
DZ.com Community?

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This may be just me, but the fun community vibe that brought me to this site from the ever so loved wreck-dot seems to be slipping. :( Joining this site a day or two after my first jump (May of 2000) back when the site was a smaller site without all the cool features that we have now, I found a community of jumpers. Skydivers who weren't judgmental, who didn't go out of their way to offend people, people who didn't let the little jokes that people share bite too hard and people who knew when to joke and when not too.
During the past nearly two years, persons who weren't necessarily good netizens came and went; however, the point is they went and they were few and far between. Some realized their faults and started to act responsibly and with maturity.
We have all, especially myself ;), have been guilty of digressing into a flame war in the open, even though the comments made should have been made in private between the two parties. Am I trying to suggest that the forum conform to the ultra-PC mentality? Hell NO! That is half the fun, however, I am asking that if you are going to post, use a bit of maturity, a bit of common courteously and when appropriate, a bit of tact when posting.
Lets work together to keep our beloved community intact and save it from falling into the flame-war trap that wreck-dot did.
:)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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I'm fairly new to the site been lurking around since july and been posting for about two months now. This is my 47th post so I'm still a newbie. I have too noticed the post wars between select users some of which have been conducted on some of my threads. I congratulate you on speaking your mind. Your not the first to do this and I'm sure you won't be the last. It's not how you say it, It's how others perceive it. I love DZ.com, but something does need to be done about the unwanted hazing.
Beware of the toes you step on today, for they may belong to the ASS you kiss tomorrow.B|

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Hey Dave.....I understand what you mean. I didn't know if you meant now or in general, and now I see you mean, the latter. I have been here since April of this year and have noticed it more and more lately. I just think that the more and more people come here, there is just that much more opportunity and chance that two people's personalities are going to rub the wrong way and cause it.
On a public forum, it is just too hard to avoid it completely. All we can do is just try to keep our composure and solve problems like adults, not like kids as some people do on occasion.
JumpinDuo.com is now better than ever!

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I can see where your coming from and I do agree to a point. I dont think anyone here should be slammed on for there race, creed, color, or sex, but once you post here enough it does become like a little family, and as you know families will bicker!! Yes the insults have gotten a little caried away but HH and Skybytch have done a good job at keeping them in check, and like all posts this one will also soon be lost in the endless voids of past posts. So I say just be true to yourself , true to your neighbor...and happy paintings........:S(wtf)

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I have only been posting here for a few weeks, . . . & . . . from what I can tell, there are some really great people on here. :)
I have posted on another (non skydiving) forum for the last 2 years. Lets just say, you do get EM! . . .
Some people seem to get pleasure in putting others down. I guess it's their own inferiority complex?
But hey, it's the great charachters that keep us sane and make us want to stick around.
A few things to do to avoid nastyness. . . . . . .
* Check your posts before submitting them (its easy to word something badly).
* Utalize the PM facility.
* Ignore the w@nkers, to$$ers, moaners etc.
* Treat others as you would like to be treated (manners cost nothing).
I love this site, it's great. Not only is it funny, it's very informative.
Have a good one.
Jo :)
PS: Does this site have a foul language filter?

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since you posted this, it's gotten 111 views, and 10 posts, 11 including mine. i noticed what you speak of long before the forum. i started sky diving last october, i didn't even know about dropzone.com until the spring of this year. it has been my observation that the sport resembles very much a "country club" atmosphere. ie: who are you, what type of job do you have, who are your friends, who's got the nicest car, rig, flight suit, best color coodination, who can fly this better, that better, who's got the most jumps, who flies the smallest canopy, who swoops the fastest, who's got the best website, best camera equipment, i could go on and on. loners are not well recieved, and are ignored for the most part. i've witnessed (and have been a part of, here, anyway, never on the d.z.) a lot of vindictive, hostile snobby behaviour/attitudes on the DZ's, and in here. now, i just ignore it, on the DZ, i make every effort to be congenial and friendly, especially to the newbies, loners and the affluent, i don't "look down my nose" at anyone. i wish there were something we could do to change this, i'm not sure what it would be, any ideas anyone? i thought long, and hard before speaking my heart here today, and i'll be pleaseantly surprised if i don't get torched. but it's my effort to not ignore, and address the situation you brought to light. i'm sure, all of us could do a little "self examination" and i don't know of anyone who could say with a clean consience that they don't have room for improvement. it's time to be a little more friendly, a lot less hostile, and become kinder, gentler sky diving souls, let's let the golfer's have the "country club" peace to all through these holiday seasons.
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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I agree with all the post here. I've been flamed for my language in a posting, and a few other things nothin major tough. I really like this site and this stuff won't keep me from comin. I'ts sure fun when there's a good vibe around....... but when there is'nt one we have to remember that we live in a continent where we fight for freedom of speech. It's easy to flame someone tru a screen so i don't worry with it. I remember someone posting " If you don't like it don't look at it" and i would add don't reply to it.
Season's greetin to ALL
PS I wonder if Santa would let us jump from his sleigh?

