
Why I am not worried

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After the last 8 years and seeing how damaging a so clled progressive can be.

Terrible years:

unemployment DOWN
uninsured DOWN
stock market WAY UP
Military deaths DOWN


But poor people are getting medical care at the expense of the state, homosexuals have gained rights, there was talk about immigration reform including a path to citizenship, and worst of all an effort was being made to reduce CO2 emissions. In other words, your nation was about to fall apart from the terrible progressive excesses.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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After the last 8 years and seeing how damaging a so clled progressive can be.

Terrible years:

unemployment DOWN
uninsured DOWN
stock market WAY UP
Military deaths DOWN


But poor people are getting medical care at the expense of the state, homosexuals have gained rights, there was talk about immigration reform including a path to citizenship, and worst of all an effort was being made to reduce CO2 emissions. In other words, your nation was about to fall apart from the terrible progressive excesses.

I think you mean allowing black,brown and yellow skinned, non Christians into the US. Then even worse than that. Have them gain socioeconomic advantage over white men.

Let alone the outrage that Muslims, Mexicans could come to enjoy the same advantages of white men.

The horror, the horror.

What is also amusing is that this Falwell university would give trump a honorary law degree. Says everything about lawyers, the "university" and trump. Its akin to trump giving himself a Christian minister designate from his own trump university.

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After the last 8 years and seeing how damaging a so clled progressive can be.

Terrible years:

unemployment DOWN
uninsured DOWN
stock market WAY UP
Military deaths DOWN


But poor people are getting medical care at the expense of the state, homosexuals have gained rights, there was talk about immigration reform including a path to citizenship, and worst of all an effort was being made to reduce CO2 emissions. In other words, your nation was about to fall apart from the terrible progressive excesses.

Bankruptcies way down too. EVEN TRUMP hasn't gone bankrupt since 2009.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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After the last 8 years and seeing how damaging a so clled progressive can be.

Terrible years:

unemployment DOWN
uninsured DOWN
stock market WAY UP
Military deaths DOWN

And now we've got unemployment even lower stock market even higher uninsured hasn't really changed yet at this point GDP we haven't had time to see what Trump can do. I don't know, seems like we're doing okay so far
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Hi rush,


Trump being President works for me.

And how does your membership in the Flat Earth Society work for you, Mr. Honor Society Guy?

Jerry Baumchen

Oooooo, frustration brings forth a slam. Hang in there Jerry. Even you will do okay under Trump's presidency:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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No high quality data source on my claim other than I heard it mentioned on what I thought was a high quality NPR documentary. Have U got a data source now that it has been mentioned - I'm always up for improvement. It stuck in my head because it surprised me that it only took that amount to start the Revolution although I never had given it a thought before. Whether 30 as I said or 40% as you say it is probably normal that people are always disagreement to some extent over such a major move - difference is nowadays and for many years we as citizens disagree over most everything from 50/50 and more recently up to 70/30. Tha Nation is in trouble for sure but I'd never lay it all at Trump's door - he didn't guide this Nation to where it is today IMHO leaders over the last 50 years along with a for the most part uninformed apathetic public caused that. Many folks here and elsewhere whine often but few will put the time in to change one little problem in their own back yard. A agree 100% with paraphrase what Ross Perot said - "When you don't like the way things are going with your government look in the mirror for the cause' or something like that. That's what I do and why I have worked to change things I disagree with and have won big sometimes and gone down in flames at other times.

Well, it's generally accepted that the person making the assertion is the one who should back it up, but here's an interesting article on the "1/3 myth."

Another that repeats the part about the letter by John Adams says:

Recent historians of the Loyalists,[8] such as William Nelson, have estimated them at no more than a sixth of the population.[9] If that estimate is correct, the only alternative to a massive American majority is a very large neutral group.


General George Washington, who in 1781 told of the “calamitous distress” of the army and “the inquietudes prevailing among the people” but, nonetheless, observed that “A large majority are still firmly attached to the independence States, [and] abhor a reunion with Great Britain."


In doing so we can appreciate the number of people who participated in those actions and the fact that the nature of the war they fought would have been impossible, as the Americans clearly understood, without the support of the overwhelming mass of the people.

The only thing I can find that gives a number for supporters of the war is Wiki. And it says 45%.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Plus at this link it says France, Spain and the Netherlands assisted the colonists - http://www.ducksters.com/history/american_revolution/american_allies_french.php

The French (and their lackeys allies) reflexively opposed Britain for some 900 years. They weren't so much supporting the revolutionaries as opposing British interests, especially after losing to Wolfe in Quebec.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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After the last 8 years and seeing how damaging a so clled progressive can be.

Terrible years:

unemployment DOWN
uninsured DOWN
stock market WAY UP
Military deaths DOWN


But poor people are getting medical care at the expense of the state, homosexuals have gained rights, there was talk about immigration reform including a path to citizenship, and worst of all an effort was being made to reduce CO2 emissions. In other words, your nation was about to fall apart from the terrible progressive excesses.

I think you mean allowing black,brown and yellow skinned, non Christians into the US. Then even worse than that. Have them gain socioeconomic advantage over white men.

Let alone the outrage that Muslims, Mexicans could come to enjoy the same advantages of white men.

The horror, the horror.

What is also amusing is that this Falwell university would give trump a honorary law degree. Says everything about lawyers, the "university" and trump. Its akin to trump giving himself a Christian minister designate from his own trump university.

That type of liberal high-horse attitude is exactly what lost Hillary the election. You're not completely on board with our agenda, therefore you must be a racist xenophobic gay-hater that drinks the blood of immigrants when there's a full moon.

Ding ding ding!

