wounded enough to get a serious R primary challenger. If we're lucky, maybe some D leaders at the State level can turn it into a Senate or House seat or two. Maybe it'll deny the doof a few hours of tanning bed, combover, hairspray, watching Fox and Friends, and other Nationally important Executive time in the morning, who knows? Those little bits are better than nothing which is just what we're getting now.
It's time to get real. David's don't defeat Goliath's; Goliath's defeat Goliath's and the meek are not going to inherit the Earth. There's a reason the Federation of Planets spent their day's fighting the Klingon's, Romulan's and the Borg but not the Tribbles. Our species is not devolving from an advanced society of librarians. Gene Roddenberry simply observed that ass kickers win and Beanie Babies lose. That's the natural order of things. In the words of the great Richard Feynman; you don't like it? Go somewhere else.
The masses aren't looking for help solving climate change or quadratic equations (put the Republican Agenda on one side of the = sign and Democrat Agenda on the other side....), they're looking for strong leaders tossing red meat and pounding podiums. They care about loving or hating AOC not AGW. 
It's time to face reality, the right has controlled the agenda for the last 10 years because they better understand human nature as it truly is; the left understands it as we wish it to be. We divide, they conquer. They encircle, we form circular firing squads.
If ever there were a time to harden up and to promote and strengthen a presidential candidate that was appealing to the electoral masses now is that time. As far as I'm concerned the only person, regardless of gender, sexuality or economic philosophy, who's time in history is now is the candidate who can be made strong enough to beat Trump. That means accepting that there is a reason the Mueller report didn't move Trumps support needle in a meaningful way. It means accepting that a lot of people didn't vote for Hillary because they will never believe it's time for a female to be our President. It means accepting that our country has more racists, misogynists, narrow agenda evangelicals and sundry assholes than we counted. It means accepting that we need some of those votes. It means accepting that while it is likely that Elizabeth Warren won't beat Trump it's a certainty that William Wallace would. 
It means accepting the futility of reasoning into reality many of those well named deplorable's because they have an affliction: they are unable to see into the thoughts of others. Nor can they see beyond their current self interests, as defined that morning by Fox News or some jackass demagogue. Nor will most ever admit they were wrong. Context eludes them. Consequently, they will always dig in deeper and put their tribe first. I don't believe there are enough votes there to be worth the effort.
Then there are the people who have the capacity to understand but simply care more about their wallet than our Nations reputation or the future of the planet. They don't think more conserved land is bad because we simply have enough. They aren't opposed to environmental regulations that are better for the nations health and welfare because it's unnecessary. They aren't opposed to LGTBQ  marriage, adoption or bathrooms really. They care about the money. Specifically their money. And they put all other forms of collateral damage in a very not so close second place. Yes, they suck. But they also vote in droves. Like it or not, if the D's want those voters to hold their noses and vote for someone other than Trump then they need to put up someone those voters will actually vote for, not someone they said they voted for. And, if we do have a later, we can do the social justice thing then.
It's no wonder the right tends to see Liberals as highway robbers instead of being legitimately concerned with social justice, environmental welfare and the future of our planet. We find out Bernie's a millionaire and cringe knowing it's bad press. We've branded ourselves the party of the have not's who want yours and then waste too much time and energy explaining to the righties that the soup kitchens aren't being built for them, too. Of course we don't want America to be Venezuela. But now that the right has, and so, so easily, established the meme in the minds of their acolytes, it's catch up ball again. Being successful, having bags of money and not wanting it taken away to be wasted on lazy jerks is not unreasonable. Yes, it's vastly more complicated than that but for once let's just don't go there. Instead recognize that numbers like a quarter million or half a million or 5 million are small piles of chips in Dallas, Texas, San Diego and many other cities big and small. Fortunes like $10 Million or $100 Million and more should be laudable achievements in today's economy not evidence of perfidy and greed. We are capitalists, right? Of course there are levels of individual and corporate wealth that are unhealthy for the economy and should be heavily taxed. But the reality is that a few Billion is the new few Million and the deplorables don't give a rat's ass if you stole it cheating on your taxes because they would, too. 
A lot of the people who have been harmed by Trump will never be able to sort that out on their own. However, I do think enough of their votes can be had by a properly chosen messenger. But the reality is that the few votes that may be obtainable are not swayable by logic, facts or reason. They'll be won over, if at all, with slogans and outright silliness spouted by a face that is acceptable to their prejudices.
But we won't. We'll F it up, for sure. Like pheasant's in a coop we'll peck each others tails off not realizing that now we look stupid, too.
As it stands, even if impeachment proceedings in the House aren't completely flubbed and, against all odds, lead to a conviction in the Senate we're still on track for a President Pence or, for all we know, Ivanka.  Whatever.  Frankly, at this stage I'd take 8 more years of George W. to escape this goat rope. So screw it, let's be good serfs and have some big fun roasting Trump while we wait to get our asses kicked again
All in favor of impeachment say Aye and email your representatives.
Edited by JoeWeber

