
Should felons and loonies in the US have a right to own guns?

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Hi JK,
Well, sure Felons and loonies have the "Right" to own guns, (Just look at yourself!!:D:D:ph34r:) the fun part is they don't have the "Privilidge" so for now you're safe as no felons or loonies are going to come gunning for you with "Legal" guns.


SCR-2034, SCS-680


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>I know of many Felons that should have the rigjt to own
>fire arms...Reformed drinkers, that had to serve time, making them a
>felon...why not let them go back to hunting?

If you amended that to say "nonviolent felons" then I'd agree.

A man who was convicted of felony DUI? If he's gotten treatment for his problem, and has been clean for some years - sure, I could see that. Allow him to own weapons subject to additional restrictions (i.e. staying clean.) If he breaks the law a second time, then he loses that right permanently.

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Another post that confirms your belief that guns should be banned huh[:/]

Please link to any post I've made where I suggested that.

Last time you wrote the same LIE and were similarly challenged you were unable to come up with any.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>no and I have never said differently

Cool, sounds like you and Kallend agree on that then.

On the end game? Yes
Never been an issue
The solution however is the issue now isnt it:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Well, as much as your post confirms your belief that violent murderers should be given guns, I guess.

Murders have already proven they do not obey the existing laws.

So laws against murder are just a joke since murderers ignore them. OK.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Another post that confirms your belief that guns should be banned huh[:/]

Please link to any post I've made where I suggested that.

Last time you wrote the same LIE and were similarly challenged you were unable to come up with any.


your post


No criminal can obtain a gun from a citizen who doesn't own one.

Over 300,000 guns make their way from "law-abiding gun owners" to criminals EACH YEAR.

The thread that puts it all in context


Tell me sir kallend, how would you create the situation where a criminal could not get a gun from a legal owner???

Please everyone
read from about page 9
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Another post that confirms your belief that guns should be banned huh[:/]

Please link to any post I've made where I suggested that.

Last time you wrote the same LIE and were similarly challenged you were unable to come up with any.

That's because when someone asks you a direct question you won't provide a direct answer. You've certainly argued against plenty of posters who stated bans were wrong and/or illegal. Because you won't state your beliefs, we can only base our conclusions on what you've written and the only side we've seen you argue.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Another post that confirms your belief that guns should be banned huh[:/]

Please link to any post I've made where I suggested that.

Last time you wrote the same LIE and were similarly challenged you were unable to come up with any.

That's because when someone asks you a direct question you won't provide a direct answer. You've certainly argued against plenty of posters who stated bans were wrong and/or illegal. Because you won't state your beliefs, we can only base our conclusions on what you've written and the only side we've seen you argue.


If you bothered to check your facts BEFORE hitting 'reply to" you would see that I have stated over and over that I am not against law abiding sane citizens having any gun of their choice.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I am not against law abiding sane citizens having any gun of their choice.

"Any" gun? Machine guns? .50-calibers? Street sweeper shotguns? Uzi's? Bazookas?

For someone who got so picky about me applauding the Supreme Court ruling because it applies gun rights equally to "everyone", I find it quite ironic that you are now using another all-inclusive word like "any".

Feel free to back-track now. Or do you need a court decision before you can decide how to respond?

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I am not against law abiding sane citizens having any gun of their choice.

"Any" gun? Machine guns? .50-calibers? Street sweeper shotguns? Uzi's? Bazookas?

For someone who got so picky about me applauding the Supreme Court ruling because it applies gun rights equally to "everyone", I find it quite ironic that you are now using another all-inclusive word like "any".

particularly given how often he's pointed out that Heller allows for regulation and was not an unlimited right.

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I am not against law abiding sane citizens having any gun of their choice.

"Any" gun? Machine guns? .50-calibers? Street sweeper shotguns? Uzi's? Bazookas?

For someone who got so picky about me applauding the Supreme Court ruling because it applies gun rights equally to "everyone", I find it quite ironic that you are now using another all-inclusive word like "any".

Feel free to back-track now. Or do you need a court decision before you can decide how to respond?

Any weapon suitable for a militia seems OK for me. I guess that excludes nukes.

