
Beer exempt

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Well, last night half canned from Heinekin, I checked my log books, my pro track, my various bits of paper, notes, diaries etc, and by dead reckoning, and copious use of a calculator, it now appears that I am beer exempt. So...FIRST, FIRST, FIRST.....Yeah, it feels good to be able to say it again!
I got my Thousandth this weekend at San Marcos, it was with Skygeek, nice one Sam.
Thanks San Marcos and the Gravity Rats for a cool freefly fest, and excellent party.
Jessica, it was nice meeting you at long last, sorry it was all too brief, jump 1002 was a mal, and I had to get my shit to the rigger so I can jump wed evening.......
The last beer will be out at Spaceland w/e 14/15/16June.

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Congrats on your thousandth. I am a bit surprised though that someone with your experience would actually believe that there is such thing as "Beer Exemption." You can't be serious. Every time you jump at a new DZ for instance you will owe beer. And that is only one example. So to appease the beer gods and sky gods go fix your beer karma quick;) and go buy beer..............
Sheesh..........some people.........:)Sebazz........

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"beer gods and sky gods go fix your beer karma quick and go buy beer.............."
Okay, lets check this with Scotty Carbone, he made the rules......
BTW I bought beer at the weekend, first at San Marcos, and a case of Heiney for my rigger(--cutaway#4), and have promised loads of beer at Spaceland....It'll be my LAST weekend there for a while.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm not shy of buying beer.... I've been travelling around a lot, visiting many new DZs, what better way to introduce yourself than to say "Hi, i'm Nacmac, have a Heiney" :)Cya

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WOW I feel so honored that I was there to witness your 1000th jump and what a jump it was. Great time all around!! So what happened with the chop? Was it on sat? Hope ya found everything ok. We'll see ya at the big ways dude!! Stay safe.....
..all you touch and all you see,
is all your life will ever be.....
Pink Floyd

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Och, okay then, my bad, but its not the first time I've been wrong, so I'm not buying beer for that one! :)Have a cool time in California Josh, I'll have a beer with you when I see you again. We'll get some even better snaps of your improved swooping when you get back, I still have some ideas to play with.....

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I got my Thousandth this weekend at San Marcos, it was with Skygeek, nice one Sam.
....The last beer will be out at Spaceland w/e 14/15/16June

If I remember correctly, don't we pie you for your 1,000th? June 14,15,16...hmmmmm. Plan to be out at all before then?
GO on GO, and Present

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I've heard this discussed a few times before...(1000 jumps/beer rules exemption). When I had 'bout a hundred jumps or so, some guy (and his wife... from Wisconsin, of all places!) claimed the 1000 jump exemption. I questioned it , and "she" explained the details of the "1000 jump exemption". I was thinking, "Bullshit" when some experienced jumper walked up behind me and explained,
"With 1000+ jumps you'd better know your way to the store by now, and you also know you'd better be quick, 1000 jump exemption, my ass!"
The "last" beer will be out at Spaceland w/e 14/15/16June.
Nacmac, be glad that you can/should claim, "The "next" of many more to come!
I spent a little time checking and found actual rules pertaining to this...
first from the Poynter Parachute Manual, Vol. 2, page 734... "all jumpers acheiving a milestone/first accomplishment before, during and/or after a skydiving event, shall be required to purchase a case (24 individual) beers to celebrate the occasion. Participation in the consumption is not required by the purchaser."
Referring to the USPA S.I.M., Section 4, "Currency, Retraining and beer purchase Requirements.... Any U.S.P.A. member, in good standing, is reccommended upon completion of an initial event, situation or otherwise, to purchase, for dropzone comsumption, one carton (24 or more) malt, barley, hop combination beverage for communal consumption."
After searching Diverdriver's site we found the FAA reg's on the subject.... FAA part 105, section 22.69.b1, ...."The Administrator has determined that any or all occurences which may be deemed "an initial episode" shall be considered as a "primary event" which shall warrant, (in the opinion of the administrator), justification for consuption of and purchase of, no less than 24 containers of, no less than 12 ounces each, of any substance containing alcoholic content. The Administrator has further determined that, the purchase and consumption of, (the afore mentioned substance) shall be completed no later than seven calander days after the event. Failure to comply constitutes implicit neglect and wanton disregard for the safety of all parties concerned."
Now, I wouldn't want to break any rules...
Congrats on #1000! Many more to come....
(now quit wining and but your beer!)

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WTF is wrong with you people.... 1000 jump isnt a beerable jump... it must be champagne!

Couldn't agree with you more Remster! The 1000th jump was quite a party & my 'first Mal' was @ Jump #1111. Both were definitely Champagne ocassions!
"This is the 4th time I've been late for work this week!!...and it's only Tuesday!" ...Cheech and Chong

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first from the Poynter Parachute Manual, Vol. 2, page 734...
Hmmm... My Vol II only goes to 414... :( Must be the European edition...

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