
Is Hillary Done?

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Either that or $109 million over seven years doesn't get you into the big boys loophole club. I think Buffett only pays about 17%.


Dividends are taxed at 15%, and I expect those dominate his taxable earnings.


Did you have a point to make with this repost?

Yeah, he pays a lower percentage than his secretary, due to maxing out FICA well short of his earnings. And the bulk of his gain in wealth was in unrealized gains.

His secretary can benefit from lower taxes on dividends and no taxes on unrealized gains. She can also put 25% (15/60k) of her salary into a tax shelter - he can only put in a fraction on 1%. (WOW - 15 >> 1 - therefore tax law favors the middle class over the rich!)

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His secretary can benefit from lower taxes on dividends and no taxes on unrealized gains. She can also put 25% (15/60k) of her salary into a tax shelter -

And she would too, except that she stopped by the store on the way home, bought some groceries and filled up her gas tank.:P

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You do know that they, Clintons, have donated over $10M to charities over the past few years. So she is leading by example. I don't like her but it is her money and if she wants to blow it on her campaign then let her.

Ah! Where did that money from the charitable donations go? Not to help anyone except Yale and their hacks.

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He campaigns as a politician who happen to be black, and doesn't play race card,

it's true - he makes a point of telling us every chance he gets - so we don't forget

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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We can only hope.

My personal opinion is that she has shown every reason why she should NEVER be president. Going into this process I didn't feel that any of the three were particularly bad. Since then, she's proven me wrong.

Personally, I hope Obama gets nominated (and the Presidency), but I won't be unhappy if McCain gets in either. This country has had WAY too many years under a Clinton or Bush IMO.


Well said. Her blatant pandering and increasingly desperate negative attacks showed her to be the lowest of politicians. A 3 month suspension of the federal gas tax (18 cents/gal) is a joke. Before that, it was not clear to me why her negatives were so high. Did she pull this sort of crap running for senate in NY?

She changed hats daily in pandering to every micro-demographic she could.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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***Obama supporters - blacks, youths and educated.
Clinton - working class whites, older women and Latinos.

What about the forgotten old white men. Where do old white men fall?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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It's getting to be hard to see how she could even get this race to the convention, much less prevail there.

I agree. As I indicated in my first post, though, I can't see her quitting. In and interview in USA today, she said, "Senator Obama's support . . . among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again. I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on."

Note the DISTINCT RACE CARD that she is playing? She's saying that white people (the hard working Democrats) won't vote for a black guy. She is trying to convince the superdelegates that Obama cannot win because the country isn't ready for a black president, especially not this year, when the nomination was supposed to be hers by divine right.

Clinton will not give up because it seems that she believes that this nomination is hers, and has been hers. The Democratic Party owes Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton owes Hillary. And some black guy got in her way.

When will the Democratic Party stand up to her and call her out for what she is being?

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Not really.


Most of the money she donated went to the Clinton Family Foundation and before you start attack it look at its 2007 annual report. I still don't see why people are all up in arms over how much this family made the past few years and where most of the money they donated to went. Remember you're talking about senators running for POTUS. Does anyone actually think if you make low 6 figures you might have a chance to run for senator let alone POTUS. Just look at the net worth of Clinton, McCain and Obama. Obama's only worth a mere 1-2M compared to Clinton at 100M+ and McCain at 25-30M.

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3. Pretty much anything that involves an act of Congress. Again, these are some of the most corrupt people in the country....

In contrast of course to Obama... now there's one honest politician!

For sure. He is a beacon of honesty. I don't get the draw of Obama. What has he accomplished? Sure, he gives a good speech with good "change" catch phrases but where is the substance? "If you want change, vote for me." Now thats original.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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[Either that or $109 million over seven years doesn't get you into the big boys loophole club. I think Buffett only pays about 17%.

Dividends are taxed at 15%, and I expect those dominate his taxable earnings.

Profits from large coporations are taxed at 50%, although only 15% of that is listed on your form 1040. Just like Social Security is a capped 12.4% tax with only 6.2% listed on your W2+pay stub and not even a mention on most people's 1040s.

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Two questions a husband should never answer "yes" to:

1.) Does this dress make me look fat ?


2.) Is my candidacy killing the Democratic Party ?

I'd love to take credit for that, but I heard it last weekend on a quiz show called "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me".

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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>I don't get the draw of Obama. What has he accomplished?

Well, he got elected to the US Senate, which is a pretty significant achievement. I actually like the fact that he hasn't spent the past 20 years racking up political debt and becoming a "Beltway insider."

>Sure, he gives a good speech with good "change" catch phrases but
>where is the substance?

In his book, primarily Audacity. Also in some of his longer speeches.

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Two questions a husband should never answer "yes" to:

1.) Does this dress make me look fat ?

There is no easy correct answer. If you say no, then it could be interpreted as you thinking she looks fat without the dress, also.

It's like lawrocket's trick question (paraphrased):

If I asked you if you committed the murder, would you give the same answer to that question as you give to this one?
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Amy said her sister didn't quite know how to take your appropriate response ;);)

Blue Ones

I always thought the answer was "no, the dress doesn't make you look fat, it's your fat that makes you look fat"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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So now she has won West Virginia.

The Dem party now is seemingly imploding still. What has Hillary managed to do in her campaign? Create a new class of voter - the Hillary Democrats.

Last week she mentioned how exit polls "found how Senator Obama's support among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

Why did those voters stand behind her? I think a couple of reasons. The first is that these blue collar boys did pretty well under the Clinton presidency (much like Reagan Democrats did pretty well under Reagan's presidency.) Second, the Rev. Wright thing bothered them a bit. And finally, Hillary got to their inner hate!

These are the folks who are up for grabs. Will they go Democratic because it's an ideological thing? Or will they go Republican because they aren't voting for that Obama guy?

Edwards is shitting right now. The last thing the Dem party wants is a race war in its election. To have the election come down to whites and hispanics versus blacks.

As an aside, many Dems are pushing to give the Florida delegates one-half votes. Can you imagine the protestors holding signs saying, "Even slaves got 3/5." It's gonna get worse, folks.

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Why did those voters stand behind her?

Perhaps because her healthcare plan is better (and quite possibly cheaper for the taxpayer) than the ones being proposed by Obama or McCain.

Or, perhaps it's because some people truly believe she would be a more effective President than Obama.

Personally, I don't see any substance behind Obama's (admirable) charisma. That doesn't mean there's none there, but it seems that it's not readily and freely available.
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