
Nancy Grace

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Am I the only one who despises this women? Its even worst since she's on HLN and HLN used to be an "ok" news station. A 30 minute loop of stories, no talking heads, but that has all changed and the "flagship" is Nancy Grace.
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Am I the only one who despises this women? Its even worst since she's on HLN and HLN used to be an "ok" news station. A 30 minute loop of stories, no talking heads, but that has all changed and the "flagship" is Nancy Grace.

I can't believe anyone agrees to go on her show. She is a such a bitch to anyone who has an opposing viewpoint. [:/]

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Everytime I see her on TV, I think "Not that bitch again."

I can't believe you people. Not one positive post about Nancy Grace in this thread.

I find her self-righteous indignation to be an inspiration to all Americans and our way of life. I feel like draping myself in the flag and beating my chest (and beating myself stupid in patriotic delirium for that matter) every time I see her talk.

I think she's great, best news personality since O'Reilly.

Open your eyes people.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Where's Kaylee?

Yah, exactly. Jesus Christ, the kid has been missing for, what, months? That poor kid has probably been dead and a half for a while, and all that bitch Nancy can do is go on a witchhunt.

To put it politely, Nancy Grace represents everything wrong with the media today.

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She is a moron. Did you guys ever see the "Boston Legal" episodes with the Nancy Grace look alike? She gets whacked on the head with a pipe but doesn't die. She's all giddy it happened during sweeps week! Hilarious stuff and the actress that played her had it down pat!

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I don't, but I don't know who she is.

Okay, now I sorta know who she is:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWPY7b35vF4 :P

Haha you beat me to it. I hate Nancy Grace and that clip is great. Too bad you can tell that the second half is totally edited.
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Can you imagine the despair of the poor sap who's fucking her?


Do you honestly think there is somebody out there desperate enough to fuck her? :S:|

Someone is! She had twins, earlier this year.:S
I hope, the guy had sense enough to shove a sock in her mouth during sex! She's like Baba Wawa on speed!


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