
What does this say about your "God"?

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Hijackers killed their captives during negotiations.
Sailboat hijack
Very sad.

may say that it is merely an observer at this point.

or that he does roll the dice. These people sailed in the wrong place on the wrong month, right after the other pirates were sentenced to 33 years.

The amazing bit is one pirate today said they better free the ones captured after the killing. Is that just clueless, or is he really that sociopathic?

I think they opened up a can of whoopass on themselves...we're looking for an easier fight than we've been getting in Afghanistan.

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Revelation 6:9-11
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.
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Revelation 6:9-11
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.

"Revelations" is a case in point regarding why it is a bad idea to eat rye bread when it as become moldy. Ergot is chock full of lysergic acid.

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Staking your life on a non-existent 'being' is just plain dumb.

Perhaps it would provide more insight and be wise to look at this from a more personal prespective.

Let's say your nana had been killed by a drunk driver on her way to Church. Would that be dumb, or would you be more inclined to blame the drunk driver rather than God and her "stupidity?"
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What part of the Somali piracy problems make you think that there is any religious component?

Hate Muslims much?

The Somalis started attacking foreign ships when large FOREIGN fishing boats strip mined the local fish populations. The Somalis have the government that Libertarians claim to want, as in, one that is nearly non-existent. The government could not stop the illegal fishing. The illegal fishing took out the fish populations that sustained an economy based on a near shore subsistence fishery. That economy wasn't just the fishermen. It was the boat builders and suppliers to the fishermen that ended up starving as well. Hungry people will take desperate measures, like attacking foreign boats that are ruining their fisheries. The leap from defensive action to offensive action was entirely predictable. Several years back when the illegal fishing there started up, there were stories published about it. The stories were clear that if the fisheries were destroyed, the people would have to do something else to survive. That something else was likely to be piracy. The predictions were completely accurate. The pirates didn't just come out of nothing, for no apparent reason. Desperate people will revert to desperate measures.

Do you right wing folks ever read anything besides USA Today or watch anything but Faux Spews? There is a lot of factual information available that allows a fair and balanced perspective, if you take the time to look.

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Hijackers killed their captives during negotiations.
Sailboat hijack
Very sad.

The fact that any of the pirates survived the takeover speaks badly for our forces. Piracy on the high seas warrants summary hanging, walking the plank and/or being keelhauled.

Any time we identify a "mother ship," it should be replaced immediately with a hole in the water. This "catch and release" nonsense is having precisely the effect one might expect.



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What part of the Somali piracy problems make you think that there is any religious component?


The fact that the boat that was hijacked in this case was full of missionary types bringing bibles to the heathen masses.

Hate Muslims much?


I don't think any of the articles made reference to Mohammadean types. Where did you get that?

In fact, the pirates have a power structure quite separate from the religious fanatics, and the relationship between the two is often strained.

And no, as mental illnesses go, Islam is not one of my favorites.

The Somalis started attacking foreign ships when large FOREIGN fishing boats strip mined the local fish populations. The Somalis have the government that Libertarians claim to want, as in, one that is nearly non-existent. The government could not stop the illegal fishing. The illegal fishing took out the fish populations that sustained an economy based on a near shore subsistence fishery. That economy wasn't just the fishermen. It was the boat builders and suppliers to the fishermen that ended up starving as well. Hungry people will take desperate measures, like attacking foreign boats that are ruining their fisheries. The leap from defensive action to offensive action was entirely predictable. Several years back when the illegal fishing there started up, there were stories published about it. The stories were clear that if the fisheries were destroyed, the people would have to do something else to survive. That something else was likely to be piracy. The predictions were completely accurate. The pirates didn't just come out of nothing, for no apparent reason. Desperate people will revert to desperate measures.

And when they behave like rabid animals, they should be treated as such - humanely put to sleep.

Do you right wing folks ever read anything besides USA Today or watch anything but Faux Spews? There is a lot of factual information available that allows a fair and balanced perspective, if you take the time to look.

How do you know what is in USA Today or what is broadcast on Fox? I have only a rough idea, since I do not patronize either (okay, I do the puzzles if someone leaves a USA Today on the plane).



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Something curious I heard on a radio interview this morning with a Naval officer:

Negotiations were going on with the pirates when simultaneously:
- An RPG was fired toward the Navy ship.
- Gunshots were heard on the hijacked boat.
- Some of the pirates rushed out on the deck of the hijacked boat with their hands in the air.

At this point the Navy boarded the hijacked boat, killing two pirates.

After boarding the hijacked boat, two more Somali bodies were found that had been dead for some time.

It sounds like there were issues among the pirates.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Staking your life on a non-existent 'being' is just plain dumb.

Perhaps it would provide more insight and be wise to look at this from a more personal prespective.

Let's say your nana had been killed by a drunk driver on her way to Church. Would that be dumb, or would you be more inclined to blame the drunk driver rather than God and her "stupidity?"

Well, if she walks in the middle of a busy road ... much like these folks did - then not too surprising when the fan starts to smell like the shit that hit it.

Good people doing s'posidly good things in bad places will more often than not end up with a less than perfect out come.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Let's say your nana had been killed by a drunk driver on her way to Church. Would that be dumb, or would you be more inclined to blame the drunk driver rather than God and her "stupidity?"

One of the most common "why I believe in God" explanations that I hear is the "I should have been dead" scenario. For example, someone misses a horrible wreck with a drunk driver by mere inches or a fraction of a second, so this is proof that God must exist. But the explanation for all the others who actually are killed by drunk drivers? Well, that varies from person to person, but I've yet to hear a rational explanation.

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Let's say your nana had been killed by a drunk driver on her way to Church. Would that be dumb, or would you be more inclined to blame the drunk driver rather than God and her "stupidity?"

