
Why I, as an Atheist, celebrate Christmas

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A couple thousand years ago a man was born into this world and had deep and lasting effects on the state of humanity. Whether you believe him to be a God or not is irrelevant. He did exist, and his legacy, real or imagined, has shaped this world.

The legacy that he left was an example. An example to all mankind that life didn't need to be the way that it was. We don't have to treat each other with suspicion, and jealousy and hatred. We are all one and should strive to help each other, share with each other, and lift each other up. Sadly, his legacy has been used to justify many horrible things in this world. But it has also inspired greatness, and self sacrifice.

I'm not a Christian but the true legacy of Christ is a good thing, I believe. It says to treat others with respect and love, as you would want to be treated. I wish I could say that I do that at all times, but I don't. I do however, try. That's what Christmas is about. Reaffirming that goal to be that kind of person. Most everyone tries to be that kind of person. It would be a beautiful thing if someday every one on the earth was like that at the same time. It would bring an instant halt to the way the world is now and usher in a new era of humanity.

Paraphrasing Ghandi, "Christianity is a beautiful ideal. It's a shame it's never been tried."

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at xmas nite i were out BASEing and i guess i will do so evry 2.year as i dont have my kids then. i only celabrate xmass to make sure i spoil the kids in a way i forgot the rest of the year:P
Besides that i only see xmas as a time were the stores makes big monyes,i get some good food and i cant jump as much as i like...

Im an atheist and dont belive in santa aswell but its great fun playing him so the kids gets happy:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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sounds great to me!

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol makes only a couple of minor references to Jesus, but mostly it vivdly depicts the spirit of Christmas in a way that both the religous & the non-religious can appreciate.
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No, an Atheist is someone who believes there is no god.

Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition

atheism: Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a god.

disbelieve: 1. trans. Not to believe or credit; to refuse credence to: a. a statement or (alleged) fact: To reject the truth or reality of.

deny: To contradict or gainsay (anything stated or alleged); to declare to be untrue or untenable, or not what it is stated to be.
Logic. The opposite of affirm; to assert the contradictory of (a proposition).
To refuse to admit the truth of (a doctrine or tenet); to reject as untrue or unfounded; the opposite of assert or maintain.
To refuse to recognize or acknowledge (a person or thing) as having a certain character or certain claims; to disown, disavow, repudiate, renounce.

Despite the theists attempts to persuade us otherwise, the word atheist does not necessarily means a person who denies the existence of a God. Many atheists would consider themselves to simply lack a belief in God. This distiniction is subtle but important.

If I were to deny the existence of something, I must first have knowledge of what it is that I am are being asked to affirm before I can thoroughly dissmis it. But the lack of a belief in God may just mean that the word 'god' is of no importance to me or holds no meaning for me. This is quite different from stating that no god exists. Therefore atheism cannot be described as a belief as such, but rather the lack of belief.

The prefix 'a' in 'atheist' should be read as in other Greco-English words such as 'amoral,' 'atypical,' or 'asymmetrical'. The prefix 'a-' can mean 'not' (or 'no') or 'without.' So by definition, an atheist is simply someone who is either not a theist or someone without theism.

To say that 'an Atheist is someone who believes there is no god' or that 'atheism is a belief system the same as any religion' ignores the very definition of the word.

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If Atheists wish to consider themselves part of a group, there's no reason the name of the group shouldn't be capitalized like any other proper noun. Atheists do not have to be uniform in what they believe (or don't believe), any more than Catholics vs Lutherans among Christians.

For example, it is quite possible to believe in a creator, but to deny that this creator has any intelligence, or interests whatsoever in the lives of the inhabitants of Earth, or is capable of interceding in the affairs of men, or needs to be worshipped as a god.

It is possible to believe in a historical Jesus without believing that this individual was supernatural in any way.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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ha ha oki its about the way you say it.

1: i do beliver there aint a god

2:i dont belive in a god/i dont think he/she/it exist

If #2 makes it less an atheist then i am so:P
I never saw it as a way to belif,but ok.. he he

I see an atheist as a person that thinks that there anit such thing as a god,thats the best way i can describe me. but i dont see it as a way to belif.. i dont think about this each day.. I just know that i dont belive in such..

Is it a belif if you dont belive in aliens aswell??

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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2:i dont belive in a god/i dont think he/she/it exist

You see...that right there is two different things. There's a difference between thinking there isn't one, and believing there isn't one.

If you think something, you could be wrong and could be convinced otherwise.

If you believe something, nothing anyone says will change your mind.

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If you think something, you could be wrong and could be convinced otherwise.

If you believe something, nothing anyone says will change your mind.

then im not an true atheist(not that it matter)as IF one day he shows up i might start belive in him/she/it

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Well said. What Jesus taught wasn't about God and himself when you read between the lines. He was giving people an idea of how to live. Unlike the Christians of today (join a church or go to hell...), Jesus, son of God or not, loved EVERYONE, no matter what religion or creed they came from. That's how everyone should be. I don't think he was the Son of God by any means, but there is no doubt that he was a great man who changed the world.

BUT.......ya know Jesus wasn't born in December, right? ;)

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