
Three good things about a Dem Pres in 08

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1. The apologists on here will stop whining about "it was only a blowjob".

2. An end to the incessant outbreaks of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

3. It gives the Dem Congress another "first 100 hours" to actually fulfill any of the promises they made.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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And three even better things:

1. Right wingers will have a new person to hate, and to blame for every problem the US faces. (The Clinton hatred is getting really old.)

2. GOP politicians will be able to claim that all the problems in Iraq were caused by the new democratic president.

3. They'll be able to claim that the recession really has nothing to do with GOP policies; it's all the new president.

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And three even better things:

1. Right wingers will have a new person to hate, and to blame for every problem the US faces. (The Clinton hatred is getting really old.)

2. GOP politicians will be able to claim that all the problems in Iraq were caused by the new democratic president.

3. They'll be able to claim that the recession really has nothing to do with GOP policies; it's all the new president.

Ah, ok... so basically, all the stuff the Dems do now, then?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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3. They'll be able to claim that the recession really has nothing to do with GOP policies; it's all the new president.

Holy crap, this is exactly what Bob Beckel, Democratic Strategist said this morning on the news. When eveyone was anticipating a huge drop in the dow today, he said that no one will give GWB credit for the 7 years of a relatively good economy, but they sure as hell will hang him should any sign of a recession happen in his last year.


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3. They'll be able to claim that the recession really has nothing to do with GOP policies; it's all the new president.

Holy crap, this is exactly what Bob Beckel, Democratic Strategist said this morning on the news. When eveyone was anticipating a huge drop in the dow today, he said that no one will give GWB credit for the 7 years of a relatively good economy, but they sure as hell will hang him should any sign of a recession happen in his last year.

7 years, eh? Funny counting method, I'd say.

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You guys are funny..

So basically you are saying that a recession that is looming has nothing to do with all time borrowing and SPENDING of money that we did not have......eventually SOMEONE has to pay the bills that the irresponsible and incompetent men you put in power have done to the country..

MAN all that spinning must really hurt your head there Chris..

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So basically you are saying that a recession that is looming has nothing to do with all time borrowing and SPENDING of money that we did not have......eventually SOMEONE has to pay the bills that the irresponsible and incompetent men you put in power have done to the country..

Bush has as much to do with this not-yet-and-maybe-never-recession as Clinton had to do with the not-quite-a-recession starting in the third quarter of 2000. If you'll recall, we had another boom economy that tanked right around then, when the dot-com bubble burst.

Now we have another bubble that burst. Indicators point to a recession iun the US. However, most overseas investors seem to believe that the US will not go into a recession.


We MAY go into a recession. We MAY not.

And Jeanne: deficit spending is not a uniquely Republican feature. The new Republicans have merely proven that they can actualy do it better than the Dems of the past.

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You do not have to have had two consecutive quarters of negative growth to be in a recession; you need to be within two (or more) consecutive quarters of negative growth. You simply wont know for sure until the numbers are in.


We MAY go into be in a recession. We MAY not.

Fixed it.

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Under Clinton I dont remember massive foreign borrowing.. it was a boom without the massive deficits.....This boom has been good for a sector that provided nothing to the country...think Blackwater.... Halliburton with all the NO BID Contracts.. and all the others that have raided the US Treasury at will for the last 6 years... Think of all the defense spending that does not provide anything more than profits for the war profiteers( AKA Friends of the Administration).. oh and some jobs... I will give it that good aspect to the economy.. Instead of spending all those BILLIONS here at home on bridges that do not fall down.. or roads that are a joke.. this administration SQUANDERED Billions on this excellent adventure in Iraq... but remember.. the Iraqi OIL was gogin to pay for everything..

Seems all that PIE in the SKY you guys voted for has not worked out all that well:S:S:S:S

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Under Clinton I dont remember massive foreign borrowing

I do. Debt (as a percentage of GDP) kept increasing until the 1995-1996 fiscal year. Guess what happened then?

By the way, debt as a percentage of GDP was 70% in 1995. By 2001, it was about 58%. And now is up to about 65%.

Also note that there was a balanced budget during the Clinton presidency - in 1998. Wisely, the surplus was used to pay off debts. Then it went into deficit for 1999, 2000, 2001, etc.


This boom has been good for a sector that provided nothing to the country...think Blackwater.... Halliburton with all the NO BID Contracts..