By the way, you asked me the exact same question several years ago, and got the exact same answer:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>However as far as a "loonie" is concerned, well who gets to decide who is loonie?

A licensed doctor or a judge.

So when someone wants to own a gun, at what point does a doctor or judge get to decide if that person is a "loonie"? And at what point is someone too much of a "loonie" to own a gun? (Sex addict? Bipolar? Anxiety Disorder? Homicidal Maniac?)

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>However as far as a "loonie" is concerned, well who gets to decide who is loonie?

A licensed doctor or a judge.

So when someone wants to own a gun, at what point does a doctor or judge get to decide if that person is a "loonie"? And at what point is someone too much of a "loonie" to own a gun? (Sex addict? Bipolar? Anxiety Disorder? Homicidal Maniac?)

Someone who is unstable enough that it's impossible to tell whether he is about to turn into one of those or not at any moment.

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>Another post that confirms your belief that guns should be banned

Well, as much as your post confirms your belief that violent murderers should be given guns, I guess.

I don't see anywhere in his post that he said violent murderers should be given guns, and I think it is unseemly that a moderator would make unsubstantiated statements like that....
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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So when someone wants to own a gun, at what point does a doctor or judge get to decide if that person is a "loonie"? And at what point is someone too much of a "loonie" to own a gun? (Sex addict? Bipolar? Anxiety Disorder? Homicidal Maniac?)

Someone who is unstable enough that it's impossible to tell whether he is about to turn into one of those or not at any moment.

So are you saying you would be in favor of mandatory psychiatric analysis for all prospective gun purchasers? And if so, then of course you would need an annual refresher too.

Since there's about 100 million gun owners in America, we're going to need more shrinks...

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Any weapon suitable for a militia seems OK for me. I guess that excludes nukes.

By the way, you asked me the exact same question several years ago, and got the exact same answer:P

Many people here haven't been following your posts for that long, and could use a refresher.
I'm sorry that I have been seeing them for that long.

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>However as far as a "loonie" is concerned, well who gets to decide who is loonie?

A licensed doctor or a judge.

So when someone wants to own a gun, at what point does a doctor or judge get to decide if that person is a "loonie"? And at what point is someone too much of a "loonie" to own a gun? (Sex addict? Bipolar? Anxiety Disorder? Homicidal Maniac?)

Someone who is unstable enough that it's impossible to tell whether he is about to turn into one of those or not at any moment.

So, anyone who posts in the Bonfire shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, since they all seem to be possible sex addicts? :P And nowadays, basically anyone who sets foot in a psychiatrist's office is labeled "bipolar," so I suppose that seeking psychiatric help should automatically prevent someone from owning a gun? (As if people need further discouragement from seeking help when they may need it.)

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>However as far as a "loonie" is concerned, well who gets to decide who is loonie?

A licensed doctor or a judge.

So when someone wants to own a gun, at what point does a doctor or judge get to decide if that person is a "loonie"? And at what point is someone too much of a "loonie" to own a gun? (Sex addict? Bipolar? Anxiety Disorder? Homicidal Maniac?)

Someone who is unstable enough that it's impossible to tell whether he is about to turn into one of those or not at any moment.

So, anyone who posts in the Bonfire shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, since they all seem to be possible sex addicts? :P And nowadays, basically anyone who sets foot in a psychiatrist's office is labeled "bipolar," so I suppose that seeking psychiatric help should automatically prevent someone from owning a gun? (As if people need further discouragement from seeking help when they may need it.)

Does the military track the psychiatric health of soldiers? Do they have a method of weeding out the loons? Or do they just let anyone train and carry weapons?

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Since there's about 100 million gun owners in America, we're going to need more shrinks...

Maybe we could just come up with a quick Rorschach test for potential gun buyers. You see fluffy clouds and bunnies? OK, here's your gun. You see Satan and your mother? No gun for you.

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Does the military track the psychiatric health of soldiers? Do they have a method of weeding out the loons? Or do they just let anyone train and carry weapons?

Are you suggesting that private citizens should be required to undergo psychiatric evaluation before being allowed to own guns?

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