We have a winner!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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you're not worried because you have Faith.

Faith that God elected Trump. Faith that anything Trump does is part of God's plan.

But that's what faith is - belief in something despite no evidence to support it, or even evidence to the contrary.

Me. I'm worried. I'm worried that he's not up to the task. I'm worried that he cares more about himself and his image than the nation. I'm worried that the commander-in-chief has such a thin skin that he responds to jibes over Twitter.

What is your worst fantasy? What do you think will happen? Is September 23 significant to you?

"Will the Tribulation begin on September 23, 2017 when we all see the constellation Virgo with the sun rise directly behind it? After all Jupiter in the constellation enters the womb of Virgo and stays there for approximately 9.5 months".

Astrological bunk.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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President George W. Bush didn't vote for trump. Millions of other republicans didn't either.

Think of the reasons why.

Reflect on the whole motivations on WHY the courts have rejected the Muslim travel ban. Er the "pause" in visa referral program study period.

Think about Why that is.

Political ideology isn't necessary right or left. If you read my posts you could ascertain that in fact I predominantly agree with John McCain. At the same time I think trump is a fascist.

29% of Americans support the Comey firing.
36% supporting trump's job.
25% supporting the Republican amendments to AHC.

So when Rushmc mentions the poor track record of Obama and compares him to the dismal start to trump's administration.

Sure I'm a liberal.

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President George W. Bush didn't vote for trump. Millions of other republicans didn't either.

Think of the reasons why.

Reflect on the whole motivations on WHY the courts have rejected the Muslim travel ban. Er the "pause" in visa referral program study period.

Think about Why that is.

Political ideology isn't necessary right or left. If you read my posts you could ascertain that in fact I predominantly agree with John McCain. At the same time I think trump is a fascist.

29% of Americans support the Comey firing.
36% supporting trump's job.
25% supporting the Republican amendments to AHC.

So when Rushmc mentions the poor track record of Obama and compares him to the dismal start to trump's administration.

Sure I'm a liberal.

You sure as hell are. And you prove that daily by providing so called data from the sites you frequent.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***....It's funny to me that the christians think Trump is one of them.
He's simply using them like he does everyone.

Correct. When you are dealing with a liar, you are likely to get the opposite of what you were promised.

Christians will get less religious freedom.
Pro-lifers will get more abortions.
Gun folks will get gun restrictions.
Blue collar workers will get fewer old economy jobs.

As far as touting the large number of executive orders as a sign of success, all that shows is that he will not be able to accomplish anything through normal democratic channels.

Gun folks will get gun restrictions? I do not think so.

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>Gun folks will get gun restrictions? I do not think so.

Exactly! Gun liberalization is a sacred cow of the right. Trump would NEVER make a change that would go against the right's sacred cows! After all, he's always been a staunch republican. Right?

(It will be fun to watch the right scramble to say "well, we knew he would do that all along - it's just common sense!" when he signs some gun control legislation and defends it in a 140 character tweet.)

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you're not worried because you have Faith.

Faith that God elected Trump. Faith that anything Trump does is part of God's plan.

But that's what faith is - belief in something despite no evidence to support it, or even evidence to the contrary.

Me. I'm worried. I'm worried that he's not up to the task. I'm worried that he cares more about himself and his image than the nation. I'm worried that the commander-in-chief has such a thin skin that he responds to jibes over Twitter.

What is your worst fantasy? What do you think will happen? Is September 23 significant to you?

"Will the Tribulation begin on September 23, 2017 when we all see the constellation Virgo with the sun rise directly behind it? After all Jupiter in the constellation enters the womb of Virgo and stays there for approximately 9.5 months".

Astrological bunk.

I never had much interest in Astrology. These theories came to my awareness a couple of years ago about the same time as the global warming chatter. Given a choice between the two, this theory at least has some basis in Biblical prophecy.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Given a choice between the two, this theory at least has some basis in Biblical prophecy.

Oh Ron. You've outdone yourself now. I just can't stop laughing. I mean it, seriously!
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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you're not worried because you have Faith.

Faith that God elected Trump. Faith that anything Trump does is part of God's plan.

But that's what faith is - belief in something despite no evidence to support it, or even evidence to the contrary.

Me. I'm worried. I'm worried that he's not up to the task. I'm worried that he cares more about himself and his image than the nation. I'm worried that the commander-in-chief has such a thin skin that he responds to jibes over Twitter.

What is your worst fantasy? What do you think will happen? Is September 23 significant to you?

"Will the Tribulation begin on September 23, 2017 when we all see the constellation Virgo with the sun rise directly behind it? After all Jupiter in the constellation enters the womb of Virgo and stays there for approximately 9.5 months".

Astrological bunk.

I never had much interest in Astrology. These theories came to my awareness a couple of years ago about the same time as the global warming chatter. Given a choice between the two, this theory at least has some basis in Biblical prophecy.

May I ask for your help? On Sept. 24, 2017 - means, one day after the arrival of the virgin - our federal elections will take place.

Could you kindly ask that virgin with the sun and the stars to be of help to make our brave little Angela win? I'm quite sure that Angie and her party will win but, help from above/ heaven highly would be appreciated:)

Thank you in advance, :)

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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So far President Trump is on the right track. Prayers are being answered.


You're right. Prayers are being answered.

"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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>Given a choice between the two, this theory at least has some basis in Biblical prophecy.

I am thinking there are a lot of right wingers out there who are going to be hoping that nothing happens on September 23.

Revelation 11:18 -

The nations raged, but your wrath has come, and the time for judging the dead, for rewarding your servants, the prophets, and the saints and all who fear your name, both small and great; and for destroying those who destroy the Earth.

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