
England: Is there any real problems?

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There were 1.5 million guns confiscated in 1997.

That is a blatant lie and I've called you on it before citing government sources. There were 160,000 guns confiscated in 1997.


4% of Brits owned guns prior to their confiscation in 1997.

Another lie. In 1997 the UK population was 58 million. Even at your lie of 1.5 million guns, assuming each one was owned by a different person, that makes 2.6%. The ACTUAL figure was 0.3%.

Your constant barrage of bullshit is not fucking funny. You are blatantly just making this shit up.

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in reply to "Its our country. Fuck off. World police you may like to be but you have no place commenting on cultures you don't understand "

This sounds a bit like what the yanks might be saying to the Chinese given a bit of time.

You might not need a firearm in Britain but out in the uncivilised colonies you'd be slightly retarded not to see the need occassionally . Once some-one phucks you over at the point of a gun you kinda of get how useful having one can be......DUR:S

like some wise american once said "1st rule of a gun fight ...have a gun ":)

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I voted yes just to piss you off mate:P Also, I could do with a weather change, if the Torries come to power, will they be able to get rid of the winds, fog, and rain? If so I'll try and vote for themB|
He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

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4% of Brits owned guns prior to their confiscation in 1997. Do you believe that a majority has the right to deprive a minority of their property and sport, any time they feel like it, even when the minority is law-abiding and isn't bothering anybody?

That sounds like tyranny to me.

Actually its called democracy and your government are trying to spread it around the world John. But fear not as there is a valiant band of Iraqi's who belive in opposing this tyranny and belive in the NRA creed of 'you can take my gun when you prise it from my cold dead hands.' So far they're doing quite well I hear:P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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4% of Brits owned guns prior to their confiscation in 1997. Do you believe that a majority has the right to deprive a minority of their property and sport, any time they feel like it, even when the minority is law-abiding and isn't bothering anybody?

That sounds like tyranny to me.

Actually its called democracy and your government are trying to spread it around the world John. But fear not as there is a valiant band of Iraqi's who belive in opposing this tyranny and belive in the NRA creed of 'you can take my gun when you prise it from my cold dead hands.' So far they're doing quite well I hear:P

I can see that you could sympatize with anyone who plants bombs and kills civilians over there, is it because you have strong possibilities of common blood ancestry?

You are forgetting the premises on what the British empire was built on, and that you keep unquestioned loyalty to the fucktards that made that possible.

This has been an interesting thread, as you all clearly love to show the double standard.....
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Personal attacks what a suprise:S:S YAWN... Listen here Manuel, if it wasn't for the British Empire you'd still be gibbering like a monkey in some diego lingua.:D
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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There were 1.5 million guns confiscated in 1997.

That is a blatant lie and I've called you on it before citing government sources. There were 160,000 guns confiscated in 1997.


4% of Brits owned guns prior to their confiscation in 1997.

Another lie. In 1997 the UK population was 58 million. Even at your lie of 1.5 million guns, assuming each one was owned by a different person, that makes 2.6%. The ACTUAL figure was 0.3%.

Your constant barrage of bullshit is not fucking funny. You are blatantly just making this shit up.

You should be a bit more careful before shouting "bullshit".

160,000 is about the number of handguns confiscated. (It was actually about 166,000.) But there were also many long guns confiscated in addition to handguns, and even things like antiques, starter pistols, and signal cannons. So you haven't disproven my number of 1.5 million total guns confiscated. And, by the way, no, that number isn't just "blatantly shit made up" - there are numerous sources for that on the internet.

Likewise, what I said was that 4% of the population were gun owners. You seem to conclude that this too is a lie, because it doesn't jive with the number of handguns confiscated. But once again you are allowing your emotion is override your reason. There are many gun owners who were not handgun owners. And there were also many gun owners, such as shotgun owners, who ultimately didn't have their firearms confiscated, but certainly had good reason to be concerned during the debate. Just because I said that 4% of the population were gun owners, doesn't correspond to saying that 4% had guns confiscated. This would be the explanation for the "discrepancy" you raise. If you weren't so emotional about it, you might have realized this before going off half-cocked.

And finally, regardless of what number you want to believe, the principles I expressed remain the same:

1) It is wrong to punish people by confiscating their property when they haven't done anything wrong, and;
2) It is wrong to do the above just because a majority says so.
3) It is wrong to claim that no one cared, when in fact there were hundreds of thousands of citizens who did care.

What minority group is the lynch-mob majority going to pick-on next?

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You should be a bit more careful before shouting "bullshit".

Stop bullshitting then.


160,000 is about the number of handguns confiscated. (It was actually about 166,000.) But there were also many long guns confiscated in addition to handguns, and even things like antiques, starter pistols, and signal cannons.

Bollocks. Here's the actual law. Note the exceptions - antiques, starter pistols, signals equipment etc.


So you haven't disproven my number of 1.5 million total guns confiscated. And, by the way, no, that number isn't just "blatantly shit made up" - there are numerous sources for that on the internet.

Post one of these sources then.

Here are a bunch of references that say 160,000 (the actual number was 162,198 from the governments own publications department).

www.publications.parliament.uk/ pa/ld199798/ldhansrd/vo970609/text/70609-03.htm


Likewise, what I said was that 4% of the population were gun owners. You seem to conclude that this too is a lie, because it doesn't jive with the number of handguns confiscated.

No you didn't, you said "4% of Brits owned guns prior to their confiscation in 1997" which is a big fat fucking lie. Less than 0.3% had guns confiscated. You even have the neck to lie about stuff you said on the last page!


But once again you are allowing your emotion is override your reason. There are many gun owners who were not handgun owners. And there were also many gun owners, such as shotgun owners, who ultimately didn't have their firearms confiscated, but certainly had good reason to be concerned during the debate. Just because I said that 4% of the population were gun owners, doesn't correspond to saying that 4% had guns confiscated. This would be the explanation for the "discrepancy" you raise. If you weren't so emotional about it, you might have realized this before going off half-cocked.

Blah blah fucking blah. You're full of crap.

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Wrong as usual Mohamed....wrong as usual, perhaps need to look at some geography and understand what really were the basis of the "great" British Empire for starters. We can wager a few beers when you find out some facts of how they treated their colonies.:S You don't have to go that far in time, say India 1920's,30's40's, Africa in the 50's and 60's, Palestine right up until 1948.

Yes, a beacom of freedom and equality for all:S
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Listen here Manuel, if it wasn't for the British Empire you'd still be gibbering like a monkey in some diego lingua.:D

Hey Bill, just in case you missed that one.:S

At least try to hide the partiality ther Bill....
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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