
Michele Bachmann

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. . . in the news again.

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how - we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a Ward of the state can't say 'no,' a little kid can't say 'no' if they're a Ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say 'no.' It's sick".

So see? There might be death panels after all, to determine which helpless, innocent children to sacrifice for Obama's sick medical experiments.

Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

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It's a national disgrace that even our elected representatives can't get the mental health care they desperately need.[:/]

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

I think she's in a league of her own. When Palin says weird stuff like that, I think it's her just trying too hard. She's pretty much another Dan Q - affable and of average intelligence, not quite the standard we are seeking for the White House. But Backmann actually lives in this world she presents to us.

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. . . in the news again.

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how - we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a Ward of the state can't say 'no,' a little kid can't say 'no' if they're a Ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say 'no.' It's sick".

So see? There might be death panels after all, to determine which helpless, innocent children to sacrifice for Obama's sick medical experiments.

Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

Perhaps michelle obama can run for president to hold up the legacy of when anyone disagrees with the president they are racist. Its ironic how true leaders have the ability to unite people from different mindsets political and otherwise to find common ground and put aside their differences and work together. I'm sure you are equally as proud how obama, the divider and chief has done none of the sort and only works to destroy america. You seem so proud of this. Instead of proposing a working solution; you and the other leftists can only point out whats wrong with the other party instead of finding a way to work together. How sad it must be to walk in your shoes where pointing fingers takes precedence over personal accountability.

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Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

I think she's in a league of her own.

Try again -

Not at all, we're the state that gave you Michelle, Al Franken, and Jesse Ventura.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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*** . . . in the news again.

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how - we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a Ward of the state can't say 'no,' a little kid can't say 'no' if they're a Ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say 'no.' It's sick".

So see? There might be death panels after all, to determine which helpless, innocent children to sacrifice for Obama's sick medical experiments.

Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

Perhaps michelle obama can run for president to hold up the legacy of when anyone disagrees with the president they are racist. Its ironic how true leaders have the ability to unite people from different mindsets political and otherwise to find common ground and put aside their differences and work together. I'm sure you are equally as proud how obama, the divider and chief has done none of the sort and only works to destroy america. You seem so proud of this. Instead of proposing a working solution; you and the other leftists can only point out whats wrong with the other party instead of finding a way to work together. How sad it must be to walk in your shoes where pointing fingers takes precedence over personal accountability.

A few days ago I challenged Amazon on this trend. I pointed out that all she and the other lefties post is how bad, dumb, etc. the conservatives are. I asked her to offer some words of encouragement from their side. No response. I wonder why?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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****** . . . in the news again.

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how - we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a Ward of the state can't say 'no,' a little kid can't say 'no' if they're a Ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say 'no.' It's sick".

So see? There might be death panels after all, to determine which helpless, innocent children to sacrifice for Obama's sick medical experiments.

Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

Perhaps michelle obama can run for president to hold up the legacy of when anyone disagrees with the president they are racist. Its ironic how true leaders have the ability to unite people from different mindsets political and otherwise to find common ground and put aside their differences and work together. I'm sure you are equally as proud how obama, the divider and chief has done none of the sort and only works to destroy america. You seem so proud of this. Instead of proposing a working solution; you and the other leftists can only point out whats wrong with the other party instead of finding a way to work together. How sad it must be to walk in your shoes where pointing fingers takes precedence over personal accountability.

A few days ago I challenged Amazon on this trend. I pointed out that all she and the other lefties post is how bad, dumb, etc. the conservatives are. I asked her to offer some words of encouragement from their side. No response. I wonder why?

Really?? did you use invisible fonts???

Oh.. and when was the last time you or any of your group thinkers have done something similar to what you are suggesting...

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Hhhhmmm encourage the left. Ok let's see
Say something positive
Give minute
Oh I've got it!!!! Thankfully Obama can't run again!!

The Left as defined by conservatives--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|conservative_'Murica

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***Hhhhmmm encourage the left. Ok let's see
Say something positive
Give minute
Oh I've got it!!!! Thankfully Obama can't run again!!

The Left as defined by conservatives--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|conservative_'Murica

But we're right!! We're on the right!! :P
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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******Hhhhmmm encourage the left. Ok let's see
Say something positive
Give minute
Oh I've got it!!!! Thankfully Obama can't run again!!

The Left as defined by conservatives--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|conservative_'Murica

But we're right!! We're on the right!! :P

The point is that conservatism as currently allowed in the GOP has shifted so far to the fringe right that there is no room for what used to be conservatives like Goldwater or Reagan or Eisenhower. Now a days the things they did for America are considered to be liberal evildoing.[:/]

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********* . . . in the news again.

