
being a freak flyer at a RW dz

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what's up with all these belly flyers? at my home dz it's hard to even get on a load unless you wanna do rw. and it's almost impossible to convert any old time belly flyers over to freefly. i mean, they won't even give it a try. are you belly flyers scared of the higher speed or just scared you can't do heads down? i can't even convince the wimps into trying hybrid dives. those of us who wanna freefly are treated like the dz black sheep. when are you belly flyers gonna learn that vrw is the wave of the future?
"I sit, therefore, I am". yim666

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Find a new dz. At the dz I jump at, freefliers and belly fliers get along great. There are also many dz's out there that are pretty much freefly-only - one of my friends has the reverse problem from you; he's a belly flier and the dz nearest him is all freefliers.
Or learn to do RW. If you want to be a "real" freeflier, you need to know how to fly on your belly anyway.
pull and flare,
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious

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Not to worry, not all of us bellyfliers are resistant to freeflying...you're just at the wrong dz. :)Tee
(in defence of the bellyfliers, there is something to be said about the comraudery of 20 ppl in the air with you at one time and the team effort it takes to master the dive. What a rush when you get down and have everyone tell their stories)

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You like free flying, someone else likes belly flying. It's a free country, so get over the fact that everyone doesn't want to be like you.
There are quite a few free flyers at the DZ I'm at now, as well as a lot of tandems. The only thing I'm not use to is the large amount of tandems. I'm use to almost the whole plane being either free flyers or belly flyers. All of us got along. We'd poke fun at each other, but no one really had the attitude that you seem to have. If your attitude here is the same as it is at the DZ, then no wonder no one wants to try it.
If you befriend someone, they might try. I'll admit, I'm currently only a belly flyer. One day I plan to learn free flying, when I'm ready, not when someone else thinks I should learn. I've ended up in a sit fly a few times by accident and I thought it was cool. Heck, I'm still new to the sport and learning all I can.
The first time I jumped at this new DZ, a free flyer invited me to jump with him and he was willing to do RW. Someone like that I'm more likely to learn free flying from.

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Do you want me to write a book on this subject .....er what?
Try being a female freeflyer with actual skills.
But anyway. You should not be having issues with other skydivers regarding your sport at all.
If you are getting dis'ed for anything -whats up with that?
I jump all over and I get the looks and I get the flack, but I am really proud of my shyt. I busted my ass getting to where I am now. (my leg too, but that is another story)
I am going to freakin fly. I dont care who is around or what their body position is in the sky.
I suggest this. If you are in a total RW DZ...... let the thing about fly with me go, just fly with yourself. If you want to jump with other freeflyers and learn anything visit another dz every once in a while and jump with them. Then jump your local DZ to brush up on your skills again - then go visit another DZ again.
Likely, and I am guessing, that you are sitting and need some proxcemity work... for example if you are driving forward or backward- how you gonna know? You gotta jump with somebody. At your DZ is there a video person who can cut you a deal.. er.... jump with you to video your transitions to head down? You gotta have the video. Freeflyers are 3D flyers. There is a whole lot of vRW stuff to learn. You can do that on solos. I do a solo every first jump of the day.
I get asked every single time I step foot on a DZ to jump with people. Is it because I am super nice? or stable? or just fun?
I dont know, but I am friends with everyone, CReW, RW, vRW & everything inbetween. I do hybrid dives, cross countrys, SCR's and etc.
Whatever you do dont cut out being friends with all flyers regardless of their flying position. And I believe they will do the same for you. They might not jump with you ........ but then again you never know.

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what's up with all these belly flyers? at my home dz it's hard to even get on a load unless you wanna do rw.

It's the opposite at my home DZ.....we're predominantly freefliers, with a few belly fliers here and there.. I enjoy both types of flying - but I do primarily freefly since there is rarely anybody doing RW.. We often fill the Caravan with just freefliers.. About the only time you find most of us on our belly at our home DZ is during a big way, sunset tracking dive..
At the other DZ's around me, it's a pretty good mix.. Some are more RW oriented, but there are still a lot of freefliers.. If you have a problem with what goes on at your home DZ - find a new DZ..

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just a question -- if you are jumping with someone else -- aren't you doing RW no matter what dimension? just checking. snowboarding was supposed to supplant 2 skis, too. myself, I prefer turning points on 4way, but that's just me, you want to stand on your head, have a ball.

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People are going to doing what appeals to them. I think its a silly arguement that freeflying is better than RW or vice versa. Skydivers are such a small segment of the population that I think we should stick together. But if you want segregate yourself from other jumpers be my guest. I believe that a good base of RW skills helps you become a good freeflier.

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I'm gonna speak up for Yim here. I can guarantee you Yim isn't "flaming" bellyfliers; fact is he shoots the bull and parties w/ em when the day is over. That's just his tactless sense of humor. :-) We jump at the same dz, it's a 2-Cessna dz. It is difficult to get on a load period. The fact that it is dominated by bellyfliers only exacerbates the problem. We get bumped from loads so that they can get their 4-way, 6-way, etc. Jumping at another dz would require at least a 5 hr drive. I don't personally have the cash or Freaksis's dedication to go the distance all the time. I/we get along with everyone just fine, but it is a litt;e ridiculous. Until I'm done w/ shcool/ flight training, it's a nuisance I'm going to have to deal with and just make the occasional trip to a bigger, more freefly-friendly dz. Piss and moan......Piss and moan.....Piss and moan

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Hardy, har.... dysfunctional family.
Dont make me come over there and slap you boyz!!
It is all good.......... I hear you 2-cessna.
I take for granted that I jump Otters all the time. Rare, very rare a Cessna....... like I have one Cessna jump. 1 in 298 or something like that. Then I a jump otta the Point Break plane, who most will say is a dog. But it was fine ass fine when I left it.

