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these may be strange threads,but who else am I going to ask??People at my DZ, I don't think so I've only been jumping for 2mo so I don't know anyone well enough to ask.What,am I going to ask my non-skydiving friends,they have no idea how skydiving is a lifestyle and skydivers are family. I thought this was a great place to ask these????????????

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I believe there is at least an unwritten policy at my home DZ about instructor/student relations (it's just not good business) and most instructors do wait (until the second the student is off status). ;^)

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Jumping for 2 mo. huh? Well, welcome to skydiving. They're a lot of things that you'll probably run into like this. Skydiving is not PC, and the only rules are those that deal with safety. But there are so many great things that are out in the open, so it all balances out. Personally, and I know that doesn't mean much, I think that the instructor should wait until the jumper is off student status.

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a lot of places hold the A license rule. no hanky panky until after the license is issued, and people seem to stick to that pretty well.
my boyfriend was actually my instructor for part of my license progression, and although we became friends throughout the process, we tried like hell to remain in denial of our attraction. and as soon as i got my license, we started dating. nearly seven months and a whole lot of skydives later, we are still together. makes a cute story, i guess.
funny thing though, i was so scared of getting him in trouble and he was so scared of influencing my skydiving career with emotional issues, we both fought every urge we had to consider ourselves dating...to the point of being ridiculous. but hey, what are you going to do?
i think the A license rule is awesome and a great idea. emotions run high in this sport, especially as a student and it is incredbly common for students to have crushes on their jumpmasters. like a few others said, it is just natural to have those feelings.
i know it sounds almost hypocritical, but in reality, i was so serious about skydiving that i was hell bent on following the rules...so we waited to date, and i think it was the best idea. and it all worked out great. i think waiting to go down the dating path was the best decision for the both of us...and probably for most people in this situation. (and that is just dating, sex is a whole other can of worms. some people can't even remain sane when sex enters the picture, let alone have the frame of mind to jump out of an airplane and deploy properly.)
it sounds very sappy, but i think i have found my soulmate...and it only took jumping out of an airplane to find him. ha ha ha. he laughs at me because i call him my prince charming that turned in his big white horse for a twin otter and a parachute.
oh enough rambling. two more work days til the weekend. woohoo!

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So I have a ??? what if your already dating an instructor and you want to take up skydiving . Do you learn from a diff instructor? And if so then why cant you, if you fell for your first instructor say hey we like each other but we dont want that to influence good or bad vibes with the learning process so maybe I should get a diff instrutor while we'er dating. I guess I just dont see the problem if everyone is professionals. I mean I'm not condoning it or against it I guess I just dont understand the problem. We have a video guy at our DZ that dated a girl through her whole coarse and they'er still togetther with no problems and everybody thinks its cool!

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It is sorta an unspoken rule not to date a student you are working with.
It can cause the student to be distracted from their learning. Too many times I've seen students not be able to separate a failure in the dive with a failure in the relationship, and it damages their whole skydiving hobby. Or when they are off student status maybe they get interested in another jumper and the instructor is then distracted from his job teaching people to save their lives. Also from a business standpoint it sets you up for a whole can of worms with harassment laws as they are nowadays. It's just not the proper time to be fishing when their under your instruction. If their not working with you and will not be working with you then it's cool. But that's just the way I see it.
jumpervali aff-i

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The rule at my DZ is don't touch the students until they graduate and try and stay away from the "townies" since we're located in a small rural town.
Myself, I don't have a problem with it and I can see the logic in it. Students can be vulnerable creatures at times...

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I don't care if there are rules in place or not, the shit is still going to happen. "Back in the day" I was one SERIOUS DZ whore. As an Instructor I was always on the prowl for fresh meat. As a matter of fact, I met my wife that way, when she was a student 12 years ago. Every DZ has a group of JM's and I's that are "slayers." They are the ones that will beg and whine to get the hottest tandem passengers and students. The happily married guys just don't sweat it. The only time I have ever seen it as a problem is when one guy dumps a chick and she ends up just going to the next guy in the loft. Peyton Place has nothing on some of the dropzones I have jumped and worked at.

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