
The mind set of the political left on clear display!

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what site or who, tells you what to say or think?

Yes, that is something you would think. The concept of thinking for yourself is quite foreign.

All these "discussions" with you run along the same line.

1. you post some talking point you saw on a right wing website

You get challenged on it. Often asked what you think for yourself

2. you come back with some more talking points dug up from some right wing website.

When you are challenged again you just start posting one lines. Couple of emoticons etc.

Then at the end you get so frazzled, you can't even imagine how people think for themselves.

You kind of remind me of this "guy":


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> You're taking money from those that have it and giving it to those that
>don't...plain and simple.

Exactly. You have just defined "insurance."

>At this point it would just be better to go to a single payer system and flush the
>current insurance company/healthcare provider model.

Sure. Propose a good plan and you might just get it implemented.

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If you would pick the healthcare system in the US over say the healthcare system in Canada, then there is no point in even trying to convince you that the ACA is a sep in the right direction.

I don't vote right often because too many of their policies are influenced by religious beliefs.

I should add neither the left or right have is figured out. Our problems could be solved if we had a party that was left with social issues and right with financial issues.

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*********The only thing you have supported it that you are fine with the get what you want any way you can crowd
Fully knowing that you must lie to get it, because on its own merits is it doomed

So we have one president who lied to get health care to more americans.

We have the preceding president who lied to go to war and kill thousands of Americans.

You have made it clear which one you support.



Indeedexcept you are lying about bush but you should have posted this to kallend

Denial is not just a river in Africa, Marc. Bush, Powell, Rice, Cheney and Rumsfeld all lied.

Then we have Reagan who sold arms to Iran and lied about it, who armed the Contras and lied about it, who armed Osama bin Laden, and who raised the national debt by 181%, and the right considers him a hero.

Name one politician that doesn't lie. How about the next election some rep from either party gets elected is the more truthful candidate. Of course if dems promote Hillary you're already screwed. I wouldnt believe a single word she says.

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************The only thing you have supported it that you are fine with the get what you want any way you can crowd
Fully knowing that you must lie to get it, because on its own merits is it doomed

So we have one president who lied to get health care to more americans.

We have the preceding president who lied to go to war and kill thousands of Americans.

You have made it clear which one you support.



Indeedexcept you are lying about bush but you should have posted this to kallend

Denial is not just a river in Africa, Marc. Bush, Powell, Rice, Cheney and Rumsfeld all lied.

Then we have Reagan who sold arms to Iran and lied about it, who armed the Contras and lied about it, who armed Osama bin Laden, and who raised the national debt by 181%, and the right considers him a hero.

Name one politician that doesn't lie. How about the next election some rep from either party gets elected is the more truthful candidate. Of course if dems promote Hillary you're already screwed. I wouldnt believe a single word she says.

I can't think of any.

At least this guy, like Colin Powell, admitted to it.

(And despite Powell's admission, Marc Rush still believes Bush & Co told the truth)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Of course, the mindset of the right is to strip millions of their health insurance just so they can claim a win over Obama.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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(And despite Powell's admission, Marc Rush still believes Bush & Co told the truth)

I dispute the suggestion that "Bush & Co" lied.

In order to lie, one must have some glimmering of what the truth might actually be, and I have seen no indication that that crowd had any idea whatsoever what was or was not true.

You are giving that group WAY more credit than it deserves. Hanlon's Razor applies here coming and going.



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Of course, the mindset of the right is to strip millions of their health insurance just so they can claim a win over Obama.

yup, I am sure that's the only reason.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***Of course, the mindset of the right is to strip millions of their health insurance just so they can claim a win over Obama.

yup, I am sure that's the only reason.Just trying to maintain some symmetry in this thread. Wouldn't want to risk having the interverse get unbalanced or anything.

All jesting aside, though, it does seem to me that there are quite a lot of people for whom "collateral damage" is not a mitigating factor for their ODS. People who would prefer a kinetic war with Iran over allowing Obama a foreign policy accomplishment, for example.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

Bout time you catch up
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

Bout time you catch up

Not sure why you would be upset about this. This is capitalism at work.

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

No. It is government at work. Complex tax codes used to control or reward
Bout time you catch up

Not sure why you would be upset about this. This is capitalism at work.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

No. It is government at work. Complex tax codes used to control or reward
Bout time you catch up

Not sure why you would be upset about this. This is capitalism at work.

Yes so companies who have lobbied for this make more money.

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

No. It is government at work. Complex tax codes used to control or reward
Bout time you catch up

Not sure why you would be upset about this. This is capitalism at work.

Yes so companies who have lobbied for this make more money.

they have to function under the bs that is the us tax code
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

No. It is government at work. Complex tax codes used to control or reward
Bout time you catch up

Not sure why you would be upset about this. This is capitalism at work.

Yes so companies who have lobbied for this make more money.

they have to function under the bs that is the us tax code

A more clear indication that you don't read (or understand what you read) before you post is hard to find.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And while on the topic of laws written to be deliberately confusing:


Whoever would have guessed that lobbyists for tax preparers would oppose tax simplification and that the lawyers in Congress would go along?

No. It is government at work. Complex tax codes used to control or reward
Bout time you catch up

Not sure why you would be upset about this. This is capitalism at work.

Yes so companies who have lobbied for this make more money.

they have to function under the bs that is the us tax code

A more clear indication that you don't read (or understand what you read) before you post is hard to find.

It is your constant posting of bs like this that makes it very easy to understand you are not worth taking seriously

You are also one of the poster children that demonstrates the title of this thread
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And you don't even realize that you do it. I rest my case.

Your case was rested years ago John
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Although Obama claims that Gruber was merely “some advisor” who “never worked on our staff,” Gruber is actually an MIT economist who helped create the Obamacare law. The Obama administration had paid Mr. Gruber $380,000 in 2009, cited him several times in hearings and White House blogs, and even dedicated a webpage to his expert analysis. Visitor logs show Gruber meeting repeatedly with senior officials at the White House including one meeting with President Obama.

He'd lie when the truth would sound better. John, I realize it's difficult to see your hero take a beating like this but it's of his own doing.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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It seems that Dr. Gruber was hired by the Bush administration first.


Ah . . . so you support him why?

OH . . . I forgot, you have his same mind set.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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