
Don't have or want a Yuppie#?

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Yep, I wanna be a trailor trash kid...
I'd love to have a trailor - scuse me, manufactured home:P
This here apartment in the city's too durn expensive.
Sign me up fer TTK#6 so's I dont have ta use more'n one hand to count up mah number, and you all can call me Cletus...
thank y'all... thank y'all verra much...

gotta exercise my demons!

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Gotta play by the rules PEEPS...

you have to POST
I wanna be a Trailer Trash Kid

then pick your TTK name and #...

I wanna be a Trailer Trash Kid

Skeeter Bob (but they calls me Cooter) Fine

TTK# 5150
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Sorry Missums.... TTK#7 has been taken by my Cuz Lisa Bobby Sue, and my udder Cuz Buford (He carries a BIG stick mind you)...

Hows about TTK#8 . 18 fer the number of times I had ta repeat da 3rd grade.

I also nomernate Muenkel as an onery member of da TTK Fan club...
Meunkel, stand up and say HI to de famerly
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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The latest ploy to drive the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of the mountains
of Afghanistan is to send in a team of South Carolina Special Forces.
Billy Bob, Bubba, Jimmy Joe, Cephus, Skeeter and Cooter are being sent
in with the following information about the Taliban:
1. There is no limit
2. The season opened last weekend
3. They taste like chicken
4. They don't like beer, pickup trucks, country music or Jesus
5. Some may be queer
6. They don't like BBQ
7. They are responsible for Dale Earnhardt's death
Yep, should be over in about a week!!!


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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Oh, no sir EE bob, I was jes der commentin on der fact dat all of em TTK's wer named Bob. Den agin, we is all relayted n all....
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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(that's a 69 with two fingers in the ass--)

I DO drive a Ford pickup - it's even a 4x4 and rust never sleeps - Down live in a trailer right now (used to) but I have a garage with a mess of tools in it an a fridge full of beer- AND I pull wrenches for a living and come home with grease under my fingernails - And to add insult to it all I live among a bunch of yuppie scum- And I love pissing 'em off by running through thier neghborhood at five AM on my Harley trying to break the sound barrier -
It's great being an American!!!

Easy Does It

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