
Goodbye folks.

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It seems the powers that be have decided that I am a post whore. Looking at the numbers, I guess there is a double standard. But this website does not belong to me and I am moving on. To all my friends I have met here, I would love to hear from you via email, [email protected].
I will be a skydiver one day, as soon as my shoulder heals. I hope to see some of you at the DZ's.
Folks, please be safe out there. There has been too much tragedy lately. Thanks for the many laughs.
Clay, stay as funny as you are. That's a rare gift.
Andrea, you are a classy lady. Maintain your standards. I am sure you are a great mom. I hope to meet you in Deland one day.
Hooked, You were my first buddy. Don't give up on your dream of skydiving. Remember, you are never too old. You have my email. I hope to hear from you.
jtval, you're a really cool person. Stay that way. Hope you get back to the states real soon.
AggieDave, you are the coolest geek I have ever cyber met. Blue skies buddy.
Sebazz, You're awesome. Thanks for all your kind words.
I know I forgot some people, but I wish you all well.
I would not be surprised if this thread is removed, so I have pm'd this to many of my friends I have met. I hope they go through.
Blue skies everyone,

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I finally discovered the "Forum" section of dz.com a few weeks ago, and I can't go 3 days without posting!! The people on this site rock. I love to talk to 'em, even if I'm not jumping that weekend!
Don't go away, if you can't jump you might as well talk to jumpers! That was one of the few things that kept me sane when I had to give up jumping...

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I understand how you must feel with some of your posts being deleted.(and some pretty raunchy ones being left here.)
although I have no idea what was in your posts or why they were deleted. I think you should know that you werent the only one to have deleted posts. this was not a personal attack. you are part of this family and It would be a shame to see you go!
i hope you change your mind but if you dont I have your email address!(and you have mine)
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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With all due respect.... I locked a thread of yours because it had no other purpose whatsoever than being a "Lame attempt at post whoring......." That was actually the subject of your thread. I think you're being a bit of a drama-queen. Hang around a DZ more often, it'll thicken your skin. ;)
The "powers that be" didn't decide you're a post whore. You pride yourself in being one. You start threads like the one above using that term, you brag all over the place about how much fun it is. Do a search and check your threads.
By all means go ahead and post whatever you want, but don't be surprised and act like a victim when you get your hand slapped. We're all adults here and we understand that actions have consequences. I'll say it again if you didn't hear me before.... Post whore from time to time if you want, but don't aim to make it your legacy on these forums. I won't look kindly on that, and quite frankly neither does the majority of this community.
Nobody wants to see you go...
Safe swoops

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Nobody wants to see you go...

You heard it from Sangiro himself, Chris. Stick around. Besides, you haven't been able to go through AFF yet. We want to know when you've finally made it!
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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We're all adults here
Wow.....never thought I would hear that!!!!

Yeah, I went through several drafts before I gathered the courage to add that line... ;)
Safe swoops

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Damnit Sangiro I really was trying NOT to grow up! *mumbles something about damn kids ruining the fantacy*
And Chris~ a man's gotta go what a man's gotta do.......so all I can say is take care of you.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather by the moments that take our breath away.

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Dear Sangiro and anyone else who is interested,
I guess being a New Yorker, my pride doesn't allow comments being made without following up on them. There are 2 sides to everything. Sangiro, you are the Head Honcho and this is your site and I respect that. Some weeks back I took some heat for a post I innocently made. When it was shown to me how offensive it was, I humbly apologized to every party that expressed offense. I received the coolest messages from every one of those people except one. All expressed that "now you know, let's move on". I was really impressed with that. This also showed me the character of the one who never responded.
I came to this site in January, very new to this sport and these kind of forums. Like many other's here I am a very outspoken person. This can be a good trait, but it also leaves you open to make mistakes. I learned from each of those mistakes.
I really enjoy your website and I thank you for creating it. I have met some really cool people here and it has also contributed to my desire to skydive.

With all due respect.... I locked a thread of yours because it had no other purpose whatsoever than being a "Lame attempt at post whoring......." That was actually the subject of your thread.

And this was different from many others how?

I think you're being a bit of a drama-queen.

That's your opinion. I do have to question the opinion of someone who doesn't find a picture of a guy screwing a sheep offensive, but finds what I have said offensive.

Hang around a DZ more often, it'll thicken your skin.

And you know how many DZ's I have hung around...how? Newsflash, DZ's are not the only place that will thicken your skin. I think life has a funny way of doing that on it's own.

The "powers that be" didn't decide you're a post whore. You pride yourself in being one. You start threads like the one above using that term, you brag all over the place about how much fun it is. Do a search and check your threads.

Like I said, I joined in January. I learned from the best. I also told you in my pm that when it was pointed out to me that I was post whoring, I pulled way back and tried to be much more conscious of it.

We're all adults here

You sure about that?

Post whore from time to time if you want, but don't aim to make it your legacy on these forums.

You don't have to worry, I have much bigger aspirations.

Nobody wants to see you go...

That's kind of you, but I think there are a few.

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>Newsflash, DZ's are not the only place that will thicken your skin.
No... but DZ's represent the things that go on here really well.... Lets see this weekend I had the privilage of hearing about how strippers just shove the string for their tampon up so they can keep working, got to see a girl bounce from guy to guy all night till one started groping her in the party, more talk of whoreing your self out for gear, how much a stripper gets paid to do certian things. This was a tame weekend too. Most times its way worse then that...
Drop the tube...DROP the tube...

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please, don't try to take on HH!!
I wont say it hasnt been done before but I do think this may have been overreacted!
obviously I think youre a cool dude! but sangiro is busy and DOES retain ALL RIGHTS to post all pm's to his sight.
I mean maybe you and he have a disagreement but chances are it will be brought to our attention.(which in all honesty, is a cool thing about HH)
he's isnt trying to be like Big Bro and it shows by him posting the Pm's here. weird in a way,that I should say that, I KNOW!
but HH IS a reasonable guy. dont blow this out of proportion.
if you post(or even PM) HH about this he WILL address it.
a NON-accusational but powerfull PM to him probably wont be posted unless it shows you are being cool too!( it has happened b4)

Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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I guess I could get into a pissing contest here with you but I know that's just going to make you feel even more unhappy. You're picking a fight that's really hard to win. You're not the first and won't be the last to disagree with how I run this site and I'm OK with that. There's no way I can hit the spot for 9000+ people. I'm a pathetic politician!
It's not that your posts were offensive (by all means tell us about your farm animal fantasies), it's that your posts often has no substance nor purpose other than to hear your own voice and drive up your post numbers. So all I will do is say again; nobody wants to see you leave, but don't make yourself miserable, move on if you feel that's what you need to do.
Safe swoops

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[thread bastardizing mode]

How much does a stripper get paid to do certain things? (what things?)

You sure you wanna know? You'd be surprised what people out there ask for. There's some strange people in the world.
[/thread bastardizing mode]
Warning: sunshine is a kleptomaniac

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