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how - we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a Ward of the state can't say 'no,' a little kid can't say 'no' if they're a Ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say 'no.' It's sick".

So see? There might be death panels after all, to determine which helpless, innocent children to sacrifice for Obama's sick medical experiments.

Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

Perhaps michelle obama can run for president to hold up the legacy of when anyone disagrees with the president they are racist. Its ironic how true leaders have the ability to unite people from different mindsets political and otherwise to find common ground and put aside their differences and work together. I'm sure you are equally as proud how obama, the divider and chief has done none of the sort and only works to destroy america. You seem so proud of this. Instead of proposing a working solution; you and the other leftists can only point out whats wrong with the other party instead of finding a way to work together. How sad it must be to walk in your shoes where pointing fingers takes precedence over personal accountability.

A few days ago I challenged Amazon on this trend. I pointed out that all she and the other lefties post is how bad, dumb, etc. the conservatives are. I asked her to offer some words of encouragement from their side. No response. I wonder why?

Really?? did you use invisible fonts???

Oh.. and when was the last time you or any of your group thinkers have done something similar to what you are suggesting...

Thanks for making my point.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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A few days ago I challenged Amazon on this trend. I pointed out that all she and the other lefties post is how bad, dumb, etc. the conservatives are. I asked her to offer some words of encouragement from their side. No response. I wonder why?

And before that Ron I asked you several times, what are you doing to find common ground with the left?

How are you willing to compromise for bipartisan agreement?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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A few days ago I challenged Amazon on this trend. I pointed out that all she and the other lefties post is how bad, dumb, etc. the conservatives are. I asked her to offer some words of encouragement from their side. No response. I wonder why?

And before that Ron I asked you several times, what are you doing to find common ground with the left?

How are you willing to compromise for bipartisan agreement?

My first response, you don't have a dog in the hunt.

Secondly, do my best to make wise choices when I vote.

Bipartisan agreement is not a valued position IMO. Both of our political parties are left of center. I would like our government to be right of center.

If socialism was so great we would have some positive examples from history. Furthermore, if it was ideal you wouldn't be concerned with American politics.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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*** . . . in the news again.

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how - we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a Ward of the state can't say 'no,' a little kid can't say 'no' if they're a Ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say 'no.' It's sick".

So see? There might be death panels after all, to determine which helpless, innocent children to sacrifice for Obama's sick medical experiments.

Please, please run for President again, Michele. We need another Sarah Palin.

Perhaps michelle obama can run for president to hold up the legacy of when anyone disagrees with the president they are racist. Its ironic how true leaders have the ability to unite people from different mindsets political and otherwise to find common ground and put aside their differences and work together. I'm sure you are equally as proud how obama, the divider and chief has done none of the sort and only works to destroy america. You seem so proud of this. Instead of proposing a working solution; you and the other leftists can only point out whats wrong with the other party instead of finding a way to work together. How sad it must be to walk in your shoes where pointing fingers takes precedence over personal accountability.

It's funny how you blindly defend Bachmann, Palin and all of the other GOP Mensa members. No matter what garbage exits their mouths, you just go on and on about Obama.

Don't ever change, you're why we win presidential elections.

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Secondly, do my best to make wise choices when I vote.

Bipartisan agreement is not a valued position IMO.

So you vote for divisive candidates and have no interest in working with the left.

So when you say that people should be uniting the country you mean they should be abandoning their own political opinions and just agreeing with you instead.

At least it's nice that you can admit your flaming hypocrisy.


Both of our political parties are left of center.

That's hilarious. How the fuck are you defining the centre?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Both of our political parties are left of center.

That's hilarious. How the fuck are you defining the centre?

The point being, there is no fuck'n center.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>So, apparently, what's good for the goose is not good for the gander?

Of course not. And not just on this particular topic.

Entitlement benefits for Ron = good. Entitlement benefits for other people = bad; creates horrible entitlement culture that he wants nothing to do with.

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The point being, there is no fuck'n center.

So what does left of centre or right of centre mean?

Think in hypothetical concepts.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The point being, there is no fuck'n center.

So what does left of centre or right of centre mean?

Think in hypothetical concepts.

So in your hilariously skewed view how the fuck are you defining the hypothetical centre if the republicans are to the left of it?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Both of our political parties are left of center.

That's hilarious. How the fuck are you defining the centre?

The point being, there is no fuck'n center.

Only when you have hung your hat on a Millerite Fundamentalist rapture fantasy and exist in the fringe and believe anyone who does not believe as you is a leftist liberal.

Dig deep down within your self and ask if the Lord would be vilified by your fellow travelers as a leftist liberal.

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