
Close the border!

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>One has to pay attention to works versus relationship with Christ.

James 2:

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

If you have faith in Christ and have the Holy Spirit good works will follow. Some works small and some large. Your faith and the Holy Spirit will guide you to do what is right and proper.

Good works by themselves, regardless of how good the motive accounts for naught for entrance into the kingdom of God.

Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

In other words, if you read positive instruction from the Bible and act accordingly the kudos you will get will come from man not God.

The Bible is not a tech manual. It instruction for life, present and eternal.

Can you share your testimony of how, when and where you were saved by Jesus Christ?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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These stories pop up from time to time. I don't pay any attention to them. They do not add to or increase my faith, joy or peace of mind.

I read a book in 1972, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by John Allegro, I think. It made great sense at the time but was instantly disregarded when I experienced salvation in Christ.

Once truth is experienced and felt it lasts forever.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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These stories pop up from time to time. I don't pay any attention to them.

"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

you're right, I SHOULD make an omelet

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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These stories pop up from time to time. I don't pay any attention to them.

"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

Yes we do.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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If you have faith in Christ and have the Holy Spirit good works will follow. Some works small and some large. Your faith and the Holy Spirit will guide you to do what is right and proper.

noble, but for some Christians, that means death to homosexuals and abortion doctors. And they are 'absolutely' correct in their beliefs and as sure of their faith as you are of yours.

Which makes them no better than ISIS.

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I believe 2016 is going to be nightmarish.

What a horrible thing to say.

I believe 2016 is going to be AWESOME! Just like 2015, and 2014 and pretty much every year I have been alive. There were a few rough years in my youth but that was mostly self-inflicted.

You doom and gloom guys really need to enjoy the life you already have instead of wringing your hands over the life you think you might get after you die. One is a sure thing, the other is just fantasy.

Jesus taught us to heal the sick, feed the poor, and turn the other cheek. Your mantra is screw the sick, to hell with the poor, and buy more ammo.

I don't really have any problem with the "buy more ammo" part but that is because I am not a Christian.
Onward and Upward!

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You doom and gloom guys really need to enjoy the life you already have instead of wringing your hands over the life you think you might get after you die. One is a sure thing, the other is just fantasy.

Don't worry dude - Ron's hobby is preparing for the end of civilisation. He just wouldn't be happy if he thought everything was going to be great:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:


But that dude is white and probably a Christian, how can we call him a terrorist?

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***No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:


But that dude is white and probably a Christian, how can we call him a terrorist?

Growing up in the the 90's, the word terrorist brought to mind images of Oklahoma City - however, in 2001 Al-Qaeda effectively stole the title from Mcveigh fair and square.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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******No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:


But that dude is white and probably a Christian, how can we call him a terrorist?

Growing up in the the 90's, the word terrorist brought to mind images of Oklahoma City - however, in 2001 Al-Qaeda effectively stole the title from Mcveigh fair and square.

The Provisional IRA killed far more than McVeigh, yet no-one called for closing the border to Irish catholics.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The Provisional IRA killed far more than McVeigh, yet no-one called for closing the border to Irish catholics.

Not only that, the IRA raised a lot of money in America from Americans. Sort of like the way al-Qaeda raises money from Saudis.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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*********No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:


But that dude is white and probably a Christian, how can we call him a terrorist?

Growing up in the the 90's, the word terrorist brought to mind images of Oklahoma City - however, in 2001 Al-Qaeda effectively stole the title from Mcveigh fair and square.

The Provisional IRA killed far more than McVeigh, yet no-one called for closing the border to Irish catholics.

Why would they?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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************No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:


But that dude is white and probably a Christian, how can we call him a terrorist?

Growing up in the the 90's, the word terrorist brought to mind images of Oklahoma City - however, in 2001 Al-Qaeda effectively stole the title from Mcveigh fair and square.

The Provisional IRA killed far more than McVeigh, yet no-one called for closing the border to Irish catholics.

Why would they?

Same reason as some people think the border should be closed to Syrian refugees following the Paris attack.

Not a reason I agree with, in either case.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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***************No intelligent statement ever begins with the phrase “lemme tell you sumptin” as these “backwoods Virginia folk” so cleary illustrate:


Here’s a real example of Americans in danger – from home-grown American religious nutcases:


But that dude is white and probably a Christian, how can we call him a terrorist?

Growing up in the the 90's, the word terrorist brought to mind images of Oklahoma City - however, in 2001 Al-Qaeda effectively stole the title from Mcveigh fair and square.

The Provisional IRA killed far more than McVeigh, yet no-one called for closing the border to Irish catholics.

Why would they?

Same reason as some people think the border should be closed to Syrian refugees following the Paris attack.

Did the IRA claim that "American blood is best, and we will taste it soon."
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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I live outside Fredericksburg, Vurginia (it is also where USPA headqurters is, BTW) and there are a lot of ignorant redneck shitbags. On the other hand, if you look at the bottom of that article, there are a lot of letters to the editor and opinion pieces that support the new mosque and reject the hate.

Just a local perspective.

- Dan G

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no but they did kill civilians. Your point is? American lives worth more than UK or Irish lives? If they kill their own, then it's OK to let them in as long as they promise not to kill us?

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no but they did kill civilians. Your point is? American lives worth more than UK or Irish lives? If they kill their own, then it's OK to let them in as long as they promise not to kill us?

There is a basic truth in this.

The most valuable lives are Canadian. Second are American. Next are people from other white English speaking countries. After that are other Europeans, the list goes on from there. It's a basic fact and it will never change. Of course your list is slightly different from mine, but you get the point.

The hundred or so killed in France are a major event. A different hundred killed in a Baghdad attack barely gets a mention. A single soldier killed in front of an Ottawa war memorial is worse than many thousand Sunni or Shite victims killing each other. That's a fact, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

That said, I'm still in favour of Canada accepting large numbers of refugees. I believe they will make the country stronger, not weaker.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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***Did the IRA claim that "American blood is best, and we will taste it soon."

no but they did kill civilians. Your point is? American lives worth more than UK or Irish lives? If they kill their own, then it's OK to let them in as long as they promise not to kill us?

Man, You people are really getting a bit too glaring - you may wanna dial it down a bit.

There are refugees trying to escape the grasp of various terrorist organizations all over world - terrorists in India, Sri Lanka and all throughout Africa. We generally don't close the border since the terrorists in these areas - for the most part - aren't preoccupied with bringing death to America, nor are they particularly interested in bringing world war and widespread terror. Tamil Tigers, the LRA and Janjaweed typically express political discontent through terror in their respective locales.

Again, we have a proposed refugee admissions quota of about 70,000 annually. I didn't hear Obama and all his other puppets lamenting over "a betrayal of our values" when the entire refugee family reunification program was suspended in 2008 after it was discovered that Kenyans were defrauding the system. Where was all the political posturing and cries of "xenophobia!" in 2011 when Iraqi refugee processing was scaled back significantly after it was discovered that Iraqi operatives found their way into the US by way of the refuge program?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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