
Coyotes kill woman on hike in Canadian park

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That is so sad.

The coyotes here in my area are the size of German Sheppards not. They seem to have grown or mutated. It is wierd. They are right in my backyard all the time but shy away from us. But in death valley a couple of years ago the coyotes were taking peoples dogs by running next to one while you were hiking with your dog and then your dog would chase it and then the pack would attack it. But the coyote would have no problem going near the human to get lure the dog. They put an alert in Death Valley campers and visitors about this and to also be careful of young children as well since they seemed to be so brave around humans. So this normally shy animal is not as shy when they are hungry.
Also back in high school a couple of friends and I were out booney bashing and stopped to hang out and bullshit like we use too and next thing we knew it we heard noises around us and when we turned the headlights on our vehicles and we were surrounded by a large pack of coyotes. It scared the shit out if us and got the hell out of there. I have grown up in the Nevada area all my life, camped and did all kind of outdoor activities and I had never been surrounded like that.
You create life, life does not create you.

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Clever! I've also been looking for motion controlled camera shutter releases. They come into the area, the camera goes off, the flash spooks them and they take off. And I have a record to see if it's the same one all the time.

oh shit! Combine the two. Should make for a very entertaining thread. B|:D

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Clever! I've also been looking for motion controlled camera shutter releases. They come into the area, the camera goes off, the flash spooks them and they take off. And I have a record to see if it's the same one all the time.

Check with any hunting goods outfit such as Cabelas or Gander Mountain. They all sell trail cameras designed to take digital pics of animals crossing in front of it. Some are pretty costly, some are darn cheap.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Bill should just go out there in a banana hammock, so the coyotes will laugh themselves to death.:D:D:D

Do your coyotes look like this?



These were small coyotes around here

Notice the shot placement...looks like a mob hit;)

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We have them in our back yard all the time. (Actually one comes in, sits under our window and howls at the moon, which is annoying.) They're a size that couldn't threaten anyone older than about 5.

Living with wildlife is part of living outside an urban setting. It's not hard to live with them - but they are wild, and they live by their own rules.

I'm not sure if it would work but it would probably be a fun experiment. Get 2 or 3, fill em with water (maybe with a lil tobasco), and set em up in your backyard. After tripping once or twice the yotes probably won't come back. Or at least watch their distance.


I was just thinking that would make for a great burglar-deterrent, but it needs to be permanent dye... :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Excuse my rabbling here. I've tried to hunt and trap coyotes most of my life. They are wily animals, that I enjoy seeing.

And they are interesting critters. They aren't very large on average, but more than one coyote sometimes bring down deer. Usually they get injured, sick, or malnourished deer.

Usually a healthy, adult-deer doesn't worry too much about coyotes. Wolves and mountain lions are another story. They are killing machines.

Coyotes are often called in by any kind of squealing sound. One day, out in the desert, we were using a hand crank generator to power a radio in the army. Every time you cranked it, it made a squeaking sound. Out of nowhere a coyote appeared looking for lunch.

Another time we had a puppy up in the woods. It was stung on the inside of the mouth, by a bee. It was making a terrible whining sound. Out of nowhere here was this big coyote lurking down on my wife, who had the pup in her arms.

It's fun to call them in, if conditions are right. You start blowing on a dieing rabbit call. Sometimes they will run right up to you.

One time I saw a coyote coming into my call, way off. There was something about him that looked wierd. Finally, he was almost on top of me, when I fired my 22-250.

About half of his fur was gone from mange. His face was mostly bald, and his tail looked like one on a greyhound.

Personally, I don't think there is much to worry about coyotes. Possibly they could attack a young kid. Wierd stuff sometimes happens in the boonies. It's good to be prepared for that....

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>Bill should just go out there in a banana hammock, so the coyotes
>will laugh themselves to death.

They'd probably just leave. "Well, there goes the neighborhood . . . time to move on to somewhere with less embarrassing humans."

>Do your coyotes look like this?

Hard to tell the scale. If that's a 'regular' sized wheeled garbage can in the second picture, ours are smaller.

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That is one of the huge types of municipal garbage cans

Yours probably look like the ones I would see at Ft. Irwin NTC

We used to kill them at the farthest distances for beer.