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52 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

If ever there were a time to harden up and to promote and strengthen a presidential candidate that was appealing to the electoral masses now is that time. As far as I'm concerned the only person, regardless of gender, sexuality or economic philosophy, who's time in history is now is the candidate who can be made strong enough to beat Trump. That means accepting that there is a reason the Mueller report didn't move Trumps support needle in a meaningful way. It means accepting that a lot of people didn't vote for Hillary because they will never believe it's time for a female to be our President. It means accepting that our country has more racists, misogynists, narrow agenda evangelicals and sundry assholes than we counted. It means accepting that we need some of those votes. It means accepting that while it is likely that Elizabeth Warren won't beat Trump it's a certainty that William Wallace would. 

How do you explain Obama's two victories? Was it testicles? But in any case, this weekend's news of the dotard's begging for more foreign electoral interference is likely going to lead to an impeachment vote in the House.

Edited by gowlerk

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5 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

How do you explain Obama's two victories? Was it testicles? But in any case, this weekends news of the dotard's begging for more foreign electoral interference is likely going to lead to an impeachment vote in the House.

Backlash. Bush was widely seen as an illegitimate President by many Americans. Internationally he was seen as a terrible President. We travel internationally a lot. When he was reelected we noticed a different feel. It was a sort of "Seriously, again?"

Our current President is a traitor, it seems. It's past time for parsing silly shit. The asshole needs to go.

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I don't think Trump will ever see impeachment - no matter what he does. Here is why, I believe that Nancy Pelosi and the like are convinced that Trump will be easier to beat in an election than President Pence. Therefore, the dems could put any piss poor asshat up against him and beat him in an election. It would not surprise me that she even thinks that Hillary could become the nominee and beat Trump. So by keeping Trump in office, the dems could nominate a centrist establishment candidate who isn't going to make changes to the system. And since both parties have convinced the masses that there are only two viable parties in this country, you peasants will vote for "anyone but Trump". So it is a win-win for everyone involved in politics. But the rest of us lose...

Edited by CygnusX-1

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Te first one was largely backlash. After 8 years of  Bush and Cheney, wars with no end in sight, Wall St run amok, all of that, there was little chance of any R winning. Yet the election was still reasonably close. 

2nd time around, the economy had improved markedly, Iraq was supposed to be winding down (Daesh hadn't shown up much) and the Rs were in charge of Congress, showing they hadn't changed much. Romney was not a strong candidate and didn't appeal to a lot of the R base.  And again, the election was pretty close. 

One of the reasons Trump won was that he attracted a lot of the 'racists, misogynists, narrow agenda evangelicals and sundry assholes'  that were enraged that one of 'them' was in the White House. That, plus the people that fell for his con job. There ar a lot of those, too. He has never had widespread support. It's always been in the mid thirties, and it's the same people. They won't abandon him, and nobody new is going to support him. 

I don't see impeachment as all that likely. The Ds know full well that there would be a large backlash if they did, especially if the trial in the Senate didn't result in removal, which right now is probably the likely outcome. The Rs in the Senate aren't likely to vote to remove Trump because it would alienate the Trumpettes, who right now make up a large amount of primary votes. It would be problematic to see a lot of incumbents not make it to the final vote. Look at Alabama. Moore made it through the primaries, because the 'deplorable' vote was behind him. They didn't care that he tried to rape teenage girls (and may have succeeded). 
It would, however be a strange result to see a lot of extreme R candidates for Senate, who would then likely lose the seat in the general election (again using Alabama as an example). 
I have no idea how this will play out. But I see it as likely that I will vote for a D for president for the first time in my life (1st vote was for Reagan's 2nd term). 

