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Yep, those damn republicans having affairs and getting divorced. You'd never see a democrat do that. :S Your desperation is funny. :D

Of course, Sanford WAS a huge advocate of "Conservative Family Values" (TM). It's the hypocrisy that makes the difference.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Yep, those damn republicans having affairs and getting divorced. You'd never see a democrat do that. :S Your desperation is funny. :D

They wouldn't dare report a democrat or progressive cheating. If they did it would excused by saying that they were in a bad marriage and they just work so hard for the people and excuse after excuse...
You would think that if someone stole millions of dollars they would be held accountable by the media, dems, and progressives right? Nope! Here is what one media source had to say about a man convicted for just that: all Creamer did was "float checks to keep a great progressive public interest organization alive that he was running at the time."
Its the typical "end justifies the means" ideologies! If it helps you its okay to lie, cheat, and steal but if it doesn't help you its bad???? As rediculous as that sounds that is exactly what they are doing. Creamer isn't the first criminal to influence or be a part of the current administration either. There are more than a handful of people who cheated on their taxes including the guy who is now writing the tax codes.....and his excuse is he didn't understand it....but now he is writing it? What?!?!? We had a czar who found how to fight for his agendas in jail! Now we have a man who is was awarded a lifetime achievement award for a book he wrote in jail! A book they say is the blueprint for the progressive agenda.....he wrote it in jail!
When are people going to be held responsible for thier actions? When will we stop making excuses?
When one of our nations leaders say thier favorite political philosopher is Mao, a man who has murdered millions, its just excuse after excuse! When another says its okay to kill children until they are two yrs old people say "its just an idea.....at least he is thinking out of the box!" What?
When government organizatons are deleting and falsifying data, when they say they need to lie and exaggerate or do whatever it takes to get done what they want done, when they maniplute the info and the people, when they break the law.....its okay because they are just trying to save the planet......they are the good ones and everyone who doesn't accept thier lies and false data is a holocaust denier????
What has happened to truth???? Justice???? Accoutability? Responsibility?
Murderers are just victims of society, children don't fail they just have defered success, and the fearmongers are the ones who say the world isn't going to turn to acid and this is our last chance to save it!
Our political leaders say that men who have murdered millions to get thier power, who are oppressive dictators, control the minds of thier countries people with lies, and take all they can for themselves are the enlightened ones who have brought thier country and its people to a better way of life. They say you don't know how good they have it unless you have been there!
Is this what we want here in America? When will we say "enough!" and demand our leaders be held accountable for thier lies, for thier breaking of the laws and the constitution?
No we will not become a communist country.....Why? because the people will stand up and fight? No..... because they will just call it unionization and redistribution of wealth, the dictator will be called a savior, and those who ask for freedom will be called a threat to the people and label terrorists and the real terrorist will just be called bringers of man made disasters.
When will we stop giving the rights garranteed to only citizens of the United states and stop granting them to enemies of war and mass murderers and terrorist from other countries? When will we stop giving more rights to convicted fellons who are living in jail on our tax dollars that we have as ones who have never broken the law? When will we stop putting our soldiers on trial when the enemy claims torture as the enemy was told to claim whether there is proof or not?
When will we be given back the rights garanteed to us under the constitution? We cannot gather without a permit from the government. We cannot say what we wont if some judge thinks its what they call "hate speech! Will we sit by as our leaders make laws they say publicly they don't know if its constitutional or not?
When will a murder be a murder? If someone of a certain race or lifestyle is killed then its worse than murder....is a hate crime!
When can we just be americans? When can we just be people? No! The government must take from its people to give to those it deems needs it due to race or color.
When will we be rewarded for our hard work instead of being punished? When a kid in school moves from a D to a C he is given a reward but when a child is happy about making A's or B's he is repremanded for making the others feel bad! When someone works hard to provide a home for thier family and keeps the promises they made to the banks they are punished by taking thier money and giving it to the people who broke their contracts and live off of others money!
The dream of true freedom died long ago in this country. Even the very things "endowed" to us by "our creator" has been ingored and stepped on in this country for a long time.
When will America demand its freedom back? When will America be free again.....or will we be content to sit in our cage and be told by the one that put us there that we are free....that its whats best for society. Will we be content to sit in the cage and be told we have freedom of speech when the government outlaws "types of speech" and seeks to silence those who speak out against it by labeling them as threats? When we are told we have the right to bear arms as long as we have permission from the goverment through registering our arms? When we are told we have the right to public assembly but only when they allow us to with a permit? When we are told we still have the power garanteed in the bill of rights but they will make all the decisions and enforce them without or concent?
I am sad to say I am not sure I want to know the answer to all these question.

