
Sex, Payoffs, Porn Stars and Politicans

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***>Could say the same thing about Hillary, but she never gets investigated or charged with anything.

Did you honestly, seriously just claim that Hillary Clinton "never gets investigated?" You have got to get more news sources than FOX.

Bad phrase on my part. I meant to say everything gets deemed not worthy of charges. Plenty of others have gone to prison for far less.

I will say this though, fuck Hillary. I'm glad she lost. Why? She's still bitching to this day about losing the election. The worst sore loser I've ever seen. She makes Al Gore look like a saint. :D

There are valid reason things are "deemed not worthy of charges." Apparently you've never been accused of false charges. Until you have, why not take a slightly more circumspect view? Out of curiosity, why do you take "triathlon" spelled backwards as your handle? Better, why not use your real name?

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***I meant to say everything gets deemed not worthy of charges.

If there was anything to the accusations against her, at least one of the several extensive investigations would have turned up incriminating evidence. The baseless accusations from the right are a textbook example of a proverbial witch hunt.

When all is said and done, the baseless accusations from the left against Trump is going to be a textbook example of a proverbial witch hunt. We could go all day.

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>When all is said and done, the baseless accusations from the left against Trump is
>going to be a textbook example of a proverbial witch hunt. We could go all day.

Given that -

-the Stormy Daniels allegations have turned out to be true
-they have now admitted to meeting with a Russian agent who promised them dirt on Hillary
-there have already been a dozen indictments and several convictions of people associated with the Trump campaign

that's already untrue.

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When all is said and done, the baseless accusations from the left against Trump is going to be a textbook example of a proverbial witch hunt.

You mean, apart from the ones that have already been proven to be true, after he swore blind they weren't?

Look, we already know from cases surrounding his business dealings that he is a habital liar, thief and conman - why would you think he's suddenly turned into an ethical, by-the-book politician?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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When all is said and done, the baseless accusations from the left against Trump is going to be a textbook example of a proverbial witch hunt.

Oddly, the investigations into Trump have resulted in indictments, sealed and unsealed, and have the Trump legal team jumping all over themselves to further incriminate their client with their public statements. It sounds nothing like a witch hunt, and I seriously doubt Trump will emerge unscathed.
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Another GOPer/porn star "pay after play" scheme gone bad.

Top GOP Fundraiser to Stop Hush Payments Over Affair

Updated July 1, 2018 5:30 p.m. ET

A top Republican fundraiser will stop making payments to a former mistress who signed a hush-money agreement that was negotiated last year by Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s longtime lawyer.

Elliott Broidy, a Los Angeles venture capitalist and former Republican National Committee official, agreed to pay former Playboy centerfold Shera Bechard $1.6 million—in eight installments, beginning late last year—to keep quiet about her affair with the married donor, The Wall Street Journal reported in April.

Now Mr. Broidy, who worked on the RNC with Mr. Cohen, will withhold the third installment of $200,000 that was due Sunday, in response to an alleged breach of the nondisclosure agreement, according to Chris Clark, a lawyer for Mr. Broidy.

Mr. Clark said Ms. Bechard’s lawyer at the time of the agreement, Keith Davidson, improperly discussed the hush-money agreement with another lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who has replaced Mr. Davidson in representing Stephanie Clifford, a former adult-film star. Ms. Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, got a $130,000 payment arranged by Mr. Cohen to keep quiet about what she said was a 2006 sexual encounter with Mr. Trump.

. . .

The action by Mr. Broidy, 60 years old, also makes the Bechard agreement the third hush-money contract this year to unravel that involved Mr. Davidson and either Mr. Trump or Mr. Cohen, who until recently was the president’s personal lawyer. Any effort by Ms. Bechard to use the legal system to enforce the nondisclosure agreement could shine more of a light on how Mr. Cohen maneuvered to protect the secrets of his high-profile clients.

Mr. Davidson also negotiated six-figure payments during the 2016 presidential campaign for Ms. Clifford and Karen McDougal, another former Playboy model who said she had a sexual encounter with Mr. Trump more than a decade ago. Both women have sought to extricate themselves from contracts brokered by Mr. Davidson.

Federal agents in New York raided Mr. Cohen’s home, office and hotel room in April and are investigating his role in those deals and whether they violated campaign-finance or other laws, according to people familiar with the matter. The president and the White House deny that Mr. Trump had sex with either Ms. Clifford or Ms. McDougal. Mr. Cohen has said he has done nothing wrong.

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What has this country come to when you can't even depend on a a paid off porn star to stay quiet?

So, WTF is $130,000? It's not a Fibonacci number or the latest extension of PI and it sure as hell didn't come from Trumps Feng Shui Master. What it is, is too little. The Prez simply underpaid for the service.

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***What has this country come to when you can't even depend on a a paid off porn star to stay quiet?

So, WTF is $130,000? It's not a Fibonacci number or the latest extension of PI and it sure as hell didn't come from Trumps Feng Shui Master. What it is, is too little. The Prez simply underpaid for the service.

I figure it's what he happened to have on him at the time.

