
Capital Punishment

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That's not particularly different from the Romans watching gladiators fighting lions in the Coliseum.

And not as sporting either:P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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>Is it because you genuinely can't conceive any other opinions than the two you
>provide or is it because you have a sexual fetish for false dichotomies?

Why does it have to be one or the other?

Kinda sorta the point...
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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IMO - no death penalty ever. For anything.

It reduces our behavior to theirs.
Releasing them from their torment.
Easier than serving time.
More expensive.
Can't be corrected when innocents are killed.
Has had ZERO impact on murder reductions.

Admit it, it's revenge. Plain and simple.
Much like our drug war, it has proven to be a total waste.

See.. it's not so hard to agree with me sometimes;)

Admit it:)

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Keeping the white line strong!
Go Texas!



Reminds me of that movie "Black Sheep" I think it was, where Chris Farley's whipping up the crowd into a frenzy, and then they go dead silent when he screams "KILL WHITEY!!!"

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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It reduces our behavior to theirs.

This is suggesting that behavior is based on the end and not the means. I believe there is a difference between our behavior and theirs.


Releasing them from their torment.

Wouldn't releasing someone from their torment be considered more humane? This appears to be more revengeful ...


Easier than serving time.

Once again, this appears to be more revengeful ...


More expensive.

A problem with the current system. Time from sentence to execution.


Can't be corrected when innocents are killed.

A problem with the current system. Amount (and type) of evidence for sentence to be execution.


Has had ZERO impact on murder reductions.

The point isn't to reduce murders, the point is to enforce justice.


Admit it, it's revenge. Plain and simple.

I won't admit it because it's not. It's justice, plain and simple.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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The point isn't to reduce murders, the point is to enforce justice.

These are only two of the points. From your point of view, there is only ONE point, and that is incorrect. There are many purposes of the justice system, or the death penalty. you cannot simplify it into one or two things.

If a jury of his/her peers can sentence him/her to death, why cannot a jury of his/her peers free him 30 years later or commute the sentence ot life when questions about the guilt arise?

The Casey Anthony case in FL recently - she may very well have been acquitted since the death penalty was on the table - she may very well have been convicted if it was not.

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The point isn't to reduce murders, the point is to enforce justice.

These are only two of the points. From your point of view, there is only ONE point, and that is incorrect. There are many purposes of the justice system, or the death penalty. you cannot simplify it into one or two things.

If a jury of his/her peers can sentence him/her to death, why cannot a jury of his/her peers free him 30 years later or commute the sentence ot life when questions about the guilt arise?

The Casey Anthony case in FL recently - she may very well have been acquitted since the death penalty was on the table - she may very well have been convicted if it was not.

Once again, a problem with the system. I think the jury should determine whether the individual is innocent or guilty and the judge should to determine the sentence based on a predefined set of rules.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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The point isn't to reduce murders, the point is to enforce justice.

These are only two of the points. From your point of view, there is only ONE point, and that is incorrect. There are many purposes of the justice system, or the death penalty. you cannot simplify it into one or two things.

If a jury of his/her peers can sentence him/her to death, why cannot a jury of his/her peers free him 30 years later or commute the sentence ot life when questions about the guilt arise?

The Casey Anthony case in FL recently - she may very well have been acquitted since the death penalty was on the table - she may very well have been convicted if it was not.

Once again, a problem with the system.

The clear and obvious problems of the system are the reasons it shouldn't pass irreversible sentences - ever.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I agree there isn't a perfect system, and that's another part of why a death penalty without a clear video of the crime is not realistic. There isn't a system good enough to deliberately execute someone.

That said, there are crimes for which, if the perpetrator were to ask for assisted suicide because they can't take prison any more -- I say go for it.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The clear and obvious problems of the system are the reasons it shouldn't pass irreversible sentences - ever.

Spot on, IMO, John!
I would have said "dead on" but I thought better of it.

For the life of me (oops, there I go again) I cannot see how anyone could logically argue with that.

And to tag Wendy's comment on:

That said, there are crimes for which, if the perpetrator were to ask for assisted suicide because they can't take prison any more -- I say go for it.

