
OK, I have decided to become a Christian...

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In my experience Christianity doesn't promote that at all, but there are definitely people of the Christian faiths that do. But, hey, I'm Methodist....you can do ANYTHING if you're Methodist.

That's exactly what I've been trying to tell these people. They just want to go by a few examples and believe that all christians are like that. I even posted some articles that show that there are other christians that are open minded, not forceful and what not. But noooo.....peole will believe what they want to believe. :S

Here are the two articles that I mentioned:

here: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2101378#2101378

and here: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2101394#2101394

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Please read previous posts......ya gotta be a tad bit pro-active guy. I can't keep replying to people that post the same thing over and over again. Please read previous posts.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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That's exactly what I've been trying to tell these people. They just want to go by a few examples and believe that all christians are like that. I even posted some articles that show that there are other christians that are open minded, not forceful and what not. But noooo.....peole will believe what they want to believe.

I don't think all christians are rude, illogical, close minded and/or violent. I do think that the ones that are can give the rest a bad reputation. The christians that are in-your-face, whether it's coming up and literally waving a bible in your face when you're minding your own business at an outdoor shopping area, blowing up family planning clinics in the name of god, or protesting at soldier's funerals, those are the christians people remember, because they're profoundly negative experiences, and in the human mind, one very bad experience can outweigh hundreds of somewhat pleasant ones. I guess it's somewhat similar to the negative way the population has been reacting against muslims since 9-11. As individuals, people may have had hundreds of interactions with perfectly nice and pleasant muslims, but one very bad incident tainted the perception of the religion and its followers as a whole in the minds of many. It's basic instinct, I think... even something as simple as a dog bite... you can have hundreds of good experiences with animals, but if you have a run-in with one particular vicious dog, it can instill a lifelong aversion/fear of dogs, whether that fear/aversion is logical or not, and the person will be fearful even if the particular dog in front of them is the sweetest puppy ever. Because of that one encounter, the person expects all dogs to present a threat. It's simply human nature to want to avoid/push away something or someone we believe will create a confrontational, negative, or threatening situation. (note: I am not comparing christians to dogs. I am comparing the reactions of human beings to very negative experiences, regardless of the source, and how we tend to categorize things and people in order to avoid placing ourselves in the situation again).

I've really enjoyed reading your posts, SkyKat. It's been nice to read a christian perspective that doesn't seek to convince or convert, merely to explain and allow people to decide. It's been very refreshing, and it's much easier to look at your posts from a logical viewpoint rather than an emotional one, because you make an effort not to condemn or judge people who believe differently. It seems like you're looking at Jesus' whole message, rather than getting stuck in the details and missing the big picture. A friend once told me "I'd like christians a lot more if they acted more like christ." and I think you're really trying to do that. I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

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Please read previous posts......ya gotta be a tad bit pro-active guy. I can't keep replying to people that post the same thing over and over again. Please read previous posts.

I assume you mean the part where you said that all christians are not like that. Well sorry but it's not just christians, many religious people are like that.

By "that" I mean they come out with such utter rubbish it makes me think that anything that can drive someone to act so irrationally cannot be a good thing.

For example, you yourself have gone on record saying "My faith is not so weak that one could attempt to "explain it away." No. In fact, my faith is so strong that I would be willing to die, rather than renounce it."

I've heard others say that even if it were proven 100% beyond any shadow of a doubt that god does not exist, they'd still believe in him. By your words I must assume that you hold a similar view. You may think this is commendable, but I think to be unwilling to change your beliefs when presented with valid evidence is irrational.

You've also said that born again christians don't have a religion but there are plenty of people who say that atheism is a religion. By that logic, the only way I can avoid having a religion is to become christian. That's just absurd.

But even ignoring the words of the believers, the source book is just as absurd. I mean god sending himself to appease himself so that he wouldn't have to throw his creation into the hellfire that he himself created for the expressed purpose of punishing his creation (which he actually loves) because he made them with flaws that really piss him off. To me the Bible makes absolute and complete sense only if you realise it is grade one bullplop.

I just find it odd that in every other area of life, people are capable of thinking analytically and rationally (even if they don't apply it all the time) but as soon as you introduce supernatural beings, people will believe all sorts of gibberish without any shred of supporting evidence. They even think this is a good thing. I'm sorry but I don't.

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you should be a mathmetics major, dork.

I was 18 in 72.

Family quit church when I was 12.

Hope you can figure that all out:P

I went back and re-read your post and yes I misinterpeted it. But calling someone a "dork" instead of pointing out the mistake they made? are you sure your not still twelve years old? at least mentally?

eh brah, sorry I called you a dork. Shoots, I was on a "dork" kick last night. Shaka!:)

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you should be a mathmetics major, dork.

