
Who the hell cares if he bowed?

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So over the past 20 years we've given him 400 billion to pay for oil and he's given us 220 billion to buy bonds. Sounds like we should be selling him _more_ stuff!

You are conveniently overlooking the possibility that the Saudis are already spending that money to buy real U.S. assets such as real estate, equipment, and other capital. Look, Bill, I know you are very closed minded; but at some point you have to come to the realization that maybe it isn't a good idea to be trading real capital for pieces of paper with ink designs that can be produced unlimitedly.

Here is a short explanation of the problem of trade imbalances in a format you may understand.

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>You are conveniently overlooking the possibility that the Saudis are
>already spending that money to buy real U.S. assets such as real estate,
> equipment, and other capital.

Good! That means that our foreign trade balance is getting a little better over there.

>Look, Bill, I know you are very closed minded; but at some point you
>have to come to the realization that maybe it isn't a good idea to be
>trading real capital for pieces of paper with ink designs that can be
>produced unlimitedly.

Sure. You give up your credit cards, mortgages, paper money, checkbook, bank accounts and online accounts and go back to silver dollars to represent all your money. Once you do that you'll be less closed minded than me!

Until then, you can post on a free website maintained by capital represented by electrons (not even by designs on paper) and be just as closed minded.

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Holding hands is symbol of equality and respect. A kiss on the cheek is a proper respectful greeting. Bowing is the cultural symbol of subserviance.

Not always. In Japanese culture, for example, bows of equal "height" between people are deemed a greeting between equals, essentially akin to handshakes or salutes.

Very true, but last I checked, the Saudi King isn't Japanese. Even if he were, they did not bow to equal "heights." Bowing at the waist in Muslim culture is an act of obedience and subservience. The dancing around by some on here and flat out lying by the White House is amusing. It's like it physically hurts libs to say Obama might have screwed up.

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last I checked, the Saudi King isn't Japanese. Even if he were, they did not bow to equal "heights." Bowing at the waist in Muslim culture is an act of obedience and subservience.

Last I checked, Obama isn't Muslim. Even if he were...It really doesn't mean shit.
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Watched the video. Definitely a bow. I don't buy the official explanation of two-handed handshake and Obama being taller.

But back to the original post - who the Hell cares? At the highest level, customs don't matter as long as they're not insulting. Body language doesn't matter as long as it's not insulting (as in the case of Bush showing his heel to the Iraqi minister). I don't think the King would have been insulted by a slight breach of protocol.

The U.S. is the most powerful and wealthiest country in the world - for heads-of-state, it's the only thing that matters.
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Here's what's I think is interesting.

go back to the debates for the election. BO refused to directly answer any of the "scenario" type questions. Instead, he'd rephrase the "what if" scenario and replace it with his own scenario that assumed he had the infinite resources to predict the 'dilemma' part of the question and 'head it off at the pass'. So he, in essence, would try to convince us in the debates, that he'd have infinite precognition. (example - Q - What if we get attacked on home soil again, how would you respond? A - I'd have intelligence in place to make sure we find out BEFORE and keep it from happening.... nice answer, but that's not the question Mr O.)

And here we see that they can't even give the poor guy a good protocol pre-briefing for meeting other executives. It must really crush BO to see the real world isn't so perfectly controlled like he thought.

I don't care that he bowed - rookie mistake and he should get slack for it. But some staffer lying about it is really a crappy result. I picture it as some staffer getting a question "Did you know your guy just bowed to so and so?" and the guy thinking NO WAY is BO dumb enough to make that gaff - he must not have - and then releasing a statement that he didn't before getting the facts - failing attempt at PR damage control. Same as other admins - just admit "Yup, social gaff - opps, we'll try to learn from it - it's not a big deal - we have bigger things to worry about right now"

The only other explanation is that they are purposely staging this series of idiotic and minor things to distract the public from the real and damaging idiotic policies that are going out. I don't think the public is stupid enough to fall for that strategy and hope they don't either.

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It's like it physically hurts libs to say Obama might have screwed up.

Apparently you missed my post #14, or maybe just conveniently ignored it. Oh, well; as long as you got in a gratuitous lib-bash, all is right with the world.

Unwind thy panties.

I said some on here. I didn't say you.

Stay positive and love your life.

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The only other explanation is that they are purposely staging this series of idiotic and minor things to distract the public from the real and damaging idiotic policies that are going out. I don't think the public is stupid enough to fall for that strategy and hope they don't either.

Thanks for enlightening us with respect to the only two possibilities. :S

A more plausible explanation than either that you suggest (if one wants to assume it was actually a bow) is that President Obama bowed in order to stroke the ego of the Saudi king in order to gain political capital. If there is something to be gained for the US by the President making a social gesture that has no real cost to his country, then he would be foolish to not take advantage of the opportunity. Furthermore, only fools would criticize him for doing so.
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If it was such an amazing tactical political move - beyond the ken of ordinary humans to understand the intricacies except for you......then why would his staff deny he did it?:S

nonsense, it was a harmless gaff due to poor preparation and some staffer screwed up when put in a position to publicly comment on it

nice that you can rationalize it as - "golly, it was absolutely on purpose, HE makes no mistakes."

but it is interesting, I give him credit for being human and making minor mistakes.

while you tag onto a tongue in cheek conspiracy comment and reply with something that's just as goofy - just to keep yourself from admitting the guy isn't all knowing and perfect - it really boggles the mind - you could probably take a job on the staff and issue press releases for the big O - seems you are doing better than the last guy.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>Bowing is the cultural symbol of subserviance.

Not in many cultures. CEO's and CTO's of large companies have bowed to me.

All hail the Billvon!!:P
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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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nice that you can rationalize it as - "golly, it was absolutely on purpose, HE makes no mistakes."

My, aren't you good at replying to posts before understanding them. Or, are you misrepresenting my comments on purpose? :S
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My, aren't you good at replying to posts before understanding them. Or, are you misrepresenting my comments on purpose? :S

In Speaker's Corner? No one here doesn't that.


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I don't care that he bowed, I'm bothered that he had his staff lie about it.

Well now everybody can just concentrate on how Obama had his daughters throw the easter egg roll competition...So now it's ok to intentionally lose a sporting event? Now it's ok for parents to support other contestants and root against your own children? What message does that send to the youth of our nation? What a chump!>:(

Get mad people....get mad as hell and don't take it anymore....if we throw anything, it should be tea!:S
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(Actually, trouble ensued after that. I did not bow back which turned out to be a big faux pas. Why am I not told these things?)

Imagine the embarrassment the King felt for not bowing back to Obama. "Do I bow back? I've never really bowed to anyone. Do I even know how to bow? Damn cameras!"
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Are we really that stuck up as a nation that we believe our president shouldn't bow to anyone?



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"I love America, but I think we should start seeing other countries"
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Not sure if this is poignantly ironic … or maybe President Obama needs a copy: a book entitled Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands is being distributed to all new General Officers in the military.

Out of curiosity, I ordered a copy from my library. :)

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