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We occasionally jump San Marcos, maybe we'll try and head down to Houston in the near future. (I said head down...hehe) Rumor has it that there's going to be a $100 weekend in Marana in early Oct, so it might be a while till I scrounge up the dinero. While I do envy fast rides to altitude, and lots of it ( we jump at 9500), $14 jump tix aren't bad.

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what's up with all these belly flyers?

What's up is that they are doing what they want to do with people they want to do it with. The majority of skydivers out there are not going to just stop doing what they like in order to try the "next great thing". While VRW is very fun, it also burns up altitude much faster and at a Cessna DZ that means you are really sucking when it comes to freefall time. Kind of like classic Style loopers burning up 7,000 in 15 seconds or less. You think VRW is the wave of the future? Tell that to all those guys with dusty skysurf boards in their closet. Those former "rock stars" of the X-games. Gimme a break. I was jumping a board in 1990. Put about 100 jumps on it because nobody else was doing it then other than Jerry Loftis, Eric Fradet and Patrick DeGayardon, then got bored and put it away. It only gets broken out now when some newbie wants to give it a whirl. I would much rather "touch" people in freefall, and conventional relative work, both big-way and sequential, is the way I get the most bang for my buck (freefall time).
Sure, I like to dick around and freefly, too. I don't have any problems controlling my body on ANY axis. Didn't take much to work out the difference between a head-down, no-lift dive for swooping down to a big-way than a controlled head-down for freeflying. And knee and sit flying were a complete no-brainer to someone who used to regularly do an "iron cross" at the bottom of every jump. Actually, you would be surprised to find how many "old belly flyers" already have the skills you are trying to master. The trick is, getting them to jump with you. If you are an outsider wanting someone to play with, then you must first break into THEIR circle and show them what you can do. If you can't throw down an 8-point four-way out of a cessna, then you need to work more on your basic skills before you go flailing through the sky trying to work out your freefly gig. Think it doesn't relate? Then you are sadly mistaken. I am very sure that you won't have any problem finding people to freefly with, so long as you can prove you have the basic skills they expect any jumper to exhibit. Maybe I am way off base and you are already a shit hot RW guy and have already proven yourself in that capacity. If so, then all I can say is that you ought to just suck it up and take that drive in search of turbine aircraft and like-minded people. I don't think it takes much "dedication", as you said Freaksis has. It might seem like a big deal to you, but I know plenty of folks willing to drive five hours in order to spend a weekend on the DZ. Pack a tent and haul ass dude. Don't leave to come home till Sunday evening. They do what they have to do in order to be happy. If you are miserable on the DZ, then you might as well not skydive there.
As for "after skydiving activities", I think it is just TOO funny that lots of young freefly kids think they have the market cornered on "cool" and how to party. I have only been a couple of places where there was a line in the sand between flat and vertical flyers and both those places were pretty pathetic after dark; nobody hung out. The best dropzones, like mine, are places where everyone drinks and raises hell together, then passes out all over the DZ, regardless of their prefered flying style when the sun is up. It sounds like you don't have that problem, but I bet if you just show you are willing to do any type of jump with some of those guys, then they will likely reciprocate. Just a thought.
Chuck Blue
38 years old and STILL at the top of my game, regardless of which way I am pointed.

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those of us who wanna freefly are treated like the dz black sheep

My home DZ was small, we had two guys who were regular freeflyers there, the started about 6 months before me. They mostly jumped together doing 2 ways and working out there skills. Every now and then, they would invite people, have visitors, have coaches come in, but for the most part, they stayed to themselves (until the beer light came on then they were just another skydiver). Every Blue Moon, they would join us on a big way or lead us in a tracking dive. But we respected them for their dedication to their discipline.
The old DZ is closed, but one is now a Tandem Instructor, and one is on a well known freefly team. I admire these guys for doing what they love and perfecting their skills, even in a challenging environment with few 'old timers' to teach them. They never got discouraged.
Fly Your Slot !

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JumpPaula: Cyber doesnt have his SCR!! hehe!!
(Hello, that would mean AirAnn does belly flyin, ok? ....Keyword: Flyin, not descrimatative)
Uncle Scotty and all of us need to get him one. It has to be with my uncle. Er.. I aint going. He means a lot to me fer personal reasons. Will come out today to see him and Tami, maybe er.. tommrow. I am scared he will leave my ass for green stuff....... pastures.
Anyhooo, Cyber went back to Ga for his stuff, then he comes back. And we git him a SCR. hehehe (we jump all yr round, here) I am on video!! and in it for my next dealio, whatzit called? I forgot!!
I am a SuperFreak, SuperFreak,
I'm SuperFreakie
Hey, my ass is famous!

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and I bet 75 percent of them have cameras too huh?

Naw, not that many....maybe 25%.. But on any 4+ way freefly, we usually have at least two cameras.. Hell, I have seen one load where we had 6 cameras out of 7 people.. Like Airann says...
How many freefliers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Eight. One to screw it in, seven to video.
What's wrong, Marc - jealous that you've never been in any of my videos? ;)

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