
Skydiving Letters

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This months Skydiving has a few letters from people whinning about Skydiving calling people 'idiots' for their phuckups.

I think we ought to say stuff like:
'he defintly fit the Darwin award when he stepped out in front of a moving helicopter'

'he was on drugs - what did you expect?'

'he was trying to impress his gf with an extra super low swoop.'

Idiots that plow into the ground & kill or hurt thierself ought to get out - one way or another.

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Hmmmmmmm... let's see, Rhino...
This month's "Skydiving" has a few letters from people whinning(whining) about Skydiving lowercase "s" - as in football, soccer, pinball... calling people 'idiots' for their phuckups. fuck ups.
As a topic sentence, this one is fine. However, the structure of the paragraph should NOT be a single sentence, but rather a continuance of the thought, carried through in at least two additional sentences, rather than fragmentary ideas.

I think we ought to say stuff like:
" 'he defintly (definitely) fit the Darwin award when he stepped out in front of a moving helicopter'".
The use of punctuation (periods, quotation marks, etc.) is very important when writing effectively.

"'he was on drugs - what did you expect?'"
Please endeavor to use quotation marks appropriately when quoting someone, be it thought or expressed words. I know they can be confusing, but it's not really that difficult if you'd just apply yourself.

'he was trying to impress his gf (girlfriend) with an extra super low swoop.'
Try to not use abbreviations when trying to put forth an idea. I do realize that girlfriend has 10 letters, but it's worth the extra eight touches to effectively communicate your thought. "gf" could be misinterpreted as "gif", for example, and why would someone want to impress his "gif" for any conceivable reason? Again, please try to use appropriate quotation marks.

Idiots that plow into the ground & and kill or hurt thierself (themselves) ought to get out - one way or another.
Well, here we have the first word indicating pluralization (more than one idiot would be idiots, you see), whereas the word "thierself" not only is spelled incorrectly, but it changes the pluralization to a combination of one ("self") and many ("their"), which cannot be accurate unless one suffers from some sort of MPD. Additionally, the use of an ampersand instead of the word "and" demonstrates laziness and lack of clear communication skills. And lastly, the phrase "ought to get out" is fragmentary - get out of what, exactly? The door? The car? The rat race? This use of a fragmentary comment leaves the reader wondering what you specifically mean, and tends to destroy any effectiveness of your writing.

No, Rhino, I don't think that "Hooked on Phonics" would work as well with this person. It would seem to me that going back to grammar school may be the answer.

Ciels and Pinks-

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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This months Skydiving has a few letters from people whinning about Skydiving calling people 'idiots' for their phuckups.

I haven't yet seen the latest issue of Skydiving, but this got me thinking. Why do people get so upset when we call another skydiver a dumbass or an idiot for making, well, a dumbass, or idiot move? Someone was trying to impress his girlfriend with an extra low swoop - if this is who I think it is then this guy was certainly a dumbass and an idiot. Stoned and then plant yourself into the pond, yeah, another dumbass or idiot move. Walking into the chopper blade? I don't know exactly how that happened, but all accounts point again to a person losing his life because he was being a dumbass. There, I said it.

Why does it bother people so much to call a spade a spade?

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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your point is very well taken....but what about the accidents that are....well just that!!!!! Its always seems real easy for some people to hammer on people that have been hurt or in some cases.....even dead!!! Please, I am not pointing any fingers here....in just my opinion!
I just find it odd :S
Arrogance maybe??? Dont know!!

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I think we ought to say stuff like:
'he defintly fit the Darwin award when he stepped out in front of a moving helicopter'
'he was on drugs - what did you expect?'
'he was trying to impress his gf with an extra super low swoop.'
Idiots that plow into the ground & kill or hurt thierself ought to get out - one way or another.

We don't need to say those things. You are refering to incidents where people died. Persons who had friends and family who loved and cared for them.
We all would rather see that these accidents didn't occour. Rather than making cheap fun comments, show your consern for your fellow skydivers. Be a little more sensitive. We are all human, we all make mistakes and those left behind is left hurting...

