
The end of the USA as a superpower

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Is the credit crash the begining of the end for the USA as a superpower? I think it could be, or at very least the end of its reign as a hyperpower. Who in the world is ever going to trust the US financial system to such an extent in the future. Surly in the future the far east (India and China) will take allot more trade and investment than the US.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I'd agree, if we continue to socialize our banking, health care, etc etc etc

why do you think competing economies want us to keep moving leftward?

This bailout was the biggest coup by those with socialistic tendencies ever. Most say the socialized health care is the death knell - I say that socializing our banking is a MUCH more powerful lever in that direction. Way to go "bi-partisan" Congress, way to go GWB.

Once we come out of this a much more socialized country, you'll be seeing Lucky and Kallend and etcetcetc praising the Bush administration as taking us farther down their road than ever before. It'll be a bit freaky to see those posts, but we'll get used to it. If, DZ.com is allowed to exist by Big Brother.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I don't own crap. That's like saying I own a little piece of a SR71, or a tank. It's not like real stock or anything bought on a truly free market.

Maybe I'll go participate in some board meetings anyway. Where's the nearest huge financial institution?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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IMO, the recent credit crisis isn't the beginning. I think the end started when we began selling our country to foreign interests through our labor and trade practices. China's got us by the short and curlies. In a few years they'll be able to ask for Taiwan and we'll have to say "okidoke", "yes sir", "thank you sir". Secondly, we handicapped ourselves through our inability to adequately educate our population. Seems that it's easier/more profitable to farm out the work to the cheaply paid smarties overseas than it is to invest in our own people and infrastructure. We've even got Israel writing the software for our NSA's encryption and surveillance. How's that for leaving your zipper down?
But with regard to the banking problem, it is indeed interesting to see how the greed driven financial engines that were created, then failed, have spread like a virus through the global economy. We really are already a global community. People just don't want to admit it yet.

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Every market in the world took a dump. This whole deal just proves how interconnected the world is now days.

And it seems to me that the global discussions for a coordinated response were what it took to set the stage for yesterday's rally . . . which kind of speaks to the subject of this thread.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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no one is asking for socialized banking and the bailout is not a socialist move in any way. It is a sad an inexcusable action to fix an industry fucked by its own pursuit (and reception) of few and in some case, no regulations.

What it means (and needs) is more regulation. Obviously, if we let the people with all the money run the place without oversight - they will fuck it up.

No different than me having to sit in the corner in kindergarten. When you act like a brat, then someone has to be burdened with watching you to make sure you are not able to be the fuck-up that you really can be.

Banking needs regulation. To protect the markets and to protect the people (me) and my money.

And Bush is not pulling socialist moves - don't give him credit - he really is not that fucking smart. But he just STUPID enough to allow the deregulation and subsequent run on the financial sector, and then call it 'good sound economic policy'. Yes he is that fucking stupid.

If you stole a million dollars, you would go to jail for life. These FUCKERS stole hundreds of billions of dollars over years, and are going to get nothing in the end. Maybe fired, if that.

Go ahead and fire me (especially if I own 3 jets, 16 properties around the world and have millions in the banks.....)
I am all for deregulation, as long as I am allowed to burn down houses and lynch people when they lose my money.

I think that bail-out was crap, we should have let them sink. (and then lynched them)

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I think that bail-out was crap, we should have let them sink.

OK, but then the stock market would sink with them, and retired people or soon-to-be-retired would see their savings (401K, IRA) evaporate. It's not as though only the greedy CEO fuckups would take the hit all by themselves.

Everything is connected.
Speed Racer

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Is the credit crash the begining of the end for the USA as a superpower? I think it could be, or at very least the end of its reign as a hyperpower. Who in the world is ever going to trust the US financial system to such an extent in the future. Surly in the future the far east (India and China) will take allot more trade and investment than the US.

Even in the current climate, would you sleep better at night knowing your money is in the US, or in China?

Yeah, I thought so.

The credit crash is irrelevant to the decline or sustaining of the US superpower status. That question really concerns the alternates.

Right now the EU is the only other one, and that's only if you believe they act as a fairly cohesive entity, which is false. They're about as cohesive as the California Democrat delegation in Congress. And unless it embraces immigration, it will decline due to an aging population with a negative birth rate.

China has to deal with too many people, and rapidly rising commidity costs.

Who else is there?

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Even in the current climate, would you sleep better at night knowing your money is in the US, or in China?

Yeah, I thought so.

The credit crash is irrelevant to the decline or sustaining of the US superpower status. That question really concerns the alternates.

Right now the EU is the only other one, and that's only if you believe they act as a fairly cohesive entity, which is false. They're about as cohesive as the California Democrat delegation in Congress. And unless it embraces immigration, it will decline due to an aging population with a negative birth rate.

China has to deal with too many people, and rapidly rising commidity costs.

Who else is there?

1, Russia? They own half of the world don't they?
(get a globe and look at it with the north pole closest to your eyes). they are the largest oil producing nation in the World, the saudis just have more wells going.

2, The new world order? In disguse (potentially already are).

Weird that the Rockerfellers, Rothchilds and all those mega high rolling, country/govornment owning assholes, don't get a mention in all this current economic debarcle.

Meanwhile they arebusy buying up all the shares and banks increasing thier unimaginable weath.

What posesses such people to be so unjustifiably selfish and unsatisfied?

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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1, Russia? They own half of the world don't they?
(get a globe and look at it with the north pole closest to your eyes). they are the largest oil producing nation in the World, the saudis just have more wells going.

From 1945 till ~1990, the Soviet Union controlled half of Europe and exerted influence over most of the globe in opposition to the US lead block.

The Russia of today rolls tanks into a small portion of a country that used to be part of the Soviet Union.

Not quite the same, is it?

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Did the aircraft carriers stop working? US govie debt will still be considered "riskless" by everyone who's serious about their money. That hasn't changed, nor will it in our lifetime (...unless there is an aggressive invasion from outer space).

Fuck! I just thought of Independence Day when you said that. Where's will smith when you need him! oh wait never mind! Sarah Palin can see space from her house, she is qualified to deal with it!

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In Reply To

Weird that the Rockerfellers, Rothchilds and all those mega high rolling, country/govornment owning assholes, don't get a mention in all this current economic debarcle.



It is quite surprising such huge issues are not very prevailent in general knowledge or the media, or is it?

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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