Damn, I was owed a lot of beer.

I had a M16E2 that was very accurate, I got kills at over 500meters with just iron sights. (if they were standing still)

I had done a trigger job so the trigger was smoother and very crisp, I also bent the legs of the hammer spring 35 degrees to reduce trigger pull.

I had it down to around 3.5lbs.

I cleaned it very well every time I shot and had lapped the bbl with 1000 grit diamond paste.

I had an award for being the best shot with a service rifle in our battalion.

Scoped rifle I was even better,

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We have them in our back yard all the time. (Actually one comes in, sits under our window and howls at the moon, which is annoying.) They're a size that couldn't threaten anyone older than about 5.

Living with wildlife is part of living outside an urban setting. It's not hard to live with them - but they are wild, and they live by their own rules.

I'm not sure if it would work but it would probably be a fun experiment. Get 2 or 3, fill em with water (maybe with a lil tobasco), and set em up in your backyard. After tripping once or twice the yotes probably won't come back. Or at least watch their distance.


I was just thinking that would make for a great burglar-deterrent, but it needs to be permanent dye... :ph34r:

or.... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x72yun_israeli-skunk-spray-weapon_news


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We have them in our back yard all the time. (Actually one comes in, sits under our window and howls at the moon, which is annoying.) They're a size that couldn't threaten anyone older than about 5.

Living with wildlife is part of living outside an urban setting. It's not hard to live with them - but they are wild, and they live by their own rules.

I'm not sure if it would work but it would probably be a fun experiment. Get 2 or 3, fill em with water (maybe with a lil tobasco), and set em up in your backyard. After tripping once or twice the yotes probably won't come back. Or at least watch their distance.


I was just thinking that would make for a great burglar-deterrent, but it needs to be permanent dye... :ph34r:

or.... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x72yun_israeli-skunk-spray-weapon_news


I bet the guys in that truck were laughing their asses off! Only problem is your yard would smell like skunk for a long time.
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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The coyotes here in my area are the size of German Sheppards not.

The ones that I have seen don't look that big but they are larger than I expected a coyote to be. I'd guess them to weigh 30-40 pounds. Bushier coats than the photos of the two dead ones posted above.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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The coyotes here in my area are the size of German Sheppards not.

The ones that I have seen don't look that big but they are larger than I expected a coyote to be. I'd guess them to weigh 30-40 pounds. Bushier coats than the photos of the two dead ones posted above.

Well coyotes here are usually small and would only be the size that we normally would see out in the boonies but last year there were 3 of them running down my street and they were the size of the German Sheppard that lives behind me. And I am not a guy who likes to think BIG in terms of what size really is. I'm a chick. Even my husband was shocked and thought they were not normal.

There have been ones I have seen in my back forty that range in sizes but not to the extent of the 3 we had seen previouly.

So there:P
You create life, life does not create you.

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I wonder if the female hiker was carrying a gun.
"Only fools and food enter the woods without a gun"- Cliff White

She was in a national park so, no, she was not carrying a gun. I am somewhat saddened by your comments about fools and food. I have spent most of my life living in rural, mostly forested places in eastern Canada, Yukon and the western arctic.. Unless I was hunting the only time I carried a gun was when in polar bear country. Are you afraid to go into a park? You know humans existed for along time before guns were invented.

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I would place a hefty bet that I know more about them than you do.

You better hurry up and research them so you can try and sound knowledgeable.;)

You mean like you? Please .... !


Right back at ya, geez I bet you think you are the most knowledgeable person alive.:|

It will escape you that I do have experience and knowledge that you cannot imagine.

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Just because you were never injured or killed by a predator does not mean you were not stalked by a predator and viewed as a piece of meat with no hooves, antlers, claws, or other undigestable nuisances.

Nonetheless I enjoyed a nice hike in Jasper National Park last week yet again without a gun (like everyone else in the park). My African companion was quite nervous about bears (a lot of warning signs) but, having encountered bears countless times before I was not too concerned. Mountain lions, on the other hand do concern me although I have never heard of one attacking two grown men. Mostly they attack children or single adults.

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