
Awesome things "god" does.

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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

No problem, I didn't discern any "hammering" at all.


I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

I agree it's absurd, mainly because the "properties" of "God" are so undefined one could never hope to design an experiment to test the existence of God.


BTW, I recently re-told the story of accidentally pulling your PC at 12K years ago.

I sure remember that jump! I was actually relieved when you told me you'd accidentally grabbed my hacky, I was afraid I'd screwed up big time. All's well that ends well.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

Indeed, but the burden of proof is on those who think one exists in the absence of any evidence.

The OP was disputing the existence of God, therefore the burden is on the atheists.

No, that's not how it works.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

Indeed, but the burden of proof is on those who think one exists in the absence of any evidence.

Still depending on science for an answer, eh?

Indeed, it's the non-believers who try to put that burden on them when, indeed, it's not necessary, not required nor even relevant.

Nobody owes you an explanation or justification for any religious beliefs they hold. Just as you owe nothing concerning your non-beliefs.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

Indeed, but the burden of proof is on those who think one exists in the absence of any evidence.

The OP was disputing the existence of God, therefore the burden is on the atheists.

No, that's not how it works.

Yes it IS how it works...at least in this country.
Again, you're the plaintiff...prove your case.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Still depending on science for an answer, eh?

If we didn't rely on science for answers and lived on mythology we would still be convinced the world was flat and we'd live a life based off ignorance and little advancements.


Indeed, it's the non-believers who try to put that burden on them when, indeed, it's not necessary, not required nor even relevant.

If the religious have no need to prove their beliefs with logic, and if it's purely personal and nothing more. Then they should refrain from arguing with Atheists who suggest God doesn't exist, it takes two to have a debate.

If they want to sit back and live their life being religious that's fine. But then they shouldn't come into threads about the existence of God and try debate when all they have in their arsenal is "I believe it to be so, I have faith".

Except you've had a whole bunch of people try to make their God's existence seem more realistic by trying to cater to the scientific minded, albeit with flawed and incorrect knowledge of science.

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Indeed, it's the non-believers who try to put that burden on them when, indeed, it's not necessary, not required nor even relevant.

Nobody owes you an explanation or justification for any religious beliefs they hold. Just as you owe nothing concerning your non-beliefs.

You have a very blinkered view of things.

When believers say that the beliefs they hold are actually true, then if they want to be taken seriously they do need to provide an explanation. If they don't care about defending their beliefs to non-believers then they don't.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

Indeed, but the burden of proof is on those who think one exists in the absence of any evidence.

The OP was disputing the existence of God, therefore the burden is on the atheists.

No, that's not how it works.

Yes it IS how it works...at least in this country.
Again, you're the plaintiff...prove your case.

What does the country you live in have to do with the rules of logical argument? How exactly do you figure that the guy with the imaginary friend is not the one making a positive claim?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The OP was disputing the existence of God, therefore the burden is on the atheists.

Wrong. The burden of proof does not change depending on who starts each individual conversation on the subject.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

Indeed, but the burden of proof is on those who think one exists in the absence of any evidence.

The OP was disputing the existence of God, therefore the burden is on the atheists.

No, that's not how it works.

Yes it IS how it works...at least in this country.
Again, you're the plaintiff...prove your case.

I don't have to prove that a supernatural invisible being doesn't exist. In the complete absence of any evidence, those who believe she does exist have the burden of proof. And misrepresenting science in order to convince the weak minded doesn't help their case.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't have to prove that a supernatural invisible being doesn't exist. In the complete absence of any evidence, those who believe she does exist have the burden of proof. And misrepresenting science in order to convince the weak minded doesn't help their case.

It very much improves the standing of the argument amongst the weak minded - who are most certainly in the majority.

Since faith is the domain of ignorance, it is hardly surprising that any attempt at the logical justification of faith starts out with quite a variety of fallacies of relevance.

Argumentum ad Populum: "We say Baal exists, and there are more of us than there are of you, so we're right and you're wrong."

Argumentum ad Ignorantiam: "We believe there are Leprechauns and there is a complete absence of evidence for your claim that they don't exist, so we're right and you're wrong."

If someone says "I have faith that exists," that is true (assuming they do have said faith, and are not just pulling your leg).

If someone claims "I have faith that exists, therefore exists," the claim is definitive nonsense.

Pretty much any ism that presupposes the existence of one or more invisible entities with zero correlation is based on drivel.

Stick to "it may well be tripe, but it is my choice" and you can't go wrong. Go even a tiny bit further than that, and you've blown it.



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Just for the record, I wasn't hammering you or your statements...to each his own, yes?

I'm simply poking fun of the entire idea of anyone trying to use science as a tool to disprove the existence of any religious deity. It's just absurd.

Indeed, but the burden of proof is on those who think one exists in the absence of any evidence.

Still depending on science for an answer, eh?

Indeed, it's the non-believers who try to put that burden on them when, indeed, it's not necessary, not required nor even relevant.

Nobody owes you an explanation or justification for any religious beliefs they hold. Just as you owe nothing concerning your non-beliefs.

Bolding mine.

Very true.

UNTIL they try to force their beliefs onto me. Through teachings in the schools, through behavior of governments, that sort of thing.

If they wish to believe, and that belief is a personal and individual thing fine.

I have some pretty solid beliefs in God. I don't go forcing them on others. Nor do I argue with the atheists that they are wrong. I "agree to disagree."

But that isn't true for a lot of folks.
They insist that "My way is the only way", use bad science and blatant bullshit to further their agenda and completely ignore rational discussion. They want to teach creation in public schools and dismiss solid science. They want to deny an entire group civil rights. All because it's in this one book that they really, really like.