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Yep, those damn republicans having affairs and getting divorced. You'd never see a democrat do that. :S Your desperation is funny. :D

They wouldn't dare report a democrat or progressive cheating. If they did it would excused by saying that they were in a bad marriage and they just work so hard for the people and excuse after excuse...

Right...no one had any idea that Gary Hart cheated. Didn't have any effect on the presidential elections either.

(stopped reading after that - learn formatting, ffs!)

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And what can we take from this? Family values or no, politicians cheat just about as much as . . . everyone else. Whether they are democratic or republican, whether they espouse family values or not.

>I guess if you have no values then you don't have to worry about
>being critisized.

I guess it depends on whether or not you think honesty is important. If not, then the one who talks the best game wins. If you do think honesty is important, then whichever side is claiming the moral high ground is doing the most lying.

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Of course, Sanford WAS a huge advocate of "Conservative Family Values" (TM). It's the hypocrisy that makes the difference.

clearly you are stating that democrats are strong advocates of cheating and divorce?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I guess it depends on whether or not you think honesty is important. If not, then the one who talks the best game wins. If you do think honesty is important, then whichever side is claiming the moral high ground is doing the most lying.

is likely doing the most lying - some people actually do walk the talk - (:|:|:|:):Dhard to keep a straight face when we are talking politicians....)

seriously, in terms of claiming the moral high grounds.... than that just means it's also about equally split as....everyone else

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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And what can we take from this? Family values or no, politicians cheat just about as much as . . . everyone else. Whether they are democratic or republican, whether they espouse family values or not.

>I guess if you have no values then you don't have to worry about
>being critisized.

I guess it depends on whether or not you think honesty is important. If not, then the one who talks the best game wins. If you do think honesty is important, then whichever side is claiming the moral high ground is doing the most lying.

True, all the more reason they should all be held accountable instead of making excuses by saying its okay for them to cheat cause everyone else does (I know thats not what you were saying though).

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Yep, those damn republicans having affairs and getting divorced. You'd never see a democrat do that. :S Your desperation is funny. :D

Of course, Sanford WAS a huge advocate of "Conservative Family Values" (TM). It's the hypocrisy that makes the difference.

Of course you are not going to find any democrats that are hypocritical either.

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I'd like you to meet somebody. He's my little friend called the return key. He's what makes paragraphs possible. He's awesome.

Do you have an old keyboard or what?

He's probably using a Mac. They have return keys in the general position of the carriage return key of typewriters.
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Yep, those damn republicans having affairs and getting divorced. You'd never see a democrat do that. :S Your desperation is funny. :D

Of course, Sanford WAS a huge advocate of "Conservative Family Values" (TM). It's the hypocrisy that makes the difference.

Of course you are not going to find any democrats that are hypocritical either.

It's the GOP that has chosen to wrap itself in the mantra of "Family Values". I have a reasonable expectation that talking the talk will be accompanied by walking the walk rather than "Hiking the Appalachian Trail".

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I guess it depends on whether or not you think honesty is important. If not, then the one who talks the best game wins. If you do think honesty is important, then whichever side is claiming the moral high ground is doing the most lying.

I think anyone looking to either party for morals or honesty needs to have their head examined. :|

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I guess it depends on whether or not you think honesty is important. If not, then the one who talks the best game wins. If you do think honesty is important, then whichever side is claiming the moral high ground is doing the most lying.

I think anyone looking to either party for morals or honesty needs to have their head examined. :|

While that is certainly true, the GOP has made the hypocrisy trophy its own.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I guess if you have no values then you don't have to worry about being critisized.

Nope, you'd be criticized for "not having values".

Actually, everyone has values, it's just some people might have different values than you. I have little respect to those trying to shove their moral values down our throats, and even less for those who do not follow even their publically announced values.
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I guess if you have no values then you don't have to worry about being critisized.

Nope, you'd be criticized for "not having values".

Actually, everyone has values, it's just some people might have different values than you. I have little respect to those trying to shove their moral values down our throats, and even less for those who do not follow even their publically announced values.

Hey some of them are busy shoving other things down other conservatives "throats" all the while spouting off about family values.:ph34r::ph34r:

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