I was 18 in 72.

Family quit church when I was 12.

Hope you can figure that all out:P

I went back and re-read your post and yes I misinterpeted it. But calling someone a "dork" instead of pointing out the mistake they made? are you sure your not still twelve years old? at least mentally?

eh brah, sorry I called you a dork. Shoots, I was on a "dork" kick last night. Shaka!:)

LOL. Dork seemed to be the word of the day, yesterday. Windcatcher called Micro a dork. Sorry about the twelve year old remark. I just couldn't help being a dork. B|
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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eh brah, sorry I called you a dork.


Sorry about the twelve year old remark.

You're both dorks! lol j/k. :D I apologize, I couldn't resist.

This is so christian of you both to be so apologetic. Almost brings tears to my eyes. *sniffle*

On a serious note. I'm delighted to see maturity among us. This is what the christian way is mostly about. No matter what we do in the past, if we are apologetic about it and we mean it from our hearts, that's all that matters. We move on from it.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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I don't think all christians are rude, illogical, close minded and/or violent. I do think that the ones that are can give the rest a bad reputation. The christians that are in-your-face, whether it's coming up and literally waving a bible in your face when you're minding your own business at an outdoor shopping area, blowing up family planning clinics in the name of god, or protesting at soldier's funerals, those are the christians people remember, because they're profoundly negative experiences, and in the human mind, one very bad experience can outweigh hundreds of somewhat pleasant ones.

See, the problem is, if Jesus didn't teach the above, Christians shoudln't take on their own meaning and say that thery're doing things in the name of God. Why do some Christians protest wars? I have no idea. The bible teaches us to obey Jesus and to also obey The Law of The Land. If you're doing something that's against the law here in gov't then, you're not obeying God's wishes.

I wouldn't want to kill anyone if I were to go to war. However, if the time came to protect another person's life or my own, and there was no other option of defending myself or others, then I have to do what I have to do.


I've really enjoyed reading your posts, SkyKat.

Lol skykat is a vendor for skydiving products. I'm Superkat.


It's been nice to read a christian perspective that doesn't seek to convince or convert, merely to explain and allow people to decide. It's been very refreshing, and it's much easier to look at your posts from a logical viewpoint rather than an emotional one, because you make an effort not to condemn or judge people who believe differently. It seems like you're looking at Jesus' whole message, rather than getting stuck in the details and missing the big picture. A friend once told me "I'd like christians a lot more if they acted more like christ." and I think you're really trying to do that. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Thanks but the credit is all due to Jesus, the Bible and my pastors that teach us lessons during service.

There's a certain etiquette and approach that we have to preach about Jesus and the bible. Being forceful, putting people on the spot, and being argumentative is not our way. Like I mentioned before, if you're interested in Christianity, I will do the best I can to answer question. If you're looking to challenge Christianity, I don't have the expertise or the know how and experience to debate. I can only tell you about Jesus' love, grace, forgiveness and mercy. And it's the absolute best feeling in the world. If you only knew how it felt to have the spirit of my Lord and Savior to live in my heart and to guide me in life, you wouldn't believe how wonderful life could be.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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By "that" I mean they come out with such utter rubbish it makes me think that anything that can drive someone to act so irrationally cannot be a good thing.

Dude, that's your opinion. Some christians from what I've seen think that what aetheist have to say about chrisitianity is utter rubbish. Like I said, read previous posts first. You're entitled to your opinion. It's a big world out there. You're an adult. You get to choose what you want to hear, what you need to hear and what you don't want to hear. Leave it as that.


For example, you yourself have gone on record saying "My faith is not so weak that one could attempt to "explain it away." No. In fact, my faith is so strong that I would be willing to die, rather than renounce it."

I didn't say that. You might have me confused with someone else. I don't speak so intelligently and eloquently as that. My faith is not weak nor is it strong. My faith is just in my Lord Jesus Christ. His love for me is strong and eternal, that's how much love I return back to him.


I've heard others say that even if it were proven 100% beyond any shadow of a doubt that god does not exist, they'd still believe in him. By your words I must assume that you hold a similar view. You may think this is commendable, but I think to be unwilling to change your beliefs when presented with valid evidence is irrational.

Dude, take some deep breaths and take it easy man. Go on with your beliefs and we'll go on with ours. Don't be so upset if people don't believe what you believe, okay? It's a free world man. Just enjoy it your way and keep living your life.


I've heard others say that even if it were proven 100% beyond any shadow of a doubt that god does not exist, they'd still believe in him. By your words I must assume that you hold a similar view. You may think this is commendable, but I think to be unwilling to change your beliefs when presented with valid evidence is irrational.

