
Goodbye Mr. Cain. It was fun while it lasted.

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On the plus side, he just revealed that God told him to run for president. So he's got a good endorsement there

No -- God also told Perry to run. He just wants the entertainment.

Wendy P.

You know, I'd rather hear directly from God about that.
Lots of people think that God told them to do this or that. I tend to be a bit skeptical myself.

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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>No -- God also told Perry to run.

Oh, that's a problem. I guess that's one advantage that Romney has - his god (or at least his god's franchise manager) won't be out endorsing other candidates willy-nilly.

Edited to add - nope, Huntsman has the same manager. I can see why religion is going to be a problem this election.

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LOL good bye is right.:ph34r:

This was painful to watch. Yes it is time for Herman to throw the towel in. He is toast. However speaking of gaffs. Not only does Obama think there are 57 states, now he thinks Hawaii is in Asia.


Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>He doesn't know where he stands on unions, and think that the federal
>employees have the right to collectively bargain.

On the plus side, he just revealed that God told him to run for president. So he's got a good endorsement there.

You are saying that the people have a right to collective bargaining from the people..

I have a better idea..rather than the people paying the mob for unions against the people.

Let the people decide .
you like unions...fine leave them in the private sector where the ramifications of greed is balanced out by the failure of the business to succeed..:)
In the public sector..there are no checks in balances in this corrupt system..Ban all public unions.

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LOL good bye is right.:ph34r:

This was painful to watch. Yes it is time for Herman to throw the towel in. He is toast. However speaking of gaffs. Not only does Obama think there are 57 states, now he thinks Hawaii is in Asia.


Well, geographically and geologically speaking it certainly isn't in America.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Well, geographically and geologically speaking it certainly isn't in America.

So Obama wasn't born in America then? ROFLMAO

Sorry to break it to you, but the USA as a political entity is not the same as America. Che Guevara was born in America, Obama was born in the USA.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Well, geographically and geologically speaking it certainly isn't in America.

So Obama wasn't born in America then? ROFLMAO

Sorry to break it to you, but the USA as a political entity is not the same as America. Che Guevara was born in America, Obama was born in the USA.

Got proof of that?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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We could get into semantics about what is and is not America until we are black and blue and that still would not change the fact that Obama called Hawaii part of Asia. Could Obama have already given Hawaii to China for all the money he is planning of borrowing from them? I know Canada gave Vancouver away to China several decades ago, so Obama would not be the first from "The Americas" to give land away to the Chinese.

Back on topic ... after viewing the last video of Herman Cain, it is obvious he is not the right person to win the Elephant's nomination to be Amerika's next Grand Poobah. :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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LOL good bye is right.:ph34r:

This was painful to watch. Yes it is time for Herman to throw the towel in. He is toast. However speaking of gaffs. Not only does Obama think there are 57 states, now he thinks Hawaii is in Asia.


Well, geographically and geologically speaking it certainly isn't in America.

Geologically Hawaii is headed to Asia.. some of the chains seamounts from the hotspot have already arrived there.

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Back on topic ... after viewing the last video of Herman Cain, it is obvious he is not the right person to win the Elephant's nomination to be Amerika's next Grand Poobah. :o

But he makes Jon Stewart's show soo much more fun to watch!:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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That response looked like a kid in HS being asked about the reading, when he clearly hadn't done it. His body language is what really did him in, not the pause. The stammering and asking reporter to confirm it.

I really don't care about the women with Cain, the thing with him is he is a 1 trick pony. His 9-9-9 plan is what he is hoping he can ride all the way to the white house. His foreign policy knowledge is pretty weak, his response is to listen to the generals and ask them. Yes you listen to your commanders on the ground, but as the commander in chief you have to set the top line directive and give the overall vision for how any conflict will take shape.

He is doing the republican party a disservice by staying in the race.

On a larger note, with everyone getting a chance at being the front-runner, the chances of people dropping out of the race before votes are cast is unlikely, which will hurt the R party more than help it.

I am not a supporter of either side, but I do keep close tabs, and strategically the republicans are hurting themselves by not cutting the fat in these primaries (although its not the parties choice but the will of the candidates)

I bet Tim Pawlenty is feeling dumb for dropping out so long ago.

Cain is the equivalent of a 1 hit wonder. He needs to just sell his book and let the serious candidates have a chance.

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I really don't care about the women with Cain, the thing with him is he is a 1 trick pony. His 9-9-9 plan is what he is hoping he can ride all the way to the white house.

Yes, but he will be spinning it that the unfounded sexual allegations by conspirators were what did him in, not his total lack of qualifications.

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