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Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg has been subpoenaed
(Link at top of the page)
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Michael Avenatti has 3 new clients.
From his Twitter account:


Three additional women. All paid hush money through various means. Time for Michael Cohen and Donald Trump to come 100 percent clean with the American people. All the documents, all the tapes, NOW. No more lies or lip service. #Basta

9:23 PM - 26 Jul 2018

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Michael Avenatti has 3 new clients.
From his Twitter account:


Three additional women. All paid hush money through various means. Time for Michael Cohen and Donald Trump to come 100 percent clean with the American people. All the documents, all the tapes, NOW. No more lies or lip service. #Basta

9:23 PM - 26 Jul 2018

drip, drip, drip

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WSJ: As ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Surfaced, Michael Cohen Changed Tune on Paying Stormy Daniels

However since they have a paywall, here is a Mother Jones article which uses WSJ as the source:

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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WSJ: As ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Surfaced, Michael Cohen Changed Tune on Paying Stormy Daniels

However since they have a paywall, here is a Mother Jones article which uses WSJ as the source:


She really is a huge piece of opportunistic shit who leveraged the Presidency of the United States against a paltry $130k. At this point, beyond the basic concept of infidelity, I could give a shit less it he was having sex with her, it was obviously consensual. If there was campaign fraud it's because she and her lawyer orchestrated it in a form of blackmail. Sure, call it what you want but in the end she withheld information that could have further exposed what a piece of shit he is to middle America voters and for that my message to her is "Fuck You, you trailer trash piece of shit."
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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She really is a huge piece of opportunistic shit who leveraged the Presidency of the United States against a paltry $130k.

Huge? She's an insignificant fleck compared with Trump.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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***WSJ: As ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Surfaced, Michael Cohen Changed Tune on Paying Stormy Daniels

However since they have a paywall, here is a Mother Jones article which uses WSJ as the source:


She really is a huge piece of opportunistic shit who leveraged the Presidency of the United States against a paltry $130k. At this point, beyond the basic concept of infidelity, I could give a shit less it he was having sex with her, it was obviously consensual. If there was campaign fraud it's because she and her lawyer orchestrated it in a form of blackmail. Sure, call it what you want but in the end she withheld information that could have further exposed what a piece of shit he is to middle America voters and for that my message to her is "Fuck You, you trailer trash piece of shit."

Sounds like capitalism to me. Did she do something illegal? Did trump do something illegal?

Why is what she did make her a piece of trash, but when Trump screws people he is a smart business man?

This is the American way. I would have thought a genius businessman should have seen it coming.

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Campaign finance issues aside? Yeah, we'll leave those out. Nothing wrong with infidelity except for infidelity. Other than that it sounded entirely consensual. Blackmail? Maybe. Sounds like they're perfect for each other.

I don't want to hear any cries of victimization from her or that she's doing this to expose him to the American people. If she gave a shit about the American people she would've done this without a paltry $130k payout. I'm going to wager that she burned through that pretty quick and realized the only way to keep the gravy train running was to use it for publicity.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Campaign finance issues aside? Yeah, we'll leave those out. Nothing wrong with infidelity except for infidelity. Other than that it sounded entirely consensual. Blackmail? Maybe. Sounds like they're perfect for each other.

I don't want to hear any cries of victimization from her or that she's doing this to expose him to the American people. If she gave a shit about the American people she would've done this without a paltry $130k payout. I'm going to wager that she burned through that pretty quick and realized the only way to keep the gravy train running was to use it for publicity.

LOL, the idea that the American people have/had to rely on a porn star to expose the character of Trump is rather funny. I think there were already enough signs and indications.

And in New York state, where Trump resides, infidelity is illegal.

What is so bad about just following the law?

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***Michael Avenatti has 3 new clients.
From his Twitter account:


Three additional women. All paid hush money through various means. Time for Michael Cohen and Donald Trump to come 100 percent clean with the American people. All the documents, all the tapes, NOW. No more lies or lip service. #Basta

9:23 PM - 26 Jul 2018

drip, drip, drip

At least he paid them...not like that cheap fuck Bill. :)
Please don't dent the planet.

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A quick history of Trump's claims on the payoffs:

Sanders, Mar 7: This case has already been won in arbitration and that there was no knowledge of any payments from the President, and he’s denied all of these allegations.

Apr 5:
Reporter: Mr. President, did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?
Trump: No. No. What else?
Reporter: Then why did Michael Cohen make those if there was no truth to her allegations?
Trump: Well, you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney. And you’ll have to ask Michael Cohen.
Reporter: Do you know where he got the money to make that payment?
Trump: No, I don’t know. No.

Trump, Apr 26: Michael represents me, like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. And from what I’ve seen, he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no campaign funds going into this.

Giuliani, May 2: Some time after the campaign is over, they set up a reimbursement, $35,000 a month, out of his personal family account.

Trump, May 3: Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA.

Jul 25 (on tape, recorded earlier) -
COHEN: And, I’ve spoken to Allen Weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up . . .
TRUMP: So, what do we got to pay for this? One-fifty?
COHEN: … funding. Yes. Um, and it’s all the stuff. . . And, I spoke to Allen about it, when it comes time for the financing, which will be —
TRUMP: Wait a sec, what financing?
COHEN: Well, I’ll have to pay him something.
TRUMP: Pay with cash ...
COHEN: No, no, no, no, no. I got it.
TRUMP: ... check.

Aug 21:
Cohen: I participated in this conduct [paying off Daniels] which on my part took place in Manhattan, for the principal purpose of influencing the election.

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