You've also said that born again christians don't have a religion but there are plenty of people who say that atheism is a religion. By that logic, the only way I can avoid having a religion is to become christian. That's just absurd.

But even ignoring the words of the believers, the source book is just as absurd. I mean god sending himself to appease himself so that he wouldn't have to throw his creation into the hellfire that he himself created for the expressed purpose of punishing his creation (which he actually loves) because he made them with flaws that really piss him off. To me the Bible makes absolute and complete sense only if you realise it is grade one bullplop.

I just find it odd that in every other area of life, people are capable of thinking analytically and rationally (even if they don't apply it all the time) but as soon as you introduce supernatural beings, people will believe all sorts of gibberish without any shred of supporting evidence. They even think this is a good thing. I'm sorry but I don't.

Like I said, take it easy bro. Live your life, enjoy it and go on your merry way. Stop trying to figure out what goes on our heads if you don't even believe what we believe goes on in our heads. It will make your head spin and upset you. Just leave it be. Talk to a qualified pastor and expert in the bible. He/she will be more of a worthy adversary for your debate, okay guy? Christians here sometimes get heated about arguments and they will come off too strong or too negatively. A pastor, will be more cool headed and won't be taken aback by your rejection and attacks.

Alright dude? Just enjoy your life here on earth the way you want to.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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You're only human. Not a perfect one like I am but you're just human.

There has only been one perfect human being ever created. And every evening, she makes me take out the garbage.

Admit it >:(, she made you post that, didn't she? Peck, peck, peck...went the hen ;).
If she was wearing a leather corsett and thigh high nine inch stiletto boots while holding a cat-o-nine, you are forgiven. If not, GET SOME BALLS, dude!!:D
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, LOL :D sorry, Andy, I couldn't help it. I am being a dork today. I was accussed of being one yesterday even though it wasn't my day to be the dork. Today is my day and I intend to use this power for the good of all humankind.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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It's been nice to read a christian perspective that doesn't seek to convince or convert, merely to explain and allow people to decide. It's been very refreshing, and it's much easier to look at your posts from a logical viewpoint rather than an emotional one, because you make an effort not to condemn or judge people who believe differently. It seems like you're looking at Jesus' whole message, rather than getting stuck in the details and missing the big picture. A friend once told me "I'd like christians a lot more if they acted more like christ." and I think you're really trying to do that. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

You mean like these words from Jesus:


He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Mark 16:15


Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20


"So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My lambs." He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Shepherd My sheep. He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend My sheep."
John 21:15-17

It's always very refreshing to pick out the verses that you like best or maybe the ones which don't interfere with your life or that seem to allow you to do what you want. However, it is clear that Jesus wanted his followers to spread the news to unbelievers.


It seems like you're looking at Jesus' whole message, rather than getting stuck in the details and missing the big picture.

Looking at the "big picture" requires the study of all of what Jesus said in the Bible. Not only the parts about "love" but also the parts about the law, sin, our transgression, God's grace, Jesus' sacrifice to provide that forgiveness, the requirement to trust Jesus and repent, and the consequenses of not doing so.

By the way, that's not "my judging you" in any way. I'm as guilty as you are. It's simply me telling you what the Bible says concerning this.

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>You mean like these words from Jesus:

That's fine; you interpret the Bible to mean that it is your duty to convert others. But then you pretty much have to accept it when other people do the same with atheism, or other religions. Doing unto others and all that.

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That's fine; you interpret the Bible to mean that it is your duty to convert others. But then you pretty much have to accept it when other people do the same with atheism, or other religions. Doing unto others and all that.

It's not my job to convert anyone. God sees your heart and he is the only one who can change it. Also, I've got no problem with others expressing differing religious ideas. That's what this is for.

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>You mean like these words from Jesus:

That's fine; you interpret the Bible to mean that it is your duty to convert others. But then you pretty much have to accept it when other people do the same with atheism, or other religions. Doing unto others and all that.

Bill, always the DEVILS advocate.....;)

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It's always very refreshing to pick out the verses that you like best or maybe the ones which don't interfere with your life or that seem to allow you to do what you want. However, it is clear that Jesus wanted his followers to spread the news to unbelievers.

I believe in this verse but if the Holy Spirit is not in your heart, you cannot preach the right message to certain people. Jesus taught people through parables because that's the only way people could understand what he wanted them to do. If it is not their time to be saved or God chooses to harden their hearts then, we have to back off and pray for them. The seed has been planted with all our previous posts. It's up to God now. Like you had mentioned in one of your posts: "God sees your heart and he is the only one who can change it."

I truly believe that. If I had it my way, I'd want everyone to be saved but it's not up to me.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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