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Well, here's my two cents, which you guys haven't heard much in awhile because I've had a whirlwind fun of a time moving into my new place, throwing parties for all the local skydivers and being generally happy go lucky!!
Dropzone.com has changed from the way it was a couple of years ago...and yes for you new people, I 've been around that long. I had about 1000-1500 or more posts before the NEW dz.com, which would have put me above Clay Fowler!! hehe It was diff. then but that's OK. I don't feel the compulsive need to read posts anymore, and get "support" from you guys because it seems as if half of it isn't support, its men bitching at each other to see who has bigger balls! But then whatever. A bunch of people on here are still GREAT and WONDERFUL and I would never have met them if it wasn't for dz.com. I have Pammi and Merrick, and Phreezone (Eric) and Blaine (Pyke) and Cyber and Airann (who I feel like I know but haven't met) and a ton of other folks.
I won't give up this website until it just falls to pieces, the dogs shit on it, and I can't talk about my sexual exploits anymore!!
BTW, a foul language filter?? HAHAHAHA FUCK THAT PUSSY ASS SHIT!!!
Hugs and blue skies, YOUR SISSSSSSSS
I feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D.

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I'm sitting here at work waiting for my DNA

that's something you don't hear everyday from a skydiver.........
and i'm with sis on this topic....things change, it's life deal with it......... i'll always bee here, even if i don't post as much as i used to........ this here dz is getting bigger, it's just taking more time to learn all the new "faces"........ blues.......

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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sis, please don't do that............. did i ever tell you i like to tickle????.. you make me wish i would of stayed in texas..... are there more like you there????????.......as always....the sistah, keeping it real.................

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Hey Sis~

and yes for you new people, I 've been around that long. I had about 1000-1500 or more posts before the NEW dz.com, which would have put me above Clay Fowler!!

Right there with ya, honey!! :)I don't dislike the way the forums are now, it's just different. I find myself lurking rather then posting, with an occasional response here or there.
Hey Sis.......remember fyrgrl? Do you still talk to her? I shoot her an email every now and then, but that's about it. I miss our so called 'group sex' talks. ;) hehehehehehehe [:S Anyway....good to hear from ya on the board!!!
Standing behind him even when he's wrong~JumpingKayAus

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You better come to the dz while you're visiting, Jess! You didn't come see us last time and we were hurt! Lori and I miss you!

Aw, stop. You know SDD would have been my first stop, but I was in town on a Tuesday and Wednesday -- of course, the only days it's closed. :P
But I'll be out there ALLLLL DAY Saturday the 29th? I think? Weather permitting, of course.
Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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No, I don't talk to fyrgurl anymore. She ended our friendship because she said I was not a good friend. Basically, I was supposed to have lunch with her the last time I was in Atlanta, but I was running late and had to pick up Pyke after work. I got to downtown ATL around 6:00 PM instead of lunch time. I hadn't talked to fire that day, in fact I can't remember if it was the day before or a few days. But I thought it was a tenative lunch plan, not set in stone. I was just supposed to give her a call when I got in town. Well, I was preoccupied with traffic and running late to get Pyke so we could drive out to Thomaston to try and jump, and didn't call her to cancel this "official lunch date." So when I got home she Im'd me to tell me to have a nice life!
I admit what I did was probably insensitive but I didn't do it on purpose. I think what we had was a "lack of communication."
It is unfortunate, but I can't change it.
Glad to know you are still alive and well, beautiful one!! I will one day jump with you folks out in Cali!!!
I feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D.

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