
Important NC beer questions

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Though I'm hoping to get my own little homebrewing thing going soon, until then, I'm looking to find out what I can expect as far as beer laws in NC. Please tell me Johnston County isn't a 'dry county' first off :) Okay, in OK, I found out the hard way a couple years ago that they don't sell COLD beer in a liquor store, nor do they sell anything but 'near-beer' in the convenience store (but it IS cold). (I loved TX where they don't even have near-bear!)
So what's the rules? And what about Sundays? This is important stuff to know when moving to a new state ;)

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To my understanding nothing of 6% by volume. We don't have any retarded sizing rules though. All the local breweries when they make bocks they are under 6%. No beer before noon on Sunday either. If you make any good beer you will have to share after a long day of jumping :)

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back in the day, you could not buy beer in Johnston county (1987). When I was cruising Benson many years ago, we had to drive to Lillington to get beer. Not sure about now. As far as state law goes, you can buy beer on Sunday, but not until after 12:00 noon. No place sells beer after 1:00 am on saturday night.
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Heres the scoop....
Johnston County not dry, not sure about liquor by the drink or not I will check this weekend
ABC stores (local liquor stores) have liquor only, some mixers, but mostly the hard stuff (and liquers)
Convenience stores LOTSA COLD BEER
Grocery stores warm and cold beer
Some even have big selection of microbrews
Oh the biggie.....NO OPEN CONTAINERS in your vehicle, none, nada, zip, no one, not even passengers. If you got em, trunk is only legal place.
Hope this helps some!
I'm not stubborn, I'm high-spirited!

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OK, OK . . . for clarification, it was a Jeopardy joke (as in Alex Trebec) pointed at SkyMonkeyOne, who I have known for a hundred years. If he was offended, he can thrash me when he sees me this weekend. If the rest of y'all were offended, I humbly bow in apology.

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one thing i loved about germany was you could drink whatever you wanted as long as you wern't driving... wierd as hell first time my friend cracks open a beer in the car and i was like "what the hell are you doing" those crazy germans..........
when ya moving pammi? or have ya already??

it only took a little pixie dust to change this mispelling

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Ah, I knew jumpers would know beer :) Thanks guys! One thing that WAS cool about OK was the whole "penny beer" nights at local bars! I *did* see they have a big "World of Beer" party thing in Sept. in Durham. Sounds a little like Octoberfest..but more fun ;)
We're driving out tomorrow wingy! So just checking online stuff before we disconnect and pack it up. A whole weekend of driving with three dogs, two cats, a hamster, a fish and a frog..fun fun :)

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Woohoo! I can't wait...I'm so excited! And since Merrick doesn't like beer, I get his share! :)
Shit Clay! I'm glad you said something! I completely forgot about the kids..wonder where the hell I left them?? Probably out locked in the shed makin' those necklaces ;)
Nah, they flew out Wednesday to visit their father in Pittsburgh, PA for a month, so we're kidless for a bit :) I miss them a LOT but it will make the move easier and job searching, plus get to have some fun for a bit.
Welp, last post .. gotta take down the puter. Thanks guys!

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