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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You said:
We don't need to say those things. You are refering to incidents where people died. Persons who had friends and family who loved and cared for them.
We all would rather see that these accidents didn't occour. Rather than making cheap fun comments, show your consern for your fellow skydivers. Be a little more sensitive. We are all human, we all make mistakes and those left behind is left hurting...

I say:
When a drunk driver smashes into inocent people on the sidewalk at 8 AM, I do not care about the drunk's family & friends.
Just because someone has friends & family is not the determining criterion for posting the truth. Next, you'll say "if the jumper has no living family or friends, you can have at him."
If a jumper screws ups, we should say so. This polically correct crap about only making posts that do not upset the family is BS.
The guy that stepped in front of the helicopter was an idiot!

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If you do something stupid and get hurt... you better damn well expect to be called stupid or worse. I fully expected and recieved a lot of ribbing about busting my ankle up, we were giving an AFF-I a lot of shit in the ER after he busted him self up on landing Saturday. Land down wind in 15 mph winds I'll call you an idiot, land in a tree... you'll never live it down. I'm not going to say how well you handled the emergency of being in the tree, I'm going to say how stupid you were for landing there in the first place.

People call beer line fouls for doing stupid things, I'll damn well call you stupid or a 100 other terms if you do something that the general skydiving population considers stupid.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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If you do something stupid and get hurt... you better damn well expect to be called stupid or worse. I fully expected and recieved a lot of ribbing about busting my ankle up, we were giving an AFF-I a lot of shit in the ER after he busted him self up on landing Saturday. Land down wind in 15 mph winds I'll call you an idiot, land in a tree... you'll never live it down. I'm not going to say how well you handled the emergency of being in the tree, I'm going to say how stupid you were for landing there in the first place.

People call beer line fouls for doing stupid things, I'll damn well call you stupid or a 100 other terms if you do something that the general skydiving population considers stupid.

I agree with this. People may think that this ribbing and railing is counterproductive, but it isn't. It's not okay to do this to a student because they have a legitimate excuse for making these mistakes, but for someone who is experienced (or claims they are experienced), you deserve this treatment; myself included.

There are all sorts of stupid things you shouldn't be doing before and during skydiving. We don't need to list them out or go into a particular incident.

You have to really be clutching for straws if you expect sympathy if you intentionally decide to make these sort of decisions in this sport.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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I've thought a lot about your question, and you have a very valid point.

It makes me sad and angry when someone dies doing something stupid and that death was completely preventable. Sadly, I have been to more than one wake where "the big unsaid" was hanging pretty heavily in the air. So why don't we come right out and say it publicly? "What a dumbass!" "How stupid!" "This should NOT have happened!" In many ways it seems a lot more honest and productive than saying things like, "Oh, at least he died doing something he loved." or "Blue skies forever, dude!"

I can think of only one reason, and that is if we chalk up these stupid fatalities to "dumbass" mistakes, and the people who made them as "dumbasses" then we might just make the mistake of thinking that we are better than these people and somehow immune from making the same "dumbass" mistakes or having a lapse in good judgement.

just my thoughts......


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I can think of only one reason, and that is if we chalk up these stupid fatalities to "dumbass" mistakes, and the people who made them as "dumbasses" then we might just make the mistake of thinking that we are better than these people and somehow immune from making the same "dumbass" mistakes or having a lapse in good judgement.

It isn't necessarily the case that people that die are dumbasses.. All it takes in this sport is one single mistake to check out.


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This month's "Skydiving" has a few letters from people whinning(whining) about Skydiving lowercase "s" - as in football, soccer, pinball... calling people 'idiots' for their phuckups. fuck ups.
As a topic sentence, this one is fine. However, the structure of the paragraph should NOT be a single sentence, but rather a continuance of the thought, carried through in at least two additional sentences, rather than fragmentary ideas.
hey anal one Skydiving is a publication, not to be confused with the sport of skydiving. i don't give a phuck about spelling.

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