
Being pushed away from the sport

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This weekend I was very close to receiving a life time ban. After some "good" people talking to the CCI I received a banning for 2 weeks, permanment banning from landing in the square and a final warning that should I phuq up once more I shall be banned from the UK sport for life.
The reason for this - I phuqked up a 360 hook and ploughed myself into the ground - the reason this happened is a 3 second delay from when I should have hooked to when i did because i was holding out for someone to land who was in my way - that is another thread though - focus on hooking taking away your focus of safety.
I feel now that i am being pushed from a sport i dearly love - imagine each jump i do now is a possible life ban. If i loose altitude awareness (which we all do from time to time) if i perhaps dig out a hook that was done slightly too low, or any other mistake that people do from time to time even with 1000's of jumps they still make them.
How can making jumps under that sort of pressure be fun?........ I am either having to move DZ whilst I learn the finer points of swooping - just incase - or I must bow to the masters and not attempt the sorts of things I wish to be doing - this is a restriction of freedom is it not??
I understand the reasonings behind this (I am not the most cautious of people and perhaps push the safety limits a bit far sometimes and I have been grounded for doing so perhaps 15 or 16 times in 2 years mainly for low pulling - I do not low pull anymore) I am not griping at the decision of the CCI - but there are risks in this sport and if one is wanting perhaps to risk more than another should he be persicuted for doing so?
Just my Monday Morning Moan!!!

"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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because i was holding out for someone to land who was in my way

Part of your problem right there.......

If i loose altitude awareness (which we all do from time to time)

Seems you make a habit of it....In fact...just by reading your posts it seems that you make a habit of many unsafe things....people notice trends and DZO's don't want you dieing on their DZ. It's bad for business.....and God forbid you took someone else with you. If you want to have no rules but your own....Get a BASE rig and have at it.
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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Hey Mike,
Maybe you should ensure that you are very seinsible for the next 6 months (no rad hook turns)!
You have only come off a longish ban 3 weeks ago!. Maybe this way the bad vibes will calm down a bit??
I dunno . tricky one. Good luck and see ya in 2 weeks :)

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Well I have to throw in my .02 here. The DZ I jump at just had a big loss due to unsafe hook turns. He wasn't as lucky as you and wasn't able to shake it off and walk away. If that's what you were able to do. You didn't say.
What I'm getting at is the "rules" and the S & TA / CCI is only looking out for you and the others at the dropzone. I don't think they would be singling you out for your actions. If your unsafe then you should be grounded till you can figure out what safety is. It's not just you in this sport there are others on the dropzone that the DZO and his safety people have to be very concerned about. So stop your whining and play within the "rules" and you shouldn't have anymore problems. If your that far out and want to risk your life do as Clay said give up skydiving {a very orginised sport} and take up B.A.S.E jumping. There you won't have the "rules" and "restrictions" you seem to complain about all the time. It is your life your talking about and if it's not worth anything to you then that's your choice. If your endangering people at a dropzone then it's EVERYONES problem...
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I skydive for myself and myself alone. I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks of me at any DZ. I do it because I love it. I have made mistakes that embarrassed myself as well and didn't allow anyone to take this sport from me. Low pulling, poor altitude awareness.. Maybe not hooking for a while is a good thing.. Maybe they are just trying to keep you alive a little longer.. Don't take it personally my friend.. In skydiving especially everyone has to get in their word. That can be a little overwhelming at times but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Hang in there and everyone, MYSELF included will be proud of you. Don't quit.. Don't ever quit doing something you love because of others.. Take a step back.. Taker a few days off and relax.. Put things into perspective. Try to understand why they are giving you a hard time about things..
Semper Fi !!!!!

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Sounds like youre one jump away from receiving a lifetime ban from the sport because you "ploughed myself into the ground" and KILLED yourself.
Low pulls, hooking it at all costs,,,sounds like the DZ might be a little safer for everybody for the next 2 weeks.
I'm all for pushing the envelope a little, but geez, can the ego or whatever it is making you hook at all costs. If you had to wait for someone else to land and missed your hook window, then dont freakin hook. Land your canopy safely and live to hook on the next jump. Keep up like this and there wont BE a next jump some day.

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Two points
The more skydivers who have accidents the more the sport will be legislated by people who know nothing about skydiving.
So to be blunt, kill yourself if you must but do it on your own time and don't phuck it up for the rest of us.
On a more mature note. There are students watching you and learning from what you do and what is done or not done to you. There is always a bigger picture.:)Freaky to think that you are responsible for the actions and lives of all those wide eyed newbies out there.;)

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Your DZO is nothing but a greedy, money-grubing capitalist. He just wants to keep you alive so he can sell you hundreds of jump tickets next year. The greedy bastard also wants to sell you a faster canopy next year. The he is going to try and sell you a smaller container to fit your new main.
The down side is that he does not want to risk you shutting down his business for half a day with ambulances and police cars and fire trucks parked on the runway.
The DZO also does want a lawsuit raised by the family of a student who follows your bad example.
Those DZOs are sneaky bastards. They figured out a long time ago how to suck your wallet dry. Hook turns interfere with their capitalist plots.
On a personal note. I was threatened with grounding twice when I was a young jumper. The first threat came after a low pull. I became far more altitude aware after that!
The second threat of grounding came after a hook turn under a Strato Star. I paid far more attention to wind socks after that. The end result is that threats of grounding changed my ways and I am still skydiving 22 years later.
Do you want to be skydiving 22 years from now?

