
I am going to be getting Drunk for the first time

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On march 16th i will be getting Shitfaced,waisted,hammered,plastered,fuckedup,loaded,intoxicated,Legally drunk(if its legal whats the big fuss?? :D). Sorry i couldn't do it with all you guys but i promised my bro he would be the one to get his little brother destroyed. Wish me luck yall :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Go for the preemptive strike on the hangover: 800 mg of Motrin washed down by as much Gatorade as you can drink. Of course, with no frame of reference, you'll probably not think it's helping. Trust us, though. We know.
Just take it one day at a time, like the drunks do.

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i was thinking the same thing slappie. especialllllly with the topic;)
hey viking- make sure you re hydrate your self throughout the night otherwise you will hate yourself in the morning. a hangover is basicallly (to my best understanding) alcohol poisoning at its weakest level. your body dehydrates and the alcohol sits in you system until you can drink a ton of water and flush it out. also if you drink too much and take aspirin there is a slight chance you will find your self in a nice coma(slim chance but if youve never drank before i wouldnt suggest taking pills. water should do just find.) drink a drink then drink a water...this does two things. keeps you hydrated and allows the alcohol to hit your system slowly. now im sure this isnt the best "medical " advise, and the first time i ever drank i was encouraged to guzzle as much as i could (im sure that goes for most of us) and we're still alive but i just wanted to letcha know there is a small chance if you mix med etc you mayno thave the chance to do it twice! now, doesnt that sound fun?
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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Since we're giving out medical advice...............take a B multivitamin instead of aspirin. It takes vitamin B and water to get alcohol out of your system. Brewer's yeast is a good source of B vitamin believe it or not. Unfortunately, most mass produced beers filter the yeast out. You can come try some of my unfiltered homebrew if you like! It is a meal! :D But no hangover! :P Also, hefeweizen's still have the yeast in them.

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Another thing that hasn't been mentioned - yeah, hangovers are bad, but so is getting your stomach pumped. MAKE SURE YOU EAT A FULL MEAL before you start boozing. If not, you are much more likely to suck down a bunch of hard liquor, quickly absorb it all into your bloodstream, and end up in the ER. Seen it happen....

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You never forget the first time. Just like sex damb that bathroom floor was cold. Happy drinking I recomend the Jack Danials with a little coke.

That's the truth, That was the last time I had a kamikaze's too. The porcelain god n me were real good buds that nite
goin out on a limb here but.....
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....

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its not my b-day, thats on.......oh wait nevermind i will never tell that to you guys!!! Its for some family friends that are moving to the east coast and he is like a home brewer. So i am gonna help them deplete there stock of spirits before they move. Its gonna be a big party on Base hope the MP's don't show up :P (he is a marine by the way)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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I just want to know how you managed to make it to your age without ever getting drunk...
Geez, I drank more before I turned 21 than I have since!!!
Well, okay that's a lie... but I drank more before I turned 21 than I did in the 5 years after I turned 21... :P
pull and flare,
What would Scooby Doo?

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