One of the most common "why I believe in God" explanations that I hear is the "I should have been dead" scenario. For example, someone misses a horrible wreck with a drunk driver by mere inches or a fraction of a second, so this is proof that God must exist. But the explanation for all the others who actually are killed by drunk drivers? Well, that varies from person to person, but I've yet to hear a rational explanation.

It does not require someone to be a rocket scientist to check for information on where its not right bright to be in the world. The easist way to increase your safety... is to not be where people who want to target you exist.

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Well, if she walks in the middle of a busy road ... much like these folks did - then not too surprising when the fan starts to smell like the shit that hit it.

Ya, well they could've also gotten swallowed by a whale or capsized by a giant wave...perhaps they should've just lived under a rock and never come out because God won't protect them.


Good people doing s'posidly good things in bad places will more often than not end up with a less than perfect out come.

Wrong, good things happen all the time in bad places because of good people...the less than perfect outcome will happen more often when compared to good people doing good things in good places....but what's the point in that?

"Hey, skrew the impoverished hungry kids in Detroit, I'm just gonna go give cupcakes to the rich kids in Grosse Pointe who will probably just complain that they don't have fat-free cream cheese frosting."
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One of the most common "why I believe in God" explanations that I hear is the "I should have been dead" scenario. For example, someone misses a horrible wreck with a drunk driver by mere inches or a fraction of a second, so this is proof that God must exist.

From my experience that statment seems to come across as a strawman to me...but whatever, if that's what you hear, that's what you hear. I'd say that is a pretty week argument. My "close calls" have always allowed me to reflect on life and cherish it more, not prove his existence.


But the explanation for all the others who actually are killed by drunk drivers? Well, that varies from person to person, but I've yet to hear a rational explanation.

How bout this:
You are gonna die one way or another.

Hebrews 9:27
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment
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My "close calls" have always allowed me to reflect on life and cherish it more, not prove his existence.

Same here.


How bout this:
You are gonna die one way or another.

I think that's the one thing most of us agree on.


Hebrews 9:27
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

Darn, you were sounding so rational til I got to this part. :P

I'm pretty sure that any "judgment" for my bad actions will come in the form of consequences in this life. (But that being "good" does not preclude me from having bad things happen anyway.) If it turns out that something does happen after death, I'm also pretty sure that no one here has a clue of what that might be, so I don't see much point in worrying about it right now.

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My "close calls" have always allowed me to reflect on life and cherish it more, not prove his existence.

Same here.

this is speakers corner, there will be no agreeing here!

Having said that, I also thank God for surviving those close calls, but than again I try to thank him for everything. I reckon I'll probabbly even thank him when I'm finaly dead, but untill that time comes I'll try to utilize evey survial technique he's given me to the best of my ability.



How bout this:
You are gonna die one way or another.

I think that's the one thing most of us agree on.




Hebrews 9:27
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

Darn, you were sounding so rational til I got to this part. :P

That's because up until this point I was speaking strictly with only our finite human reasoning.:P

You and I will probably always disagree when I speak with spiritual discernment.

1 Corinthians 2:14
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.
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Let's say your nana had been killed by a drunk driver on her way to Church. Would that be dumb, or would you be more inclined to blame the drunk driver rather than God and her "stupidity?"

One of the most common "why I believe in God" explanations that I hear is the "I should have been dead" scenario. For example, someone misses a horrible wreck with a drunk driver by mere inches or a fraction of a second, so this is proof that God must exist. But the explanation for all the others who actually are killed by drunk drivers? Well, that varies from person to person, but I've yet to hear a rational explanation.

True story: Two weeks ago, after a heavy snowfall, I needed to get into town. I could not get my bike (Harley) out onto the road due to the depth of snow, so I decided to walk. Town is about 5 miles away. As I was walking along the shoulder of Hwy 174, I suddenly found myself waking up face down in the road. I thought, as I was coming to, that I must have had a heart attack as my left side was in a lot of pain. A few seconds after getting my head together, I realized that there was a mini van stopped in the road ahead of me. I was able to get up and walked towards the van. The people in the van were somewhat frantic and the driver was apologizing for hitting me. He said that he looked down at his speedometer as the speed limit drops from 65 to 55mph at the point where we were. He told me that his wife screamed and he looked up to see that he was on the shoulder heading directly at me. He jerked the wheel to put the van back on the road, but not before hitting me. He hit me with the side mirror on my back and left arm. The hwy patrol and an ambulance came as they called 911 right after I was hit. I declined any medical treatment after an initial check by the paramedics as I felt fine accept for a slight pain in my arm and back. One of the paramedics made a comment that God must have plans for me as I should had been seriously injured. I only smiled and went on my way. Funny thing is that I did not even have a bruise and no pain afterward. I chalk it up to being in the right place when I got hit. Plus, I am one tough son of a bitch.
The side mirror was completely destroyed.:D
When bad shit happens, how you fare depends on where you're at. It has nothing to do with a god.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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One of the paramedics made a comment that God must have plans for me as I should had been seriously injured. I only smiled and went on my way. Funny thing is that I did not even have a bruise and no pain afterward. I chalk it up to being in the right place when I got hit. Plus, I am one tough son of a bitch.
The side mirror was completely destroyed.:D
When bad shit happens, how you fare depends on where you're at. It has nothing to do with a god

Ya, well I was hit head on with a pick up truck at 35 mph...I flipped in the air and landed on my feet - not one scratch.

Does this prove God's existence scientifically? No...but I thanked him anyway because I already believed in Him. I was at a pretty rough point in my life and probably woulda thanked him if I had died.:D

I think it's a good thing if events like these cause someone to seek a closer relationship with God.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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