
Should felons and loonies in the US have a right to own guns?

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Felones should definitely NOT be allowed.

However as far as a "loonie" is concerned, well who gets to decide who is loonie? Often the people who think they are qualified to judge someone else are in fact loonies themselves. :o

I assure you whatever normal is, I am not it (as are most skydivers).

Does that make me loonie?

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Felons are not allowed certain rights.... Such as voting and owning a firearm. No issue there.

"Loonies" is much more difficult. Who would get to decide who was a "loony"?

Some would consider any skydiver crazy.

So you will have to better define your question for any real answer.

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Felons are not allowed certain rights.... Such as voting and owning a firearm. No issue there.

"Loonies" is much more difficult. Who would get to decide who was a "loony"?

Some would consider any skydiver crazy.

So you will have to better define your question for any real answer.

Both Heller and the recent SC decision made a more PC description that you can use.

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Both Heller and the recent SC decision made a more PC description that you can use.

I asked you to clarify YOUR question. If you are unwilling to provide it.... Don't expect people to be able to answer YOUR question.

You have asked the same of others..... so you should be willing to answer when it is asked of you.

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No. Not until they can prove to a judge that they are no longer a threat to society.
I think you phrased the question very well. Minimum details given lead to much more input.
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Both Heller and the recent SC decision made a more PC description that you can use.

I asked you to clarify YOUR question. If you are unwilling to provided it.... Don't expect people to be able to answer YOUR question.

You have asked the same of others..... so you should be willing to answer when it is asked of you.

possible answers could be:

1) taking drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist
2) have been institutionalized in the last X years
3) court finding of ______
4) sees dead people
5) a finding of conditions A, B, or C... by a psychologist or psychiatrist.

But until you define the term and how it would apply, and how you would address HIPPA/privacy concerns, I can only answer that felons do not have a right to own guns.

of course, clarity wasn't the purpose of this poll, was it?

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Given what I know of our legal system and how me create felons now days, I would have no issues with NON-VIOLENT felons possessing a gun to protect themselves with.
"Loonies" are a much more difficult issue to deal with and if we had a way of seeing into their soul and mind, then no, we should not allow them gun ownership.
We don't have that ability unfortunately.

The problem as it stands is that both freely possess guns and will most likely continue to do so. Criminals (both convicted and non) could care less about the law.
"Loonies" may not have the mental capabilities to understand the law.
Laws will not prevent the simple possession, only provide penalties IF caught AND convicted OF the charged offense of weapons possession.

It's not a black and white issue.

Legal possession of weapons by law abiding citizens is.

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No. Not until they can prove to a judge that they are no longer a threat to society.

And would you be OK with grounding a skydiver that was depressed until a judge said he was safe? Would you prevent a depressed person from driving a car till a judge said he was fine?

A judge is not an MD.

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>However as far as a "loonie" is concerned, well who gets to decide who is loonie?

A licensed doctor or a judge.

1) Would that be a medical doctor or someone like a psychiatrist? If it is the later, these are precisely the people I speak of who can be loonies themselves. :ph34r:

2) Now this is a USA oriented thread so I will give you the benefit of the doubt that your judges are more competent than our judges up here north of the border. But many of our judges are not sane. We have a revolving door criminal justice system here where the police tell the judge someone is a danger to society and then the judge turns around and releases them back onto the streets. I have no faith in the judges up here. But as I said, we are talking about judges in the USA, not Canada's failed justice system (thank you very much PET).

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No. Not until they can prove to a judge that they are no longer a threat to society.

And would you be OK with grounding a skydiver that was depressed until a judge said he was safe? Would you prevent a depressed person from driving a car till a judge said he was fine?

A judge is not an MD.

Correct, most aren't. That is why judges rely on the advice and councel of experts.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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1) Would that be a medical doctor or someone like a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist *is* a medical doctor.
They go to the same medical schools, and get the same training.
They just happen to specialize in mental illness.

I think you may have been thinking of a psychologist.
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Yes, if they've come clean, have a record to prove it, petition a judge, and are so adjudicated to clear the prohibition.

There are plenty of people who do something stupid in their youth, but go on to become honest upstanding citizens. They should not be branded for life because of one incident. There's no reason why, years later, they shouldn't be able to purchase firearms for recreation and self defense.

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1) Would that be a medical doctor or someone like a psychiatrist? If

A psychiatrist IS a medical doctor. Same medical school but different residency. Some doctors choose to be orthopedists, ER, interal medicine. Others choose psychiatry.

You may mean "psychologist."

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>Another post that confirms your belief that guns should be banned

Well, as much as your post confirms your belief that violent murderers should be given guns, I guess.

I am prepared to show the context of my post compared to statements made by kallend before.

Are you prepared to do the same?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I am prepared to show the context of my post compared to statements
>made by kallend before.

Do you think that violent felons (say, murderers) have a right to buy and own guns?

no and I have never said differently
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I know of many Felons that should have the rigjt to own fire arms...Reformed drinkers, that had to serve time, making them a felon...why not let them go back to hunting?

I have a cousin, that is one hell of a hunter, but 22 years ago, he got busted for DUI, he served his time,(2 years, 5 probation) and hasn;t touched a drink since...why shouldn;t he be able to hunt again, legally?

felon does not always mean lifetime criminal!

Convicted murder's are already covered..they Can;t!

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Well, as much as your post confirms your belief that violent murderers should be given guns, I guess.

Murders have already proven they do not obey the existing laws. If criminals want to own firearms, you know they will own them regardless of what the laws say. I am still onside in saying they "should not be legally allowed to own them", but let's not be naive here. If they want them, they will have them. It's why Canada's Gun Registry is a joke. The registry has nothing to do with controlling criminals use of firearms and everything to do with taxing law abiding citizens and giving the government the address of whose door to come knocking on in the middle of the night when they want to confiscate. A government that fears law abiding armed citizens is a government citizens should fear.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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