Those are the ones who need to "prove that their God exists."
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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If we didn't rely on science for answers and lived on mythology we would still be convinced the world was flat and we'd live a life based off ignorance and little advancements.

If they want to sit back and live their life being religious that's fine. But then they shouldn't come into threads about the existence of God and try debate when all they have in their arsenal is "I believe it to be so, I have faith".

Except you've had a whole bunch of people try to make their God's existence seem more realistic by trying to cater to the scientific minded, albeit with flawed and incorrect knowledge of science.

Science obviously has its place in solving the mysteries of the physical world. But that is only a part of our reality. We are also spiritual beings with a strong desire to know the truth, what ever it may be. One of the hallmarks of evil is laziness. To many people make up their own truths instead of working to find out what is really True. My proof is the dynamic power of God's Word as revealed in the Bible and its effect on my life. Similar experiences is why so many people believe what it says. Life on this planet is proof that physics can create and sustain metaphysical intelligence. What is your proof that intelligence is not an intergral part of the universal physical forces that control the universe/multiverse? But yet you get on these forums and say there is none.


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If we didn't rely on science for answers and lived on mythology we would still be convinced the world was flat and we'd live a life based off ignorance and little advancements.

If they want to sit back and live their life being religious that's fine. But then they shouldn't come into threads about the existence of God and try debate when all they have in their arsenal is "I believe it to be so, I have faith".

Except you've had a whole bunch of people try to make their God's existence seem more realistic by trying to cater to the scientific minded, albeit with flawed and incorrect knowledge of science.

Science obviously has its place in solving the mysteries of the physical world. But that is only a part of our reality. We are also spiritual beings with a strong desire to know the truth, what ever it may be. One of the hallmarks of evil is laziness. To many people make up their own truths instead of working to find out what is really True. My proof is the dynamic power of God's Word as revealed in the Bible and its effect on my life. Similar experiences is why so many people believe what it says. Life on this planet is proof that physics can create and sustain metaphysical intelligence. What is your proof that intelligence is not an intergral part of the universal physical forces that control the universe/multiverse? But yet you get on these forums and say there is none.


Nonsense. All it shows is that the human brain is hard wired to identify patterns and attribute causes, even where none exist.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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In the complete absence of any evidence

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

Yes, yes it is.

The absence of evidence that there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow is evidence that there is no pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.

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Yes, yes it is.

The absence of evidence that there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow is evidence that there is no pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.

Hmmm! Have you ever been to the end of a rainbow?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Yes, yes it is.

The absence of evidence that there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow is evidence that there is no pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.

Hmmm! Have you ever been to the end of a rainbow?

No pot of gold.

Just laundry on a line.
But the sheets looked really cool.

And I am completely serious.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Hmmm! Have you ever been to the end of a rainbow?

No pot of gold.

Just laundry on a line.
But the sheets looked really cool.

And I am completely serious.

I believe you. I too was at the end of one north of Bridgeport, CA and south of Carson City, NV, Dec 80.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I don't have to prove that a supernatural invisible being doesn't exist.

Nope, you don't have to. However, YOU have elected to waive that option. You have elected to file a grievance against believers. YOU, as the plaintiff, are claiming that he doesn't exist AND demanding scientific "evidence" from the defendant. No defendant is required to testify either for or against himself. With no proof to support you claim, there's no court in the country that would hear your case.

What part of that do you not understand?

What a smart person of your beliefs would be saying is "I don't believe in God because I am looking for "scientific evidence" of his existence and not finding it"

Simple as that.

Yet, you insist on carrying to one step farther by demanding that others provide that "scientific evidence" for you.

Whine all you like.


In the complete absence of any evidence, those who believe she does exist have the burden of proof.




And misrepresenting science in order to convince the weak minded doesn't help their case.

Now this is true. What you fail to admit is that it's true for both sides of the argument.

And before you get off on another tangent, can you realistically say that asking science to provide proof of the existence of God is NOT misrepresenting science?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Indeed, it's the non-believers who try to put that burden on them when, indeed, it's not necessary, not required nor even relevant.


If the religious have no need to prove their beliefs with logic, and if it's purely personal and nothing more. Then they should refrain from arguing with Atheists who suggest God doesn't exist, it takes two to have a debate.

Man! Ain't THAT the truth.


If they want to sit back and live their life being religious that's fine.

Simple as that isn't it.
What we're seeing here is vitriolic people failing to understand that. What we are seeing here is egoism at it's worst - "My belief is better than your belief. I'm right, you're wrong!" And it's most vitriolic from the non-believers. It's almost like they can't sleep at night until they sway someone to their way of thinking.


But then they shouldn't come into threads about the existence of God and try debate when all they have in their arsenal is "I believe it to be so, I have faith".

If they didn't non-believers wouldn't have anyone to bash!
Seriously though, I'm with you on that sorta. There is no debate going on here. It's simply argument. It's rarely a good idea to argue with anyone about anything.


Except you've had a whole bunch of people try to make their God's existence seem more realistic by trying to cater to the scientific minded, albeit with flawed and incorrect knowledge of science.

Ummmm....yes and no, as I read the posts.

Yes, some have done just that and as we know, that just doesn't work. So, do you bash them because of the beliefs or do you bash them for the mis-use of science? That answer is obvious, right? You talk about their mis-use of science.

And, OTOH, the non-believers have done the same. They have demonstrated that exact same flawed and incorrect knowledge of science by asking science to prove or disprove the existence of God - blatant mis-use of science. How can anyone reasonably ask science to do something it cannot do and then use that as support of his argument? Unbelievable....no puns intended.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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