I'd say go for it (allow it) no matter what the crime.
I've always supported the "Death with Dignity" concept anyway.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I agree there isn't a perfect system, and that's another part of why a death penalty without a clear video of the crime is not realistic.

You seem to imply that you approve of the death penalty for the most heinous crimes, as long as the guilt of the accused is 100% positively known. Am I reading you correctly?

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The clear and obvious problems of the system are the reasons it shouldn't pass irreversible sentences - ever.

Every day wrongly served in prison is irreversible.

In the literal sense, that's true. But legally, at least, that harm, just like any other damages (like, say, permanent loss of health in an accident), is compensible. It's a way of "making the person whole" (as the term goes) in a way that, even if not equal, is at least as equivalent as possible.

Plus, in the case of an innocent person (sentenced to life in prison) who is released before he dies, at least the wrongful harm can be stopped. Ain't no stoppin' dead.


Is it okay to keep an innocent person in prison for life?

Of course not. But at least he's still alive; and most of the time, life holds more than death, even in captivity. Is life in prison better or worse than death? I'd say that's for each individual prisoner to decide for himself.

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Not as a legal construct. It's not worth it.

I do believe there are people who deserve to die. That's a different thing.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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You seem to imply that you approve of the death penalty for the most heinous crimes, as long as the guilt of the accused is 100% positively known. Am I reading you correctly?

Not as a legal construct. It's not worth it.
I do believe there are people who deserve to die. That's a different thing.

I'm having a little trouble with that one. It sounds just like the earlier argument that was made about how some people deserve to die, yet not by capital punishment. Again, that sounds contradictory to me.

So you disapprove of government executing people, but think some people should be killed "somehow"? If they deserve to die, then why not by government, with all of our checks and balances to ensure that a fair trial has been given and a just verdict rendered?

On the other hand if you think they deserve to die, yet don't want them to be killed, then that's nonsensical - you should just say that they don't deserve to die, period.

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I'm having a little trouble with that one. It sounds just like the earlier argument that was made about how some people deserve to die, yet not by capital punishment. Again, that sounds contradictory to me.

I think what she is saying (Wendy forgive me if I am wrong) and what I would agree with is the fact that just because she personally would think that some people don't deserve to live, that doesn't me she thinks the government or legal system should be killing people.

You can say the same for free speech. There are some people who's words make my blood boil and I would love nothing more than to have the law shut them up, but I don't think the government should be restricting speech so I bite my tongue and let them say what they will say.

In the case of capital punishment there is just too much of a chance for failure within the system to risk executing someone. That doesn't mean they should be set free, it just means that we shouldn't be in the business of killing people. It also doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see that person killed, it just means that I don't think that a civilized society should execute people. Lock them up sure but at least if we find out that they were wrongly convicted we can let them out. Killing em, well, unless they were only mostly dead, you just can't reverse that.
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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It sounds just like the earlier argument that was made about how some people deserve to die, yet not by capital punishment.

That was not the argument.


Again, that sounds contradictory to me.

Because you're getting it wrong.


So you disapprove of government executing people, but think some people should be killed "somehow"?

Wrong again.


If they deserve to die, then why not by government, with all of our checks and balances to ensure that a fair trial has been given and a just verdict rendered?

Because the checks and balances of the legal system cannot always ensure a fair trial, and even a fair trial cannot always ensure a just verdict.

Please try to understand that there is a difference between believing an individual person in an individual case deserves to die and believing that there is a good enough system in place to carry it through.


On the other hand if you think they deserve to die, yet don't want them to be killed, then that's nonsensical - you should just say that they don't deserve to die, period.

Wrong again.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Because you're getting it wrong.

Wrong again.

Wrong again.

Thanks for telling me how wrong I am, without bothering to offer a shred of explanation as to why you believe that to be so.

Meaningless. You might as well spare your breath.

You post like you've never run into her before.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Thanks for telling me how wrong I am, without bothering to offer a shred of explanation as to why you believe that to be so.

Except for the part of my reply which you didn't quote, which told you exactly why you're wrong.

If you're so determined not to even understand an opposing argument, let alone see any shred of merit in it, I really have to wonder what the fuck it is you get out of this forum?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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