
Islam...the religion of peace?

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I more addressing the issue of how some treat others during a disagreement
There will always be honest disagreement on topic depending on points of view

Some here think their shit dont stink
Either their nose does not work or they have a cold

I hope you put yourself in that category.

- Dan G

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I more addressing the issue of how some treat others during a disagreement
There will always be honest disagreement on topic depending on points of view

Some here think their shit dont stink
Either their nose does not work or they have a cold

I hope you put yourself in that category.

My shit stinks like normal peoples does

I just treat people who disagree with me better, unless they treat people who disagree with you, like you do
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I just treat people who disagree with me better,

You do realise that we read your posts, right? 'Cause seriously bro, who do you think you're fooling?

you also cherry picked and picked only part of the post you wanted to respond to. You're in the same boat
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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With facts we can say that the Bible advocates rape

Funny you should bring that up...I just had a nightmare recently where we were discussing this same exact thing.

It's a little blurry, but it went something like this:

The Bible commands the rape of women.

ME: That's Absurd!

BLURRY FIGURE 2: Appeal to Stone - Explain at once!

ME: Ok, here are several examples where it says rape is unacceptable.

BLURRY FIGURE 2: Oh c'mon man, don't be an idiot - every culture rapes it's women.

ME: Ok, but here are more examples of why it's unacceptable - there were even laws against soldiers raping captive women.

BLURRY FIGURE 2: Oh c'mon man, don't be an idiot. Anybody letting a soldier within 5 feet of a woman is giving license to rape her - that's what soldiers do - THEY RAPE PEOPLE!


ME: Ok, but here are even more examples - they weren't even allowed to treat the captives brutally. Some were even assimilated into the culture and given in marriage.


ME: OK, I'm just trying to show you examples of where the bible shows that rape was considered unacceptable even 3400 years ago.

BLURRY FIGURE 1: You defend rape! You should be an Islamic apologist...

Then I was jarred up in a cold sweat gasping for breath!
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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I just treat people who disagree with me better,

You do realise that we read your posts, right? 'Cause seriously bro, who do you think you're fooling?

you also cherry picked and picked only part of the post you wanted to respond to.

Because it's the only bit worth responding to.

Rush, in terms of how you behave in an argument you're one of the biggest arseholes on this site and you don't get to complain about other people being arseholes. You also don't get to say "I'm only an arsehole to arseholes' because you're an arsehole to everyone with the possible exception of Wendy.

In short, drop the fucking hypocrisy.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I just treat people who disagree with me better,

You do realise that we read your posts, right? 'Cause seriously bro, who do you think you're fooling?

you also cherry picked and picked only part of the post you wanted to respond to.

Because it's the only bit worth responding to.

Rush, in terms of how you behave in an argument you're one of the biggest arseholes on this site and you don't get to complain about other people being arseholes. You also don't get to say "I'm only an arsehole to arseholes' because you're an arsehole to everyone with the possible exception of Wendy.

In short, drop the fucking hypocrisy.

Look at my responces to Wendy
She shows respect toward those who she responds to
YOU dont
You talk down your nose at me and others with whom you disagree
THEN you get it back

Row row row your boat!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And neither do you. You are an arsehole to everyone else. Does that mean that everyone else is an arsehole too, or that really, you just want to be an arsehole and you look for any excuse to justify it?

Seriously dude, you're just as bad as almost anyone else here but you're a hypocrite about it too. You need to pick a side. If you want to whine about how mean everyone is then you need to be nice. If you want to be mean too, stop whining.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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ME: Ok, but here are more examples of why it's unacceptable - there were even laws against soldiers raping captive women.

What were they, by the way?

As it turns out, the laws only would've protected the female captive from brutality. Your graphic illustration earlier in the thread demonstrated how marriage could be used as a loophole for spousal rape.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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ME: Ok, but here are more examples of why it's unacceptable - there were even laws against soldiers raping captive women.

What were they, by the way?

As it turns out, the laws only would've protected the female captive from brutality. Your graphic illustration earlier in the thread demonstrated how marriage could be used as a loophole for spousal rape.

kind of like what is happening now in Nigeria (from Aljazeera)
"Boko Haram's leader, Abubakar Shekau, has said the 219 schoolgirls kidnapped from the remote town of Chibok in Nigeria's northeast in April have converted to Islam and been married off."
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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And neither do you. You are an arsehole to everyone else. Does that mean that everyone else is an arsehole too, or that really, you just want to be an arsehole and you look for any excuse to justify it?

Seriously dude, you're just as bad as almost anyone else here but you're a hypocrite about it too. You need to pick a side. If you want to whine about how mean everyone is then you need to be nice. If you want to be mean too, stop whining.

If anyone were to run for king douchebag of this site i'd vote for you in a heartbeat.

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***And neither do you. You are an arsehole to everyone else. Does that mean that everyone else is an arsehole too, or that really, you just want to be an arsehole and you look for any excuse to justify it?

Seriously dude, you're just as bad as almost anyone else here but you're a hypocrite about it too. You need to pick a side. If you want to whine about how mean everyone is then you need to be nice. If you want to be mean too, stop whining.

If anyone were to run for king douchebag of this site i'd vote for you in a heartbeat.



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Hey -- bite me, Beavis!

Wendy P.

Well Wendy is generally very sweet. Even when we disagree there is no mud flinging. She is also pretty logical in what she says and attacks the subject or argument, not the person. She would never use a phrase like "bite me" or something like that. :P
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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The only religion of peace is no religion at all.

Non religious people who rail against religion have also shown historically that they are quite the opposite of peaceful so I do not think your statement is accurate but slanted to your own beliefs, the belief of nothing. Don't you just hate when religious people make statements like that? Pot meet kettle. ;)

People are flawed or "broken". No matter the faith any of "us" can go off of the deep end. The reason they say they are going off of the deep end does not necessarily correlate or equate to the subject matter of "the reason" being bad. Ever read Catcher in the Rye? If not you should... its a great book about baseball. :D Anyway, several serial killers have been on record answering the question of "Why did you do it?" with an answer of "read Catcher in the Rye". Not really an evil or a bad book.
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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"People are flawed or "broken"."
Severely flawed and gross generalization.
It's inaccurate and dishonest as well.

Why does religion have to put others down?
The message comes across as one of hatred for others IMO.

Everyone should be allowed to their own beliefs and opinions.
You're good with yours, I'm good with mine.

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