Don't say things like "nothing." Apparently, these firms have pumped a lot of money into the economy through things like employing people.


Think of all the defense spending that does not provide anything more than profits for the war profiteers( AKA Friends of the Administration).. oh and some jobs... I will give it that good aspect to the economy..

Thank you. Jobs.


Instead of spending all those BILLIONS here at home on bridges that do not fall down.. or roads that are a joke.. this administration SQUANDERED Billions on this excellent adventure in Iraq

Oh, I agree that the war was and is a foolish endeavor. I would have rather seen the money spent paying off the debt, but that's just me.


Seems all that PIE in the SKY you guys voted for has not worked out all that well

Yeah, no shit. Look what happens when you have a Congress with balls that is of a different party than a president with balls. Good shit happens. Recall that if Clinton had been up for reelection in 1994 he would have lost.

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7 years, eh? Funny counting method, I'd say.

Care to explain? Are you counting in dog years?

I'd only estimate about 3 of the past 7 years qualifying as a relatively decent economy. No one can claim the past 7 all qualify - at least not if they want to be taken seriously.

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>he said that no one will give GWB credit for the 7 years of a relatively
>good economy, but they sure as hell will hang him should any sign of a
>recession happen in his last year.

Just as the republicans gave Clinton zero credit for the economy he presided over, and instead claimed that "he set up the economy to fail under Bush."

Again, it has nothing to do with reality, just whose side the person is on. Most people treat politics about the way college students treat college football games. "FALCONS RULE, WOLVERINES DROOL!" and whatnot.

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I watched chunks of last night's Dem's debate (or was I just blowing chunks after the debate) and I was not impressed with Ms Clinton's and Mr Obama's tactics. Too bad Edwards doesn't stand a chance what with him being a white male, but he had to have been laughing out how the two fronts runners went for each other's throats. The only things worse than Canadian politics (believe me we have no shortage of fruitcakes up here), is American politics. :ph34r:

I could be wrong, but I suspect that John McCain will be the next prez. There are some aspects of the Senator that concern me, but he appears to be the lesser of all evils and at least he shows a sense of debating maturity Clinton and Obama lack. But what do I know ...

We do know that Ms Clinton, Mr Obama and John Edwards are better than the current moron occupying the job. But this appears to be Mr McCain's presidency to lose.

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I could be wrong, but I suspect that John McCain will be the next prez. There are some aspects of the Senator that concern me, but he appears to be the lesser of all evils

If it was as simple as just voting from the total field of candidates, you might be right. Hard to tell.

But we don't vote for the lesser of two evils from the list of 20. We first get the wacked out choice of each party (both very evil, but in very different, yet similar ways).

Then we get to pick the lesser of just "2" evils.

It means usually picking the lesser of 2 evils that were picked from the worst one forth of all the original candidates.

gotta love the primary system

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But we don't vote for the lesser of two evils from the list of 20. We first get the wacked out choice of each party

Just for the record I think our system here is crap! Everyone should get a vote for one candidate--any party, no matter what party they are registered under.

But, I'm biased.


Independent in Florida

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I could be wrong, but I suspect that John McCain will be the next prez. There are some aspects of the Senator that concern me, but he appears to be the lesser of all evils and at least he shows a sense of debating maturity Clinton and Obama lack. But what do I know ...

Two years ago I thought it was a slam dunk for him, but now I'd be surprised if he gets the nomination. There is a lot of bad blood in his party that wants anyone else.

I thought Edwards was a slam dunk too, but so far it looks like the Democrats are not worrying about electability and picking someone they want regardless. There are also claims that I don't know how to verify that says that for the under 30 year olds, race or gender really doesn't matter. Unfortunately, this age cohort still votes in the smallest numbers.

It could all change when we get to the bigger states, of course.

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>>We MAY go into a recession. We MAY not.
OK-You're not helping me with that kind of talk, I have to figure out how NOT to lose my ass tomorrow in the stock market.:|

Don't sell. That's one way. The only people who bust their asses on roller coasters are the ones who jump off in the middle of it.

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Just as the republicans gave Clinton zero credit for the economy he presided over

bill gates had more to do with the economy of the 90's than bill clinton. i just don't think that the prez has as much influence, good or bad, over something as complex as the economy.

the economy has always and will continue to go up and down. i've heard from the dems for about five years now how bad the economy is and that we are on the brink of a recession. if you say it long enough, it will eventually be true.

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