
I hate liars!

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Ah! Then "A" it must be. Actually, if you have never even seen The Offender, then that wouldn't make any sense. How can you say you have wrassled someone if in fact you have never met them face to face? My initial two choices must therefore be incorrect, that is, unless The Offender has spun some truly remarkable tale to back his story. Barring that, it might be something completely different, but I doubt it. Either way, lieing about something in as small a circle as active skydivers are is just asking to get busted out.
My webpage HERE

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We still have that really good plan we drew up to take care of AirAnn's aging nemesis that we never used. I say we inflict it on whoever is doing the tongue wagging...

I wanna help!! I'm having a bad day and kicking someone's ass just might help me get in a better mood!!:)"Dude, you're gettin a Dell" ~ Phreezone

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>LOL, Oh sure...that's what they ALL say, Clay!
Not me! I have a tiny one. As Fred Greeson once proclaimed on rec.skydiving, anyone who actually passes the AFF JCC must have a little tiny penis. (He, of course, keeps failing it, and therefore is very well endowed by his estimation.)
And if you ever do see that playboy-channel movie - that shadow is a fanny pack.
-bill von

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Well, obviously my first post was meant to at a bit of levity to the situation. As far as the "as the prop turns" attitude found around many dropzones (especially the student training vendors!): unfortunately, that is a fact of life. Some people are straight-up trophy hunters and their antics are despicable. It's bad for business and especially bad for the overall dropzone "vibe".
I think this sort of thing always go on in all sports/hobbies/activities. I used to teach martial arts, and I was always hearing stories about teachers hitting on new students (female). At one school instructors weren't allowed to date students until they hit red belt (just below black). I think the ancient art of horndogging will always be with us.

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I've had that hillbillie music playing in my head for about 1/3-2/3 of this thread! It's like the simpsons episode where Homer goes on the road selling tonic with his dad, and the hillbillies bust him, and are chasing him in their pick-up; until homer pulls the banjo tape outta the stereo....
"and if her "lawyer" friends don't like it, f*ck'em, let em riot...
....we're Sonic f*ck'n Death Monkey..."

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Actually I didn't want to change the topic of the forum. But the "As the prop turns" thing is so so true. Actually I have been in a bit of a funk lately beacause of silly shit happening at or around the DZ's I frequent. I am just a weekend guy but it's hard not to notice it. JM's hitting on students is another really bad bad thing. I have been a JM for 1.5 years now and students trust you to save thier lives or teach them how to save thier lives. They got enough pressure as it is with jumping they don't need to have all these poeple hitting on them. It's pretty much all the guys on the DZ actually.
So I appologize to SkymonkeyOne because skydivers are inherantly perverted jezebels and whoremongers. Damn you all to hell!!! Well not all of you;) But yeah, most of you...

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You have to control yourselves. Isn't it a scientific fact that men think about sex every five seconds or so. You just cannot go acting on it everytime. If you are a JM it is like being a manager at a business. Would you be successful if you were sleeping with your customers and they all found out and started sending their business elsewhere? I doubt it. I know we as skydivers do not want to hear all of the bs going on at dropzones because we are there to have fun. But it is just as any other business and it will have politics, etc. Just stay out and all you JM's...leave the female students to the experienced skydivers.;)

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I used to teach martial arts, and I was always hearing stories about teachers hitting on new students (female.

And if you believe in anthropology then it might actually be working the other way around -- the female student sees the male instructor as an person in power and males in power are to be mated with.
So, male instructors are always going to have a slightly unfair advantage when dealing with female students when it comes to hooking up.
Not that it's a good business practice to encourage mind you.

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skydivers are inherantly perverted jezebels and whoremongers.
Damn you all to hell!!!

So I guess telling you that I'm inherently perverted and a jezebel isn't gonna get you into my pants?
Damn. I figured for sure that approach would work. So you're saying you're not a typically perverted whoremonger skydiver??? ;)
pull & flare,

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Um...(damn I gotta say something witty)
I go both ways
uh I mean I belly fly and head fly no
I mean I am nice and bad.........
Damn damn damn.............Oh wait! Lisa your a JM and a Rigger. We can still get together. It's totally cool:)SEBAZZ.......

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GEEZ! Andrea, you are online 24/7 so why aren't you now so I kind get the scoop???
Guys, as a personal friend of Andrea's, I vow to kick the ass off the illeged perpetrator. Not pinch the ass, KICK the ass of whoever defamed my girl!
I NEVER tell anyone much of anything personal about me but I've been able to confide in Andrea many things to which she has always kept, in good faith mind you, to herself. Please give her the same respect.
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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I vow to kick the ass off the illeged perpetrator. Not pinch the ass, KICK the ass of whoever defamed my girl!

That still may not be a bad thing coming form you florida girls!!!:)!!! and OK OK.....I'm sorry I was the one....I told my wife i only did 4 jumps instead of 5 ....Geeze andrea make my feel bad now!!! ;) BUT it was a sunset load!!

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>I go both ways . . .
True story:
About two years ago we were in Eloy and someone came over to hit on Molly. (Happens pretty often.) Well, this guy used the old ask-the-friend first trick, and so went up to Mary and asked her if Molly was, you know, available.
"She's with me," snapped Mary, who was getting sick of being the woman who always got asked about Molly.
Undeterred, the same guy came by a little later and asked Molly what she did.
"Oh, I go both ways," she said, thinking he was asking about RW vs freeflying. The guy said something and walked away. "Oh, wait, I'm a dietician, I mean!" she yelled after him, which no doubt just confused him more.
-bill von

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Thanks for all the support you all, both on here and all the pm's I've gotten. It's nice to know I'll have so many friends to visit around the country once I find my Sugar Daddy to pay for all my travels! ;)
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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Andrea -
Hope you get it all worked out. As was suggested before, talk to the offending party and demand answers. Maybe they were being mean, maybe something was misunderstood.
Of course, if they were being mean.... kick 'em where they pee.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your mouth is moving

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