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12 minutes ago, CygnusX-1 said:


He's anything but ideal but if he doesn't keel over, pull out his hearing horn or lose his fixodent between now and November 2020 he probably has the best chance of drawing fringe voters. He did get fired up enough to say he'd beat Trump like a drum, so that's a positive.

For smarts you have to like Buttigieg and Warren. Sadly, we don't yet live in that America.

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3 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

For smarts you have to like Buttigieg and Warren. Sadly, we don't yet live in that America.

Hi Joe,

Sadly, you are right.  I, for one, would like to see them on the ticket.

Jerry Baumchen

PS)  And I do think Trump is beatable.  Remember:  The glass is 1/2 full, not 1/2 empty.

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1 hour ago, CygnusX-1 said:

I don't think Trump will ever see impeachment - no matter what he does.

I agree with you on this part, I don't agree with your reasoning.

I believe that with Moscow Mitch at the helm in Senate, the Democrats know any impeachment will not result in removal. This will be seen as a loss of the Democrats, hence why there is very limited interest to start impeachment proceedings. They are in a catch-22 now. If they don't impeach, they will be seen as weak. If they do impeach, it won't be successful.

They may just try and time it in such a way that an election would put an end to the Senate debating whether to convict or not.

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3 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

I agree with you on this part, I don't agree with your reasoning.

I believe that with Moscow Mitch at the helm in Senate, the Democrats know any impeachment will not result in removal. This will be seen as a loss of the Democrats, hence why there is very limited interest to start impeachment proceedings. They are in a catch-22 now. If they don't impeach, they will be seen as weak. If they do impeach, it won't be successful.

They may just try and time it in such a way that an election would put an end to the Senate debating whether to convict or not.

Sure. And as fast as the D's can get their collective shit together now is a good time to start.

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18 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi Joe,

Sadly, you are right.  I, for one, would like to see them on the ticket.

Jerry Baumchen

PS)  And I do think Trump is beatable.  Remember:  The glass is 1/2 full, not 1/2 empty.

Yes, he can be beat but it won't be with a good dose of vim and vigor. Not even if we get gosh darn mad. These people are street fighters. No rules, no conscious, just winning. Neal had a chance to have Trumps tax returns but took a pass because of the optics. Does anyone think they'd pass because it didn't look right? 

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3 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

Yes, he can be beat but it won't be with a good dose of vim and vigor. Not even if we get gosh darn mad. These people are street fighters. No rules, no conscious, just winning. Neal had a chance to have Trumps tax returns but took a pass because of the optics. Does anyone think they'd pass because it didn't look right? 

Neal who?

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3 hours ago, SkyDekker said:

I believe that with Moscow Mitch at the helm in Senate, the Democrats know any impeachment will not result in removal. This will be seen as a loss of the Democrats, hence why there is very limited interest to start impeachment proceedings. They are in a catch-22 now. If they don't impeach, they will be seen as weak. If they do impeach, it won't be successful.


One of the duties of the House is to impeach unfit officials.

Just because they think the Senate won't convict is no excuse for the House to not do its duty.

If Pelosi doesn't want to do her job, then she needs to step aside and let someone else do it.

"Lead, follow, or get out of the way"

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10 minutes ago, ryoder said:

One of the duties of the House is to impeach unfit officials.

Just because they think the Senate won't convict is no excuse for the House to not do its duty.

If Pelosi doesn't want to do her job, then she needs to step aside and let someone else do it.

"Lead, follow, or get out of the way"

I fully agree. Was trying to articulate what I think the Ds are grappling with.

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1 hour ago, yobnoc said:

Neal who?

Congressman Richard Neal, Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. He had a two week window before Trump shut down the chance with a lawsuit. New York passed the law and the Governor signed it. Neal simply fumbled the opportunity. We suck.


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19 hours ago, wmw999 said:

Neal belongs to the next district down. He’s not highly thought of by many, because he doesn’t meet with or answer most of his constituents. But he’s chair, and he loves the connections. Ewww

Wendy P. 

Yeah I just read up on it a little bit last night.  Turns out he's another corporocrat who also hasn't released his tax returns for review by his constituents. Ahhh, the good ol' boys club.

Edited by yobnoc

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