
OK, I have decided to become a Christian...

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Not really. They are groups as you said. People are people. Groups are different. They are made up of more than one person.

I attacked no individual. I did attack the idea of Christianity, mostly because I don't agree with it.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I did attack the idea of Christianity, mostly because I don't agree with it.

honesty is pretty cool - later

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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This is the sort of statement that tends to get your religion labeled as arrogant.

Because you're all closed minded. When we christians mean lost it means that they need to be found and saved by Jesus. It doesn't mean that they're hopeless lost cases. It's what categorizes people as saved and lost. Lost is as in "lost sheep". Jesus loves to find lost sheep and find them again. I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you. You have more experience being a christian than I do. :S

I went to church for many years because that is what my family did, but I can't really say that I was ever a Christian. I do at least have a decent understanding of Christianity though, and for the most part I think that it is a good thing for the people who choose that route.

And I know that as an atheist, I have made arrogant comments at times about others' beliefs (and probably will again), though I try not to do that. The more I learn about life in general, the easier it is to accept others' beliefs and realize that no one is really any more "lost" or "found" than I am. After all, the world is what we believe it to be...

I do have a bit of trouble accepting those whose mission in life is to spread their religion, but perhaps most of them mean well...

And I'm sure I'll continue to poke fun at Christianity because, well, I poke fun at pretty much everything (including myself). ;)

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As usually Christianity promotes close-mindedness, thought control, and encourages bigotry, all while claiming it doesn't.

In my experience Christianity doesn't promote that at all, but there are definitely people of the Christian faiths that do. But, hey, I'm Methodist....you can do ANYTHING if you're Methodist. B|

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Look at the history of Christianity man. It has been used to manipulate, coerce, and enslave people for millenia. The church(s) have strayed so far from the intent of the "word of god" twisted it out of recognition.

The only redeeming feature of organized christianity any longer might be the occasional brilliant and moral individual such as JPII.

Not only that, but look at how Christianity treated women throughout its history. Hell, look at how it treated any group that posed a threat to it. After reading the Da Vinci Code a few months ago I started reading up on the history of Christianity and the Church. It's eye opening and twisted to say the least.

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I'm Methodist....you can do ANYTHING if you're Methodist.

I am currently mostly a UCC'er. We can even marry in same-sex marriages :ph34r: if we want to.

Take that ;);).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I am currently mostly a UCC'er. We can even marry in same-sex marriages if we want to.

Take that ;);)

Okey Dokey then.... You one-upped me this time. :P

Some of us need some kind of boundaries to live within I suppose...lol.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Like I am going to answer that question like a place such as Speaker's Corner:S.:P

I go to whatever church I want, I don't affiliate myself with any denomination. ( Personally I think denominations in church is more of a bad thing than good).
I read the Bible, believe all of it, and can go to any church service I desire. Currently I attend a 'Baptist' church.

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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United Churches of Christ. National website here. As a denomination they recognize same-sex unions. However, if individual congregations elect not to perform them, they're not kicked out or anything. Some do elect to leave over issues like this. UCC is closer to an alliance of independent churches than a strict and strong hierarchy.

Kind of like the Baptists :). UCC churches also tend to donate a lot of their income to charities and good works of various types.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It was a light-hearted joke, dear. Not directed at you. I would have given the same corny reply to anyone if they'd asked that.

It means United Church of Christ.

Go in peace.

AHHHHHHHHHH, thanks for the clarification;). I've heard of that denomination before---I just can't pull out different denominations from my memory without having a specific attachment to that memory;)

edited to add: Thanks for the link, I'm going to read some stuff:)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I find the fact that any religion believes that I need to be found arrogant.

Stop reading it at face value.

Dude, it is face value, If you say I'm lost or whatever, all I have is what you say. I'm not going to live your life to figure out what you mean, i'm going to filter it through my own set of beer goggles. Face value is all I have, work with it. Calling someone "lost" isn't nice. Why do you think Christians are the main reason I'm an atheist?

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How come calling someone "lost" isn't nice? Is it not okay for a Christian to have an opinion? To me, calling someone lost and having someone say the Christian has an invisible friend is the same thing. ( Everybody has an opinion)

I am curious, why are Christians, people, the main reason you don't believe in God? Care to expound on this?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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God's word

Someone fill me in on this. How do you know that the bible is "God's word"? Did god sit down with someone and tell them word per word what to write? As for the NT, I have read that it was written nearly 500 years after jesus supposingly died and then resurrected. We also know that the bible has been re-written several times. Did god actually tell someone where to make the changes? The kjv came about, when? the 15th century. So how can it possiably be the "word of god"? If someone today came to you with another chapter and said that it is gods word would you believe that person? Do you simply just believe soley because someone said it is "god's word"? Now don't get offensive as I am only trying to understand how you can actually believe when there is no proof.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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How come calling someone "lost" isn't nice?

It implies that you know better than them just because you believe the bible. Does the bible teach respect?


I am curious, why are Christians, people, the main reason you don't believe in God? Care to expound on this?

To be fair, I never believed in god but it ain't just christians.


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> How come calling someone "lost" isn't nice?

Same reason you might find "believing in God is like believing in the Tooth Fairy" to be not nice - even if the person posting it does believe it to be true.

>To me, calling someone lost and having someone say the Christian
>has an invisible friend is the same thing.

Right. But if you really think that one should treat others as one wishes to be treated, then you might want to consider if you want to be treated the same way.

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Right. But if you really think that one should treat others as one wishes to be treated, then you might want to consider if you want to be treated the same way.

Yeah....like that whole "Do unto others before others have a chance to do it unto you" errr.....I mean "as you would have others...." :S
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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How come calling someone "lost" isn't nice? Is it not okay for a Christian to have an opinion? To me, calling someone lost and having someone say the Christian has an invisible friend is the same thing. ( Everybody has an opinion)

I am curious, why are Christians, people, the main reason you don't believe in God? Care to expound on this?

Sure you can have an opinion. Great. The trouble starts when you voice it.

What happens if I think you are a bitch? Or a slut? (Not that I do mind you, I swear!:)
Again I say, I'm not lost.

Why don't I believe in god? Well that's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

Let's just say, it don't add up.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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