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"Banning" (more realistically, grounding) a skydiver is what's called a LART. LART is an accronym for Loser Attitude Readjustment Tool.
LART's are very important. Losers with Attidudes kill themselves in this sport, and sometimes kill innocent people.
I've seen the LART in affect twice. Once was when a loser smoked a joint right before jumping. The second time was the same loser decided that he'd had enough of the crappy DZ ripcord gear and jumped his GF's pull-out without any kind of transition instruction.
Don't give up the sport. But do listen to the people that're chewing you out. Take the attitude readjustment. Turn into a safety feak. Be anal.
I know that the LART is appropriate because you're complaining about being pushed out of the sport. You're not being pushed out of the sport, you got grounded. You also blew off going low - yeah, we've all gone low to some degree. Most of us haven't gone low to the point of being grounded, though. Swallow your pride, take the two weeks, then go back and don't do anything stupid.
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To tag along with what other people have said, you need to think about what the sport means to you, and what you consider requirements for you to enjoy it.
If you need to be a low puller, do reckless hook turns and such to get the thrill you need, maybe skydiving isn't for you. As previously mentioned, maybe you need to take up BASE, where your actions don't adversely effect a dropzone as closely. I'm not saying you shouldn't have your fun or get your thrills, only that there are other factors as well.
As a "mainstream" skydiver, I look to DZOs to keep their dropzones relatively safe. I don't think they need to be total canopy nazis, but it sounds like you've had a pile of warnings. Probably more than I'd give you. When your actions regularly endanger your life or that of those around you more than an already-hazardous hobby in general, they are doing their job in grounding you.
It seems kind of ironic that you think the DZOs are asses for trying to keep you alive.

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a hook turn under a Strato Star.

Never would have thought that possible. I salute you. I know a guy who still jumps one from time to time...and a Cloud, too. But always straight in.
Just take it one day at a time, like the drunks do.

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Maybe I just havn't been jumping long enough that I need to do crazy shit to get the rush, but from what you're saying, I think you're one of the people who I check the manifest to make sure they're not on my load before I get in the plane.
It's not a real sport unless you can die from massive internal trauma

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>I phuqked up a 360 hook and ploughed myself into the ground - the reason this happened is a 3 second delay from when I should have hooked . . .
Then you are incredibly lucky. I've seen someone make a 1/2 second error and break both legs.
>How can making jumps under that sort of pressure be fun?........
It is easier to make jumps under those conditions than to make jumps when you're paralyzed from the waist down. And, of course, it's even harder to jump when you're dead.
Keep in mind that some of us have watched friends of ours die, right in front of us. It is an incredibly painful experience. Sometimes DZO's, S+TA's and the like will make the slightly-selfish decision that it is better to ground you (or put you under restrictions) than have to go through such a thing again.
> . . . but there are risks in this sport and if one is wanting perhaps to risk more than another should he be persicuted for doing so?
Some risks are acceptable, some are not. I don't think anyone would argue that, as a general rule, you should always wear a rig when you jump, even if you want to do that cool fly-up-to-someone-else-and-hang-on trick (which has been done.) I also don't think anyone would argue that someone with 5000 jumps who does a 45 degree turn to land, and does it consistently, is a problem. In between those two extremes, you have to use judgement to decide what's too risky and what isn't. It's possible that your CCI has better judgement than you on this, and has decided the risks you take are not survivable in the long run.
I think the restrictions you discussed are pretty fair. If you don't want to abide by them, you don't have to - someone else mentioned BASE jumping. If you _can't_ abide by them - you can't pull at the right altitude, you can't set up a normal pattern etc - you should not be jumping to begin with. Those are critical survival skills that are not optional for any skydiver, no matter how experienced.
-bill von

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I sure hope skydiving never comes to the point for me that I feel like I need to take more risks every jump in order for it to be entertaining. Hell, I enjoy every jump I make-- I don't care what I get to do during each jump.
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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#1 I cant believe I am reading this right now....... and
#2 I cant believe I ever agreed with Slappie either
LOL, on the greedy DZO......
a funnie on a very serious issue.
Please, re-think this, step out of your shoes and re-think this....
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Owner of recent pictures of Levin in RW suit.. :o

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and take up B.A.S.E jumping. There you won't have the "rules" and "restrictions" you seem to complain about all the time. It is your life your talking about and if it's not worth anything to you then that's your choice.

are you saying that BASE jumpers(which I am one) dont care about our life??? and our life isn't worth anything??

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That person may or may not have been saying that. I recommended BASE for different reasons. What a BASE jumper does reflects less on the wider range of skydivers. Another more important factor is that it does not have any liability for the DZ, since there isn't one. Nobody will tell you what to do or not, since nobody else is "in charge" of the activity.

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Easy Marc...I was just saying it's pretty much an individual sport unless you want to climb really big stuff and turn points. So...you can make your own rules. Still...as a BASE jumper you are expected to follow a certain "Code of Conduct" and will be ostracized from the "Community" if you don't abide by all the unwritten rules. The moral of the story...No man is an island. Whatever you do it will eventually effect someone else and even an entire community. So....he best just get used to jumping in a sensible manner.....:)"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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