
What can I say, sometimes, I'm an IDEALIST.

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Okay...I've spent a little time reading some of the posts and didn't respond b/c I didn't want to be involved in the drama. I would just like to say, here, one thing to make me feel better:

No matter what size, age, skin color, sex, ugly/pretty/handsome, nice/mean, tall/short or WHATEVER, everyone faces judgement from others and everyone faces roadblocks. If you're ugly and you think handsome men have it easier, you're wrong. If you're tall and you think short people have it easier, you're wrong. If you're black and you think white people have it easier, you're wrong. Everybody gets judged. Can we please try not to judge each other on this forum?

Everybody judges, some more than others. I am guilty of it too, but conciously, I always try not to.

CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG, or am I really being WAY too much of an idealist here?

I should mention that this post came as a result of one thread in particular, not one that I responded in, but pretty much everyone in that thread caused me to write this.

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Nope....it has nothing to do w/ any of the major threads...just one in particular that pretty much EVERYONE who responded was being very judgemental.

Ironically, it's as if I'm judging them for being judemental:P. Ha ha ha....but seriously, don't we all get enought of that shit outside of the DZ. Who wants it from fellow skydivers? I mean, the rest of the world doesn't understand us anyways so LOVE YOUR SKYDIVING BROTHA'S AND SISTA'S will you?

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ok my bad i am sorry....>on knees being very dramatic< please forgive me..
their has been so much hostility on the threads lately. i agree we all do need to get along. :)now lets all raise our beer and have a toast to forgivness and good friends..:)
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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lets all be nice

Bah, lets all beat each other senseless and then go for beer. It always tastes better after a good fight:ph34r:

I'll start
Hey Rhino, you have got a big butt and you have weird shit growing out of your nose.
To make things worse that white dove on your shoulder makes you look like a pansy.:P:P:P

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ok , but it would sure be nice If iI had a GOOD beer to raise. (that franzikaner at Osan last sunday spoiled me!)

nah nah, i just had another..

and ran into a redheaded (female) major i knew as a lt...

i love being a godless contractor sometimes...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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This really is a great thread. Carrie, you make alot of very good points. Too bad there are so few responses so far....hmmm.

I say, you're either for peace or against it.

So are you folks for it, or against it?

BTW, putting a little "wink" after an insult does not necessarily nullify the insult.


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>Can we please try not to judge each other on this forum?

I think one thing that's important to be able to do is see yourself through other's eyes. We're generally not as smart/clever/important/skilled/indestructible as we think we are, and if you can put yourself in someone else's perspective, sometimes it's easier to see that.

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If you're ugly and you think handsome men have it easier, you're wrong.


Um...I agreed with everything but this. :)

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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>If you're ugly and you think handsome men have it easier, you're
> wrong.

Goes for women too. I think it's very hard to be a good looking woman and develop a good self image, mainly because when you're superficially good by society's standards you don't have to question your basic assumptions about yourself and other people.

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Oh geez...here is goes: women are intimidated by good looking women. If a woman, good looking or not, is in a high corporate position and sees a good looking woman trying to make her way up the ranks, the woman in the higher posistion, being intimidated by the better looking women, might try to keep the other woman down. Same goes for men.

Also, men and women are intimidated by good looking men and women. For girls especially, assumptions are ALWAYS made about a good looking woman, and thus, less friendships are formed b/c the other women can almost never get past that initial, "huh, who does she think she is?" Same goes for men, sometimes.

Also, when you do see a woman in front of the cameras or making her way up the corporate ladder, some people immediately respond, "who is she sleeping w/?" just b/c she's good looking. Actually, I double majored and one of my majors is sociology. In my class, I was even taught that, although men can be a roadblock to women's success in business, women can be even more of a roadblock to other women's success b/c of intimidation and JUDGEMENTS.

So, my comment was VERY accurate. Ugly people, pretty/handsome people, have it equally rough and each face roadblocks.

From experience: I can pretty much eat what I want. First reason being, I'm young (I realize, when I'm not so young, I will have to watch what I eat), second reason, my mom is VERY petite (I'm actually bigger than her by 2 inches and 20 pounds) and third, I have low blood sugar. Sometimes, women who struggle w/ their weight look at me and think I have it easy and snub the fact that I'm eating every couple hours. However, from my point of view, I think, in some ways, they have the advantage b/c they don't faint two hours after they eat b/c their metabolism has already burned it of, they might not get heat exhaustion b/c of lack of electrolytes, and they probably don't get dizzy and have to make a run for a glass of orange juice. It doesn't happen often, thankfully and my mom has it much worse. Anyone who sees me at the DZ knows I go through about 8 quart-size gatorades a day while I'm jumping to keep up my electrolytes.

So like I said, no matter what side you're on, the other side isn't greener. It's just as green. It just looks greener from your pasture b/c of a glare from the sun. You'll find once you walk over there, it's the same color you are. (I hope you were able to follow that really bad analygy:P.)

Ha ha ha ha.

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mainly because when you're superficially good

This just KILLS ME! I was given a gift certificate to a REALLY RITZY salon in my area b/c I had told someone I'd never had a manicure or pedicure in my life (I didn't mean I wanted one, but I guess the person took it that way.)

So I saved it for when BZ was out of town to pamper myself. I went yesterday and BOY DID I FEEL OUT OF PLACE. The women there were BEAUTIFUL but all had thousands of dollars worth of work done. Did I assume this? Nope. I heard them talking to their stylists, manicurists, whatever, all about nose jobs, hair colors, lypo, YOU NAME IT.

I don't see anything really wrong w/ getting plastic surgery. I've seen a couple regular girls at my DZ who've had breast jobs. However, although I don't see anything wrong, I'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT. The closest I come to understanding is people who just want to have fun with themselves and what God gave them; like dying your hair a different color every week or playing w/ different eye shadows. Sometimes I wonder what my hair would look like jet black...ha ha ha ha, I just wouldn't want to deal w/ the roots when it started growing out blonde again.

Sure, sometimes I wish my eyebrows weren't blonde, but OH WELL, I'm german, that's what I was born w/. But that's just my point of view. I haven't had any work done and although I never say never, I PROBABLY never will. I have a hard enough time, as it is, pushing my surf board under the wave. I can't imagine trying to do it w/ a couple D cups. Ha ha ha. My Bs are FINE BY ME! Ha ha ha.

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